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2 September 2024

Tourist Movements at Borders (FRONTUR)

July 2024. Provisional data

Main results

  • Spain received 10.9 million international tourists in July, 7.3% more than in the same month in 2023.
  • In the first seven months of 2024, the number of tourists visiting Spain peaked, reaching 53.4 million.

More information

In July, Spain received 10.9 million international tourists, 7.3% more than in the same month in 2023.

In the first seven months of 2024, the number of tourists visiting Spain increased by 12.0% and approached 53.4 million.

International tourists arrivals by months

Annual variation. Percentage

The United Kingdom was the main country of residence, with more than 2.0 million tourists and an increase of 2.6% compared with July 2023. There were 1.6 million arrivals from France (3.4% more) and 1.2 million from Germany (6.6% more).

International tourists arrivals (*) by country of residence. July 2024

(*) Does not include transit travellers or same-day visitors (excursionists).
(**) Includes the estimate for Russia.

The main countries of origin during the first seven months were the United Kingdom (with over 10.5 million tourists and an increase of 8.6%), France (almost 7.1 million and an increase of 10.6%) and Germany (with more than 6.8 million, 10.1% more).

Main type of accommodation and other characteristics of the trips

The number of tourists who chose market accommodation as their main type of accommodation increased by 6.0% in annual terms. Within this type, hotel accommodation increased by 4.0% and rented accommodation by 19.5%, while non-market accommodation increased by 14.6%.

International tourist arrivals by type of accommodation. July 2024

Four to seven nights was the main duration of stay among tourists, with almost 5.2 million and an annual increase of 7.5%. The number of visitors increased by 10.6% among non-overnight visitors (excursionists) and by 8.3% among tourists with a longer duration (more than 15 nights).

More than 8.0 million tourists travelled without a tourist package in July, an increase of 5.5%. Over 2.8 million travellers arrived with package tours, an increase of 12.7%.

Autonomous communities of main destination

Illes Balears was the top destination for tourists in July, with 23.4% of the total. It was followed by Cataluña (22.1%) and Comunitat Valenciana (13.6%).

Illes Balears received 4.3% more tourists than in July 2023. The number of tourists who visited Cataluña increased by 3.7% and those who visited Comunitat Valenciana rose by 10.8%.

International tourist arrivals by main Autonomous Community of destination. Monthly and cumulative data. July 2024

In the accumulated first seven months of 2024 the Autonomous Communities that received the most tourists were Cataluña (11.5 million and an increase of 10.5% as compared with the same period in 2023), Illes Balears (8.7 million and an increase of 7.0%) and Canarias (8.7 million, 10.3% more).

Data revisions and updates

The data published today are provisional and will be revised in March next year. All results of this operation are available on INEbase

Methodological note

The data published today are provisional and will be revised in March next year. All results of this operation are available on INEbase

The main objective of the Tourist Movement on Borders Survey (FRONTUR) is to estimate the number of non-residents visiting Spain on a monthly basis, as well as to know the main characteristics of the trips made by these visitors. The international definitions and recommendations of the UNWTO and EUROSTAT in this field are followed when preparing the FRONTUR.

Type of operation:
continuous monthly statistics.
Population scope:
this refers to non-residents in Spain who enter our country, whether or not they have stayed overnight, as well as those who pass through our country in transit.
Geographical scope:
the entire national territory. The sample is collected at the main access points for non-resident travellers, by road, airport, port and rail.
Reference period of the results:
the month.
Sample size:
the annual theoretical sample size of FRONTUR exceeds 450,000 surveys, which are distributed throughout the year, taking into account the seasonality of passenger flows.
Sampling type:
strata have been defined for each form of entry that group together border points, airports, ports and railway lines. In determining the road and airport sample, the day of the week in which the survey has been carried out is also identified, differentiating between working days, weekends and holidays. In airports, 21 air relations are defined (Spanish airport of origin-country of destination airport).
Collection method:
information is collected by direct interview when the traveller leaves Spain, using a multilingual electronic questionnaire.

For more information, you can access the methodology and the standardised methodological report.

INE statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Good Practice for European Statistics. More information on Quality at INE and the Code of Best Practices.

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