Metadata Sub-indicator Total per capita expenditure on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural heritage, funde by the local governments


Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable


Target 11.4. Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world's cultural and natural heritage


Indicator 11.4.1. Total expenditure (public and private) per capita spent on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural and natural heritage, by type of heritage (cultural, natural, mixed and World Heritage Centre designation), level of government


Sub-indicator Total per capita expenditure on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural heritage, funde by the local governments

Type of indicator (global, European, national)
  • Global

The Statistics on Public Finance and Spending in Culture (official annual statistics) provides information on annual public expenditure paid in culture, in the recognized obligations phase, carried out by the local government, as well as its breakdown by economic nature and destination of expenditure. The budgetary programmes of the local entities (Ayuntamientos, Diputaciones, Consejos, Cabildos, areas Metropolitanas, Comarcas, Mancomunidades, Agrupacion de municipios, Entities of territorial scope inferior to the municipality) and dependent autonomous organizations are considered. The expenditure on heritage reflects the liquidated in Historical and Artistic Heritage (such as historical monuments, archaeological sites, etc.) archives and libraries.

Calculation method

The data are derived from a specific exploitation of the Statistics on the Liquidation of the Budget of Local Entities prepared by the Ministry of Finance and Public Service. The information corresponds to the expenditure of all entities that make up the Local Administration, consolidated internally for each entity. The final consolidation between these types of entities is not considered. Consolidated liquidated expenses are included according to the detailed breakdown in the methodology, which for 2015 onwards and as a consequence of the budgetary structure established in Order HAP/419/2014, allows to delimit the expenditure on the protection and management of the Historical Artistic Heritage; Libraries and Archives. A correct interpretation must be taken into account that at this time it is not possible to disaggregate the part of the rubric of Cultural Equipment and Museums that corresponds to the latter. The information can be expanded at expenditure/matologia-public.html

Unit of measure

Euros per capita



Disaggregated data(Gender, age, region in Spain, other)

Source of funding


Tier II

Come from National Statistics Plan (YES/NO)


Statistical operation

Estadística de Financiación y Gasto Público en Cultura (ISO code: 41050)

Date of the last metadata update


Link to United Nations metadata
Custody agency

