Metadata Sub-indicator Mortality rate from injuries due to traffic accidents
Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Target 3.6. By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents.
Indicator 3.6.1. Death rate due to road traffic injuries
Sub-indicator Mortality rate from injuries due to traffic accidents
- Global
- European (sdg_11_40)
Deaths attributed to road accidents per 100,000 inhabitants
\[ T M_{\text {accidentes trafico }}^{t}=\frac{D_{\text {accidentes trafico¿ }}^{t}}{P^{t}} \cdot 100.000 \]Where: \(D_{\text {accidentes trafico¿ }}^{t}\)are the deaths attributed to traffic accidents (expanded list of codes of the ICN-10, which can be consulted in the methodology of the Death Statistics according to the cause of death) in year t and \(P^{t}\)is the population at 1 July of year t.
Per 100.000 population
Sex, Age, Autonomous communities
Tier I
Death statistics according to cause of death (ISO code: 30417)
From 2016 onwards, non-motor vehicle traffic accidents are included, transport accidents not specified as due or not to traffic and victims of traffic accidents where at the time of the accident they were coming up or down from the vehicle