Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Indicator 9.5.2. Researchers (in full-time equivalent) per million inhabitants

Sub-indicator Researchers (in full-time equivalent) per million inhabitants

  1. From the reference date 2021, a methodological change has been made that affects the statistical unit, changing the legal unit to a business statistical unit, as defined in the EU Regulation 696/1993. For more information, you can check the methodology in this link: www.ine.es/dyngs/INEbase/es/operacion.htm?c=Estadistica_C&cid=1254736176754&menu=metodologia&idp=1254735576669. However, to avoid the series rupture of this ODS indicator, the data published here corresponds to the legal unit
  2. The population estimation from the Official Population Figures resulting from the revision of the Municipal Register on January 1 has been used in the denominator.
    The population scope of the Statistics on R&D Activities covers businesses, public bodies, universities and higher education institutions and private nonprofit institutions that carry out R&D activities.
Source: INE