5111Coordinated File on the Food, Agrarian and Forestry Industries

Institutions that intervene
Works that will be carried out in the year 2009
Document analysis: Preparation of definitions and classifications.
Report and obtaining databases and sources for the preparation of a provision census of industries.
Filtering of the initial census obtained from the bases and verification of the result.
Design of the computer programme and applications with aspects that enable its use and export to other programmes, as well as the use of the data existing from previous files.
Design and printing of the questionnaires and support material (definitions, completion manual, etc.), letters of introduction and any other that the work department considers appropriate for the best information collection.
Recording of the CDs corresponding to the latest National report.
Planning and adjustment of the system for the dispatch and collection of questionnaires, in order to achieve greater agility, ease and reliability of the responses.
During this stage, it might be necessary to carry out some introduction contributing to present the file and encourage sector collaboration.
Training of field personnel and preparation of the platform for action.
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2009  (in thousands euros)


Plan sheet      Plan incidences sheet