Subir Sector or subject and subsectors and subsubjects

  1. 01  Agriculture, livestock, forestry and hunting
  2. 01.1  Agrarian structures, registers and production methods
  3. 01.2  Agricultural production
  4. 01.3  Farming of animals
  5. 01.5  Forestry and hunting
  6. 01.9  Agricultural indicators, synthesis and compilations
  7. 02  Fishing and aquaculture
  8. 02.1  Fleet and fishing ventures activity
  9. 02.3  Aquaculture and river fishing
  10. 02.9  Fishing indicators, synthesis and compilations
  11. 03  Environment and sustainable development
  12. 03.1  Natural resources and their use and rehabilitation
  13. 03.2  Environmental personnel, economic resources and activities
  14. 03.3  Climate and meteorology
  15. 03.4  Environmental quality, vigilance, control and prevention
  16. 03.5  Captación, depuración y distribución de agua
  17. 03.6  Water collection, treatment and supply
  18. 03.9  Prices, analysis and compilations regarding the environment and sustainable development
  19. 04  Extraction of energy products and energy in general
  20. 04.2  Energy production, distribution and consumption of energy products
  21. 04.9  Energy indicators, analysis, synthesis and compilations
  22. 05  Mining and industry
  23. 05.1  Industrial companies and establishments
  24. 05.2  Extraction of minerals
  25. 05.4  Agrofood industry
  26. 05.5  Manufacturing industry
  27. 06  Construction and housing
  28. 06.2  Construction in general (public building and construction)
  29. 06.4  Buildings and housing park and their use
  30. 06.9  Construction and housing indicators, synthesis and compilations
  31. 07  Services (general statistics)
  32. 08  Domestic and foreign trade
  33. 08.2  Domestic trade
  34. 08.5  Foreign trade of goods
  35. 08.6  Services foreign trade
  36. 08.9  Trade indicators, synthesis and compilations
  37. 09  Transport and related activities
  38. 09.1  Transport companies and activity in general
  39. 09.2  Land transport
  40. 09.3  Sea Transport
  41. 09.4  Air transport
  42. 09.9  Transport analysis, synthesis and compilations
  43. 10  Corporate statistics and production units not referring to particular sectors
  44. 10.1  Production units registers and directories
  45. 10.3  Production units general statistics
  46. 11  Financial and insurance
  47. 11.3  Insurance and pension funds
  48. 11.8  Various financial statistics
  49. 12  Prices
  50. 12.2  CPI and purchasing power parities
  51. 12.3  Prices of the different sectoral activities
  52. 13  Labour market and wages
  53. 13.2  Labour market
  54. 13.4  Labour relations and other work aspects
  55. 13.6  Income and wage costs
  56. 13.9  Labour indicators, synthesis and compilations
  57. 14  Economic accounts
  58. 14.2  National accounts
  59. 14.3  Regional and local accounts
  60. 14.4  Sectors and institutional subsector accounts
  61. 14.5  Satellite accounts
  62. 14.6  Financial accounts
  63. 14.7  Foreign sector and balance of payments
  64. 14.8  Public finances
  65. 15  Public administrations and associations
  66. 15.1  Public administration institutions, methods and activity
  67. 15.2  Public administration personnel and their remuneration
  68. 15.3  Budgets and taxes
  69. 15.5  Elections results and political parties
  70. 15.7  Associations
  71. 16  Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
  72. 16.2  Information and communication technologies
  73. 16.9  ICT indicators, synthesis and compilations
  74. 17  Catering and tourism
  75. 17.2  Tourist supply
  76. 17.7  Tourist demand
  77. 17.9  Tourist indicators, synthesis and compilations
  78. 18  Culture, sports and leisure
  79. 18.1  Infrastructure, equipment, institutions and cultural practices in general
  80. 18.2  Publishing
  81. 18.3  Museums, libraries and historical heritage
  82. 18.4  Plastic arts and historical-artistic heritage
  83. 18.5  Performing and music arts, cinematography and audiovisual arts
  84. 18.8  Sports
  85. 18.9  Culture and leisure indicators, synthesis and compilations
  86. 19  Education
  87. 19.1  Infrastructure, equipment and institutions for education
  88. 19.2  Personnel and economic aspects of education
  89. 19.3  Educational system activity
  90. 19.4  Educational system results and evaluation
  91. 19.7  Continuous training and education employment relationship
  92. 19.9  Education indicators, synthesis and compilations
  93. 20  Scientific research and technological development
  94. 20.1  Infrastructure, equipment and institutions for R&D
  95. 20.2  Economic resources, personnel and R&D activities
  96. 20.4  R&D production and transfer
  97. 20.9  R&D indicators, synthesis and compilations
  98. 21  Health
  99. 21.1  Health infrastructure, institutions and equipment
  100. 21.2  Health system personnel, economic resources and activities
  101. 21.3  Prevention and detection of diseases
  102. 21.6  State of health and conditioning factors
  103. 21.8  Drugs and other health products
  104. 21.9  Health indicators, synthesis and compilations
  105. 22  Social protection and social services
  106. 22.3  Contributory social security
  107. 22.4  Passive classes
  108. 22.5  Other economic benefits
  109. 22.9  Social protection and welfare indicators, synthesis and compilations
  110. 23  Security and justice
  111. 23.2  Civil security
  112. 23.3  Road safety and traffic accidents
  113. 23.4  Civil protection
  114. 23.5  Legal activity
  115. 23.7  Registry and notary activity
  116. 23.9  Justice indicators, synthesis and compilations
  117. 24  Demography and population
  118. 24.1  Structure and situation of the population
  119. 24.4  Movements of the population
  120. 24.5  Births, marriages and deaths
  121. 24.9  Demographic projections, indicators and compilations
  122. 25  Quality of life and living conditions
  123. 25.1  Social infrastructure and equipment
  124. 25.2  Consumption and distribution of income
  125. 25.3  Social situation of specific groups
  126. 25.4  Life conditions and quality
  127. 25.5  Public opinion
  128. 25.9  Social indicators, synthesis and compilations
  129. 26  Statistics that cannot be broken down by sector or subject
  130. 26.2  General statistics and compilations
  131. 26.4  General databases
  132. 27  General standardisation and methodology
  133. 27.2  Elaboration and systematisation of the use of conceptual frameworks
  134. 27.3  Broad use statistical methods and procedures
  135. 27.6  Organisation and dissemination of meta information

Subir Class of statistical operation

  1. 10  Statistical infrastructure operations
  2. 11  Nomenclatures, classifications, codes and standardisation of definitions
  3. 13  Frameworks for censuses or sample
  4. 14  Methodological investigation
  5. 18  Other statistical infrastructure operations
  6. 20  Real statistical operations
  7. 21  Real statistics with results grouped in tables
  8. 22  Statistics presented mainly in the form of indexes
  9. 23  Longitudinal studies (panels)
  10. 30  Drawing up of summary and analysis with results from various sources
  11. 40  Compilations

Subir Level of territorial breakdown

  1. 01  National
  2. 02  Autonomous
  3. 03  Provincial
  4. 04  Municipal or inferior
  5. 05  Others (specify)
  6. 06  Not applicable
  7. 07  Still not determined

Subir Methodology of the data collection

  1. 10  Direct collection of statistical data
  2. 11  Obtaining statistical data by means of census or complete list
  3. 12  Obtaining statistical data by means of list by sampling
  4. 13  Obtaining of statistical data in combined census and sample form
  5. 14  Obtaining statistical data by poll
  6. 20  Use of administrative data
  7. 21  Obtaining by means of complete list of original administrative data
  8. 22  Obtaining by means of individual statistical form based on an administrative act
  9. 23  Obtaining statistical summaries based on administrative data by means of preparation
  10. 24  Obtaining by means of list by sample of administrative data
  11. 30  Joint use of statistical and administrative data
  12. 40  Use of statistical results
  13. 41  Obtaining statistics derived from other statistical results
  14. 42  Compilation of own or other statistical results
  15. 50  Utilización de bases de datos privadas
  16. 60  Utilización conjunta de datos estadísticos y bases de datos privadas
  17. 70  Other forms of obtaining data
  18. 80  Not applicable
  19. 90  Still not determined

Subir Form of data collection

  1. 01  Autolisting, whether by mail or any other form
  2. 02  Direct personal interview
  3. 03  Telephone conversation
  4. 04  Transcription of administrative document, regardless of how it is filled in
  5. 05  Direct observation of facts or phenomena
  6. 06  Transmisión de bases de datos de fuentes privadas
  7. 07  Mixed forms
  8. 08  Other forms of data collection
  9. 09  Not applicable
  10. 00  Still not determined

Subir Type of statistical operation

  • C  Interims
  • E  Structural
  • O  Other

Subir Activities for lessening the burden shouldered by respondents

  1. 01. Use of an administrative source rather than conducting a specific survey.
  2. 02. Removal or non-inclusion of questions in the questionnaire by using information from administrative sources or from other statistics.
  3. 03. Reduction in periodicity in data collection.
  4. 04. Reduction of questionnaire completion times by making them as clear and straightforward as possible.
  5. 05. Improvements in data filtering and imputation. Reduction in recontacting.
  6. 06. Coordination with other Administrations in order to avoid duplicated information requests.
  7. 07. Implementation of new ICT media for aiding data collection.
  8. 08. Optimisation of sample designs for reducing the number of units to interview, and carry out a distribution as widely as possible of the response burden among populations surveyed.
  9. 09. Information campaigns and/or championing of ICT collection, etc.
  10. 10. Other activities.

Subir Causas de alta y baja

  1. A1. Registration in the strict sense
  2. A3. Registration in order to recover information lost due to disappearance or modification of another statistical operation
  3. A4. Has been carried out but was not included in the inventory
  4. A5. Substitutes another, resulting in delisting, on changing the legislation or methodology justifying it
  5. A6. It acquires another code when the Body carrying it out changes
  6. A7. It is an amendment, adapted or separated from other existing ones
  7. A8. Had been delisted, but has been re-registered
  8. B1. Delisting in the strict sense
  9. B2. Delisting imposed externally, but which should be in the ISO
  10. B3. It ceased to be carried out when the legislation or situation justifying disappears or is amended
  11. B4. It was removed when rigorously applying the concept of statistical operation, although that information may continue to be obtained
  12. B5. It has been replaced by (an)other(s) when changing legislation or methodology justifying it
  13. B6. It acquires another code when the body carrying it out changes
  14. B7. It has been included as part of another
  15. B8. Had been delisted, but has been re-registered (revived)
  16. B9. This has never happened
  17. B0. This is a methodological statistical operation which, by agreement, results in delisting when fully implemented

Subir Abbreviations used

  • ABBREV.Institution name
  • ADIFAdministrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias
  • AEAT Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria
  • AECFA Asociación Española para la Coordinación y Facilitación de Franjas Horarias
  • AEMETAgencia Estatal de Meteorología
  • AENAAeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea
  • ANECAAgencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación, O.A.
  • ASEBIOAsociación Española de Bioempresas
  • BANESPBanco de España
  • CC. AA.Comunidades autónomas
  • CDTIEntidad Pública Empresarial Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial
  • CGPJConsejo General del Poder Judicial
  • CIEMATCentro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, O.A., M.P.
  • CIRIECCentro Internacional de Investigación e Información sobre la Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa
  • CIS Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, O.A.
  • CNIGCentro Nacional de Información Geográfica, O.A.
  • CNMCComisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia
  • CONGDCoordinadora de Organización No Gubernamental para el Desarrollo
  • CORESCorporación de Reservas Estratégicas de Productos Petrolíferos
  • CORPMEColegio de Registradores de la Propiedad, Mercantiles y de Bienes Muebles de España
  • CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
  • EE. LL.Entidades locales
  • Eurostat Oficina de Estadística de la Unión Europea
  • EUSTATInstituto Vasco de Estadística
  • FEMPFederación Española de Municipios y Provincias
  • INEInstituto Nacional de Estadística
  • INSSInstituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social
  • ISFASInstituto Social de las Fuerzas Armadas
  • MAPAMinisterio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación
  • MAUCMinisterio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación
  • MCLTMinisterio de Cultura
  • MCNUMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
  • MDCAMinisterio de Derechos Sociales, Consumo y Agenda 2030
  • MDEFMinisterio de Defensa
  • MECMMinisterio de Economía, Comercio y Empresa
  • MEFDMinisterio de Educación, Formación Profesional y Deportes
  • MHACMinisterio de Hacienda
  • MIGDMinisterio de Igualdad
  • MINTMinisterio del Interior
  • MISMMinisterio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones
  • MITUMinisterio de Industria y Turismo
  • MJUIMinisterio de Juventud e Infancia
  • MPJCMinisterio de la Presidencia, Justicia y Relaciones con las Cortes
  • MSNDMinisterio de Sanidad
  • MTDFMinisterio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública
  • MTEDMinisterio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico
  • MTMDMinisterio de Política Territorial y Memoria Democrática
  • MTRMMinisterio de Transportes y Movilidad Sostenible
  • MUFACEMutualidad General de Funcionarios Civiles del Estado
  • MUGEJUMutualidad General Judicial
  • MVAUMinisterio de Vivienda y Agenda Urbana
  • OACIOrganización de Aviación Civil Internacional
  • OEPMOficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, O.A.
  • OETOficinas Españolas de Turismo
  • OPIObservatorio Permanente de la Inmigración
  • REERed Eléctrica de España
  • RENFERenfe Operadora
  • SASEMARSociedad de Salvamento y Seguridad Marítima
  • SEPEServicio Público de Empleo Estatal
  • SEPIEServicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación, O.A., M.P.
  • TGSSTesorería General de la Seguridad Social
  • TTESMinisterio de Trabajo y Economía Social
  • TURESPAÑAInstituto de Turismo de España, O.A