Sector or subject and subsectors and subsubjects
- 01 Agriculture, livestock, forestry and hunting
- 01.1 Agrarian structures, registers and production methods
- 01.2 Agricultural production
- 01.3 Farming of animals
- 01.5 Forestry and hunting
- 01.9 Agricultural indicators, synthesis and compilations
- 02 Fishing and aquaculture
- 02.1 Fleet and fishing ventures activity
- 02.3 Aquaculture and river fishing
- 02.9 Fishing indicators, synthesis and compilations
- 03 Environment and sustainable development
- 03.1 Natural resources and their use and rehabilitation
- 03.2 Environmental personnel, economic resources and activities
- 03.3 Climate and meteorology
- 03.4 Environmental quality, vigilance, control and prevention
- 03.5 Captación, depuración y distribución de agua
- 03.6 Water collection, treatment and supply
- 03.9 Prices, analysis and compilations regarding the environment and sustainable development
- 04 Extraction of energy products and energy in general
- 04.2 Energy production, distribution and consumption of energy products
- 04.9 Energy indicators, analysis, synthesis and compilations
- 05 Mining and industry
- 05.1 Industrial companies and establishments
- 05.2 Extraction of minerals
- 05.4 Agrofood industry
- 05.5 Manufacturing industry
- 06 Construction and housing
- 06.2 Construction in general (public building and construction)
- 06.4 Buildings and housing park and their use
- 06.9 Construction and housing indicators, synthesis and compilations
- 07 Services (general statistics)
- 08 Domestic and foreign trade
- 08.2 Domestic trade
- 08.5 Foreign trade of goods
- 08.6 Services foreign trade
- 08.9 Trade indicators, synthesis and compilations
- 09 Transport and related activities
- 09.1 Transport companies and activity in general
- 09.2 Land transport
- 09.3 Sea Transport
- 09.4 Air transport
- 09.9 Transport analysis, synthesis and compilations
- 10 Corporate statistics and production units not referring to particular sectors
- 10.1 Production units registers and directories
- 10.3 Production units general statistics
- 11 Financial and insurance
- 11.3 Insurance and pension funds
- 11.8 Various financial statistics
- 12 Prices
- 12.2 CPI and purchasing power parities
- 12.3 Prices of the different sectoral activities
- 13 Labour market and wages
- 13.2 Labour market
- 13.4 Labour relations and other work aspects
- 13.6 Income and wage costs
- 13.9 Labour indicators, synthesis and compilations
- 14 Economic accounts
- 14.2 National accounts
- 14.3 Regional and local accounts
- 14.4 Sectors and institutional subsector accounts
- 14.5 Satellite accounts
- 14.6 Financial accounts
- 14.7 Foreign sector and balance of payments
- 14.8 Public finances
- 15 Public administrations and associations
- 15.1 Public administration institutions, methods and activity
- 15.2 Public administration personnel and their remuneration
- 15.3 Budgets and taxes
- 15.5 Elections results and political parties
- 15.7 Associations
- 16 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
- 16.2 Information and communication technologies
- 16.9 ICT indicators, synthesis and compilations
- 17 Catering and tourism
- 17.2 Tourist supply
- 17.7 Tourist demand
- 17.9 Tourist indicators, synthesis and compilations
- 18 Culture, sports and leisure
- 18.1 Infrastructure, equipment, institutions and cultural practices in general
- 18.2 Publishing
- 18.3 Museums, libraries and historical heritage
- 18.4 Plastic arts and historical-artistic heritage
- 18.5 Performing and music arts, cinematography and audiovisual arts
- 18.8 Sports
- 18.9 Culture and leisure indicators, synthesis and compilations
- 19 Education
- 19.1 Infrastructure, equipment and institutions for education
- 19.2 Personnel and economic aspects of education
- 19.3 Educational system activity
- 19.4 Educational system results and evaluation
- 19.7 Continuous training and education employment relationship
- 19.9 Education indicators, synthesis and compilations
- 20 Scientific research and technological development
- 20.1 Infrastructure, equipment and institutions for R&D
- 20.2 Economic resources, personnel and R&D activities
- 20.4 R&D production and transfer
- 20.9 R&D indicators, synthesis and compilations
- 21 Health
- 21.1 Health infrastructure, institutions and equipment
- 21.2 Health system personnel, economic resources and activities
- 21.3 Prevention and detection of diseases
- 21.6 State of health and conditioning factors
- 21.8 Drugs and other health products
- 21.9 Health indicators, synthesis and compilations
- 22 Social protection and social services
- 22.3 Contributory social security
- 22.4 Passive classes
- 22.5 Other economic benefits
- 22.9 Social protection and welfare indicators, synthesis and compilations
- 23 Security and justice
- 23.2 Civil security
- 23.3 Road safety and traffic accidents
- 23.4 Civil protection
- 23.5 Legal activity
- 23.7 Registry and notary activity
- 23.9 Justice indicators, synthesis and compilations
- 24 Demography and population
- 24.1 Structure and situation of the population
- 24.4 Movements of the population
- 24.5 Births, marriages and deaths
- 24.9 Demographic projections, indicators and compilations
- 25 Quality of life and living conditions
- 25.1 Social infrastructure and equipment
- 25.2 Consumption and distribution of income
- 25.3 Social situation of specific groups
- 25.4 Life conditions and quality
- 25.5 Public opinion
- 25.9 Social indicators, synthesis and compilations
- 26 Statistics that cannot be broken down by sector or subject
- 26.2 General statistics and compilations
- 26.4 General databases
- 27 General standardisation and methodology
- 27.2 Elaboration and systematisation of the use of conceptual frameworks
- 27.3 Broad use statistical methods and procedures
- 27.6 Organisation and dissemination of meta information
Class of statistical operation
- 10 Statistical infrastructure operations
- 11 Nomenclatures, classifications, codes and standardisation of definitions
- 13 Frameworks for censuses or sample
- 14 Methodological investigation
- 18 Other statistical infrastructure operations
- 20 Real statistical operations
- 21 Real statistics with results grouped in tables
- 22 Statistics presented mainly in the form of indexes
- 23 Longitudinal studies (panels)
- 30 Drawing up of summary and analysis with results from various sources
- 40 Compilations
Level of territorial breakdown
- 01 National
- 02 Autonomous
- 03 Provincial
- 04 Municipal or inferior
- 05 Others (specify)
- 06 Not applicable
- 07 Still not determined
Methodology of the data collection
- 10 Direct collection of statistical data
- 11 Obtaining statistical data by means of census or complete list
- 12 Obtaining statistical data by means of list by sampling
- 13 Obtaining of statistical data in combined census and sample form
- 14 Obtaining statistical data by poll
- 20 Use of administrative data
- 21 Obtaining by means of complete list of original administrative data
- 22 Obtaining by means of individual statistical form based on an administrative act
- 23 Obtaining statistical summaries based on administrative data by means of preparation
- 24 Obtaining by means of list by sample of administrative data
- 30 Joint use of statistical and administrative data
- 40 Use of statistical results
- 41 Obtaining statistics derived from other statistical results
- 42 Compilation of own or other statistical results
- 50 Utilización de bases de datos privadas
- 60 Utilización conjunta de datos estadísticos y bases de datos privadas
- 70 Other forms of obtaining data
- 80 Not applicable
- 90 Still not determined
- 01 Autolisting, whether by mail or any other form
- 02 Direct personal interview
- 03 Telephone conversation
- 04 Transcription of administrative document, regardless of how it is filled in
- 05 Direct observation of facts or phenomena
- 06 Transmisión de bases de datos de fuentes privadas
- 07 Mixed forms
- 08 Other forms of data collection
- 09 Not applicable
- 00 Still not determined
- C Interims
- E Structural
- O Other
Activities for lessening the burden shouldered by respondents
- 01. Use of an administrative source rather than conducting a specific survey.
- 02. Removal or non-inclusion of questions in the questionnaire by using information from administrative sources or from other statistics.
- 03. Reduction in periodicity in data collection.
- 04. Reduction of questionnaire completion times by making them as clear and straightforward as possible.
- 05. Improvements in data filtering and imputation. Reduction in recontacting.
- 06. Coordination with other Administrations in order to avoid duplicated information requests.
- 07. Implementation of new ICT media for aiding data collection.
- 08. Optimisation of sample designs for reducing the number of units to interview, and carry out a distribution as widely as possible of the response burden among populations surveyed.
- 09. Information campaigns and/or championing of ICT collection, etc.
- 10. Other activities.
- A1. Registration in the strict sense
- A3. Registration in order to recover information lost due to disappearance or modification of another statistical operation
- A4. Has been carried out but was not included in the inventory
- A5. Substitutes another, resulting in delisting, on changing the legislation or methodology justifying it
- A6. It acquires another code when the Body carrying it out changes
- A7. It is an amendment, adapted or separated from other existing ones
- A8. Had been delisted, but has been re-registered
- B1. Delisting in the strict sense
- B2. Delisting imposed externally, but which should be in the ISO
- B3. It ceased to be carried out when the legislation or situation justifying disappears or is amended
- B4. It was removed when rigorously applying the concept of statistical operation, although that information may continue to be obtained
- B5. It has been replaced by (an)other(s) when changing legislation or methodology justifying it
- B6. It acquires another code when the body carrying it out changes
- B7. It has been included as part of another
- B8. Had been delisted, but has been re-registered (revived)
- B9. This has never happened
- B0. This is a methodological statistical operation which, by agreement, results in delisting when fully implemented
- ABBREV.Institution name
- ADIFAdministrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias
- AEAT Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria
- AECFA Asociación Española para la Coordinación y Facilitación de Franjas Horarias
- AEMETAgencia Estatal de Meteorología
- AENAAeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea
- ANECAAgencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación, O.A.
- ASEBIOAsociación Española de Bioempresas
- BANESPBanco de España
- CC. AA.Comunidades autónomas
- CDTIEntidad Pública Empresarial Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial
- CGPJConsejo General del Poder Judicial
- CIEMATCentro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, O.A., M.P.
- CIRIECCentro Internacional de Investigación e Información sobre la Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa
- CIS Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, O.A.
- CNIGCentro Nacional de Información Geográfica, O.A.
- CNMCComisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia
- CONGDCoordinadora de Organización No Gubernamental para el Desarrollo
- CORESCorporación de Reservas Estratégicas de Productos Petrolíferos
- CORPMEColegio de Registradores de la Propiedad, Mercantiles y de Bienes Muebles de España
- CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
- EE. LL.Entidades locales
- Eurostat Oficina de Estadística de la Unión Europea
- EUSTATInstituto Vasco de Estadística
- FEMPFederación Española de Municipios y Provincias
- INEInstituto Nacional de Estadística
- INSSInstituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social
- ISFASInstituto Social de las Fuerzas Armadas
- MAPAMinisterio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación
- MAUCMinisterio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación
- MCLTMinisterio de Cultura
- MCNUMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
- MDCAMinisterio de Derechos Sociales, Consumo y Agenda 2030
- MDEFMinisterio de Defensa
- MECMMinisterio de Economía, Comercio y Empresa
- MEFDMinisterio de Educación, Formación Profesional y Deportes
- MHACMinisterio de Hacienda
- MIGDMinisterio de Igualdad
- MINTMinisterio del Interior
- MISMMinisterio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones
- MITUMinisterio de Industria y Turismo
- MJUIMinisterio de Juventud e Infancia
- MPJCMinisterio de la Presidencia, Justicia y Relaciones con las Cortes
- MSNDMinisterio de Sanidad
- MTDFMinisterio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública
- MTEDMinisterio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico
- MTMDMinisterio de Política Territorial y Memoria Democrática
- MTRMMinisterio de Transportes y Movilidad Sostenible
- MUFACEMutualidad General de Funcionarios Civiles del Estado
- MUGEJUMutualidad General Judicial
- MVAUMinisterio de Vivienda y Agenda Urbana
- OACIOrganización de Aviación Civil Internacional
- OEPMOficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, O.A.
- OETOficinas Españolas de Turismo
- OPIObservatorio Permanente de la Inmigración
- REERed Eléctrica de España
- RENFERenfe Operadora
- SASEMARSociedad de Salvamento y Seguridad Marítima
- SEPEServicio Público de Empleo Estatal
- SEPIEServicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación, O.A., M.P.
- TGSSTesorería General de la Seguridad Social
- TTESMinisterio de Trabajo y Economía Social
- TURESPAÑAInstituto de Turismo de España, O.A