5651Statistical Use of the Infrastructure and Local Equipment Database (SILE)

Institutions that intervene
MAPU, provincial delegations, inter-island and island councils, single-province Autonomous Communities and Generalidad de Catalu¿a. The survey is not conducted in Pa¿s Vasco and Navarra
Works that will be carried out in the year 2009
By the MAPU:
- Evaluation and analysis of the Survey on Infrastructure and Local Equipment (SILE), period 2008.
- Correction of possible validations problems of SILE 2008.
- Compilation of the statistical data in the SILE to be consulted in the MAPU website corresponding to the last phase.
- Ending of the agreement of the Provincial delegation of Ja¿n for developing the Ja¿n XXI activation measure programme.
- Beginning of the revision and updating work on the models of SILE data. Inclusion of the Georeferencial model
By SILE collaborator entities:
- Continuous updating of the information collected in the SILE, in compliance with the agreements made by the Working Group (Resolution of 11 November 2004 on the updating and maintenance of the SILE).
- Tasks for digitalising the cartography of the SILE, for those entities that had not done so in previous periods.
- Continue the digitalisation process of the infrastructures and equipment data of the SILE, for those entities that had not done so in the previous periods
- Continue with development of GIS geographic information systems.
The provincial delegations, inter-island and island councils and Councils/Departments with jurisdiction regarding the single-province Autonomous Communities: will carry out the fieldwork for the direction colleciton of the information; will carry out the cartography of the survey, the information collection work in the cabinet and its digitalisation; the recording of data and validation of the information, and the annual submission of the survey to the MAP.
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2009  (in thousands euros)


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