3811Spanish National Accounts. Base 2000

Institutions that intervene
Works that will be carried out in the year 2004
  • Publication of the Spanish National Accounts series. Base 2000, which will include final estimates for years 1995 - 2000, and the provisional estimates for 2001 and 2002, all at current prices.
  • Publication of the series 'Spanish National Accounts. Base 2000', which will include the final estimates at constant prices for the base year, for the 1995-2003 series and the estimates at constant prices for the year prior to 2002 and 2003. The work to be carried out is as follows:
  • Collection and filtering of the basic structural statistical information available.
  • Application of the methods and procedures used to estimate corresponding transactions and aggregates.
  • Contrast and analysis of the data obtained.
  • Writing up of the appropriate technical comments.
  • Preparation of the information for the dissemination of results via the Internet and on paper.
  • Present information to national users and send to national and international institutions who request it.
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2004  (in thousands euros)


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