3243Tourist Movement on Borders (FRONTUR)
- Institutions that intervene
- ME, Directorate General of Traffic (MI), AENA, RENFE and Ports of the State (MF)
- Works that will be carried out in the year 2003
- Estimate of the number of foreign visitors entering Spain through different means of access and approximation to the tourist behaviour.
- Collection of the information over the previous month in each one of the months of year x.
- Recording, filtering and processing of the survey and analysis of the data for the last 15 days of the reference month.
- Preview of data on 15 of the month following the reference month. Publishable on the website.
- Seasonal report (winter, spring and summer) two months after the fourth quarter. Can be published on the web.
- Dissemination and publication of the annual report in year x-1 in April of the year x (web and paper).
- Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2003 (in thousands euros)