5862Satellite Accounts for Cooperatives and Mutuals

Compilation of satellite accounts for cooperatives and mutuals in Spain, consistent with the Spanish National Accounts, base 2000. The methodology applied is that of the European System of National and Regional Accounts (ESA-95), passed through Council Re
Institutions that intervene
General description (main variables)
Those corresponding to the current accounts and the accumulation of these units, and those of goods and services corresponding to the matrices of origin and destination. Employment data.
Not applicable
Frequency of data collection
No aplicable
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the four-year period 2009-2012  (in thousands euros)

48.62 thousand euros financed by the INE, 91.83 thousand euros financed by CIRIEC-Spain and 55 thousand euros financed by the European Commission

Plan incidences sheet