Access to all current ISO statistical operations by sector or subject
- Agriculture, livestock, forestry and hunting
- Fishing and aquaculture
- Environment and sustainable development
- Natural resources and their use and rehabilitation
- Environmental personnel, economic resources and activities
- Climate and meteorology
- Environmental quality, vigilance, control and prevention
- Captación, depuración y distribución de agua
- Water collection, treatment and supply
- Prices, analysis and compilations regarding the environment and sustainable development
- Extraction of energy products and energy in general
- Mining and industry
- Construction and housing
- Services (general statistics)
- Domestic and foreign trade
- Transport and related activities
- Corporate statistics and production units not referring to particular sectors
- Financial and insurance
- Prices
- Labour market and wages
- Economic accounts
- Public administrations and associations
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
- Catering and tourism
- Culture, sports and leisure
- Infrastructure, equipment, institutions and cultural practices in general
- Publishing
- Museums, libraries and historical heritage
- Plastic arts and historical-artistic heritage
- Performing and music arts, cinematography and audiovisual arts
- Sports
- Culture and leisure indicators, synthesis and compilations
- Education
- Scientific research and technological development
- Health
- Social protection and social services
- Security and justice
- Demography and population
- Quality of life and living conditions
- Statistics that cannot be broken down by sector or subject
- General standardisation and methodology