Household Budget Survey (HBS) Variation coefficient (VC) of total expenditure according to different classification variables Variation coefficient by country of birth of the parents of main provider (from 2011) Unidades: % ,2023,2022,2021,2020,2019,2018,2017,2016,2015,2014,2013,2012,2011, Total,1,25,1,15,0,97,1,03,0,9,0,87,0,79,0,79,0,77,0,76,0,76,0,78,0,79, Ambos nacidos en España,1,34,1,23,1,04,1,07,1,0,96,0,88,0,88,0,85,0,85,0,84,0,85,0,87, Ambos nacidos en el extranjero,3,79,4,21,4,4,4,88,4,11,3,86,3,74,3,97,4,01,3,95,4,24,4,28,4,21, Other case,12,21,10,16,11,13,11,87,10,75,10,96,10,97,10,14,11,88,10,34,11,37,11,07,10,85, Notas: The data from this table was corrected on 18 March Due to the lack of representativeness, estimates of the cells without data cannot be provided (to points) From 2011, the country of birth of the parents belonging to the household was collected in the survey. The category `No data recorded¿ is included in `Other case¿. Fuente: