Four-yearly Wage Structure Survey Wage distribution Inequality indicators Unidades: € Media 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile National Total Both sexes All studies 24.009,12 8.457,36 13.998,29 20.078,44 30.057,33 43.382,16 I. Less than Primary 15.190,3 5.745,51 10.071,51 14.784,24 19.525,56 24.193,76 II. Primary education 17.318,04 6.761,67 11.526,93 16.452,26 21.207,48 28.108,15 III. First stage of secondary education 18.554,04 7.286,01 12.445,82 17.409,88 22.773,1 29.717,51 IV. Second stage of secondary education 22.246,72 8.751,24 13.617,24 19.482,92 27.617,82 38.935,09 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 25.751,09 10.696,73 16.336,64 22.990,82 32.623,19 43.642,65 VI. University graduates and the like 29.895,43 11.332,78 19.025,97 28.651,26 37.424,96 48.225 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 37.869,24 13.221,46 22.206,75 33.946,63 49.121,8 67.190,44 Females All studies 21.011,89 6.958,16 11.617,31 17.467,43 26.743,16 39.104,6 I. Less than Primary 11.705,34 3.394,85 7.191,1 11.179,95 15.674,43 19.151,77 II. Primary education 13.144,95 4.592,33 8.152,45 12.816,98 16.798,92 21.232,47 III. First stage of secondary education 15.104,03 5.467,86 9.416,01 14.357,22 19.179,13 24.559,91 IV. Second stage of secondary education 18.393,62 7.574,34 11.673,99 16.471,8 22.898,64 30.624,67 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 20.322,55 8.403,72 13.050,39 18.540,8 25.155,35 33.541,35 VI. University graduates and the like 27.289,91 10.212,82 17.758,53 27.152,66 34.991,67 42.912,22 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 33.846,77 11.745,25 19.805,39 31.128,01 44.034,84 60.793,26 Males All studies 26.738,19 11.364,18 16.475,96 22.241,88 32.757,99 47.221,3 I. Less than Primary 17.669,92 8.655,5 13.513,48 17.117,83 21.057,94 27.024,18 II. Primary education 20.075,79 9.951,29 14.768,71 18.590,9 23.742,6 31.354,55 III. First stage of secondary education 21.149,49 10.473,44 15.118,04 19.488,94 25.131,93 33.311,95 IV. Second stage of secondary education 26.125,67 11.438,27 16.814,3 22.929,75 32.659,77 44.468,37 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 29.847,99 14.543,34 19.778,87 27.241,15 37.089,88 48.887,75 VI. University graduates and the like 34.091,51 14.107,11 21.411,03 31.171,84 42.159,59 57.392,75 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 42.520,24 15.389,28 25.192,22 37.788,53 55.179,55 73.083,53 Andalucía Both sexes All studies 21.756,78 7.425,28 12.382,58 18.275,84 27.400 40.314,58 I. Less than Primary -13.972,03 -2.090 -5.986,32 -14.550,3 -20.357,34 -24.996,44 II. Primary education 15.904,65 6.201,21 10.094,07 15.389,67 19.815,56 25.512,62 III. First stage of secondary education 17.026,32 7.007 11.002,76 15.963,06 20.981,56 27.103,84 IV. Second stage of secondary education 20.391,29 7.407,19 12.009,65 17.479,71 24.610,95 37.892,94 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 23.302,9 9.739,42 14.777,64 20.383,76 28.535,68 40.363,2 VI. University graduates and the like 27.072,21 8.819,4 15.752,57 27.019,29 34.334,04 44.368,19 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 34.942 12.000 20.920,07 32.774,92 45.566,21 60.491,64 Females All studies 18.599,48 6.069,76 9.739,42 15.330,11 24.195,72 35.041,05 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 11.972,72 4.012,53 7.844,77 11.727,39 15.526,73 19.343,07 III. First stage of secondary education 13.093,56 5.178,06 8.197,56 12.226,1 16.937,21 21.633,25 IV. Second stage of secondary education 16.174,92 6.932,36 10.172,42 14.416,52 20.503,85 26.685,32 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 17.941,33 7.086,05 12.097,44 17.064,08 22.482,99 28.092,09 VI. University graduates and the like 24.882,64 7.788,05 14.941,41 25.983,26 32.713,13 39.746,46 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 31.103,1 10.491,6 17.990 30.435,06 41.212 52.857,13 Males All studies 24.693,24 10.240,64 15.173,74 20.486,95 30.239,01 44.894,75 I. Less than Primary -16.303,29 -2.027,76 -8.655,5 -16.913,23 -21.837,07 -26.649,84 II. Primary education 18.659,87 8.440,81 13.765,8 17.766,04 22.191,24 28.567,61 III. First stage of secondary education 20.140,09 10.348,39 14.618,7 18.454,15 23.575,8 30.820,95 IV. Second stage of secondary education 24.588,37 8.931,49 14.947,94 20.888,78 30.523,55 46.371,72 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 27.576,89 12.495,78 17.846,86 24.512,36 34.676,08 45.207,12 VI. University graduates and the like 30.807,18 10.643,4 18.322,53 28.966,3 38.903,64 54.760,39 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 39.194,89 15.154,45 23.325,22 35.268,2 50.852,98 66.644,44 Aragón Both sexes All studies 23.531,83 8.337,6 14.672,57 20.859,78 29.477,35 39.844,4 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 17.108,1 5.151,24 10.501,25 16.513,2 21.707,1 29.178,72 III. First stage of secondary education 19.827,43 8.038,23 13.797,72 19.113,84 24.714,44 30.915,86 IV. Second stage of secondary education 22.839,46 8.729,47 14.517,84 20.949,41 28.353,38 37.540,41 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 23.736 11.335 16.217,56 21.999,76 28.619,14 38.498,33 VI. University graduates and the like 28.587,73 11.552,23 17.927,11 27.698,31 36.485,2 44.864,54 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 35.686,06 14.018,49 21.085,73 30.894,83 42.944,81 63.896,67 Females All studies 20.074,25 6.692,56 11.581,49 17.347,52 25.096,88 35.861,74 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 12.285,09 3.877,1 6.667,94 12.398,93 16.170,38 19.973,4 III. First stage of secondary education 15.710,99 6.583,84 9.748,47 15.516,1 20.675,69 23.994,18 IV. Second stage of secondary education 17.947,05 7.257,4 11.034 16.721,9 22.846,63 29.989,68 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -18.655,95 -10.614,48 -13.375,31 -17.389,41 -22.577,27 -27.954,6 VI. University graduates and the like 26.596,96 11.477,24 16.985,28 26.312,07 34.535,53 41.785,52 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 30.827,52 11.061 18.333,93 28.089,15 38.301,12 55.082,44 Males All studies 26.640,59 12.184,27 17.516,74 23.305,59 32.027,02 43.238,22 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 20.118,26 7.896,84 15.216,96 19.195,06 25.343,65 31.955,2 III. First stage of secondary education 23.090,82 13.342,11 17.205,27 21.792,91 27.551,22 35.058,66 IV. Second stage of secondary education 27.528,52 13.750,01 18.578,35 24.573,99 33.484,4 43.606,82 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 26.770,73 13.558 19.223,9 24.411,84 33.096,03 43.304,5 VI. University graduates and the like -32.017,43 -12.004,8 -20.528,86 -29.803,94 -39.374,64 -53.922,52 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 41.479,29 18.176,72 23.945,87 34.199,17 51.585,24 71.004,23 Asturias, Principado de Both sexes All studies 23.914,61 7.716,53 13.866 20.890,13 30.567,03 43.057,06 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 19.146,1 4.970,07 9.565,43 16.950,16 23.662,46 36.718,73 III. First stage of secondary education 18.680,06 6.267,69 11.997,83 17.910,8 23.876,86 29.904,5 IV. Second stage of secondary education 20.864,15 7.675,67 12.777,24 19.039,38 26.200,02 36.517,06 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 27.202,43 11.129,39 16.800,3 25.268,9 33.951,92 45.901,4 VI. University graduates and the like 29.657,35 13.700,22 19.154,61 29.307,96 37.080,87 46.464,82 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 36.486,12 13.752,1 21.116,78 33.214,03 49.244,2 66.223,32 Females All studies 19.744,94 6.229,31 11.019,96 16.734 24.840,66 36.530,88 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education -11.408,94 -2.414,41 -6.300 -11.400,29 -15.709,2 -19.377,93 III. First stage of secondary education 14.732,83 5.075,94 8.684,4 14.777,79 20.090,64 23.535,1 IV. Second stage of secondary education 15.640,89 6.156,8 9.971,64 14.668,42 20.462,77 25.525,53 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -19.812,49 -8.378,77 -13.071,55 -19.724,52 -25.510,61 -30.826,82 VI. University graduates and the like -27.421,92 -11.599,25 -17.998,45 -27.308,34 -35.792,63 -43.351,22 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 31.820,42 13.198,55 18.456,55 27.229,89 40.668,1 60.126,12 Males All studies 27.912,91 11.639,91 17.848,21 24.328,16 35.428,24 48.049,9 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 24.232,04 7.734,96 16.544,46 21.097,09 28.933,25 41.578,2 III. First stage of secondary education 21.712,32 9.343,98 14.656,32 20.894,65 26.535,21 33.812,88 IV. Second stage of secondary education 26.353,76 12.431,9 18.799,9 24.125,54 32.346,78 42.566,21 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 32.872,96 16.546,08 23.093,29 31.227 41.724,49 52.148,16 VI. University graduates and the like -34.464,61 -16.543,16 -23.542,69 -31.012,71 -40.279,75 -57.693,21 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 41.729,75 16.542,13 27.290,15 39.624,02 52.881,74 71.401,01 Balears, Illes Both sexes All studies 22.800,87 9.613,53 14.786,86 20.121,18 27.188,22 38.503,92 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 16.976,45 7.734,44 12.795,1 16.788,3 21.493,99 25.769 III. First stage of secondary education 19.389,47 8.578,13 14.055,54 18.942,83 23.096,88 29.302,07 IV. Second stage of secondary education 22.688,29 10.418,55 15.402,15 20.428,39 27.341,69 35.546,42 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 24.634,2 11.192,53 15.897,74 20.703 31.649,05 38.469,37 VI. University graduates and the like 32.571,46 14.304,84 20.533,56 30.275,41 39.909,68 50.034,58 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 36.157,39 11.387,04 20.391,58 33.638,98 45.811,68 66.204,75 Females All studies 21.085,74 8.295,02 13.091,94 18.732,27 25.764,13 36.707 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education -14.583,16 -4.978,41 -9.817 -15.144,66 -18.810,51 -23.414,32 III. First stage of secondary education 16.843,16 7.502,13 11.825,66 16.638,49 21.370,17 25.477,49 IV. Second stage of secondary education 20.123,31 9.451,53 14.791,19 18.875,71 24.765,73 31.319,75 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -20.604,06 -8.274,67 -14.895,56 -18.449,13 -26.511,12 -35.298,83 VI. University graduates and the like -31.264,52 -14.404,84 -20.028,84 -29.917,66 -38.830,61 -47.076,8 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 32.774,96 10.077,48 19.607,14 30.683,34 40.874,19 61.452,68 Males All studies 24.437,58 12.096,67 15.850,26 21.311,13 28.926,98 40.744,61 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 18.311,65 11.753,37 13.688,38 17.932,57 21.842,09 27.117,1 III. First stage of secondary education 21.688,18 11.575,61 16.156,09 20.788,55 24.910,19 33.992,27 IV. Second stage of secondary education 25.618,64 12.056,65 16.970,15 21.879,11 30.551,79 41.167,52 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -28.151,03 -15.330,17 -18.339,3 -23.265,17 -34.080,94 -45.734,92 VI. University graduates and the like -35.164,18 -12.996,94 -21.575,12 -34.281,96 -43.370,03 -59.513,9 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 40.399,95 14.827,49 22.960,45 36.971 53.239,96 74.278,3 Canarias Both sexes All studies 20.763,48 8.806,74 12.896,45 17.413,53 24.342,15 36.394,85 I. Less than Primary -15.997,28 -8.035,52 -11.391,84 -16.501,47 -20.499,48 -23.318,98 II. Primary education 15.670,6 6.627,85 11.409,89 15.192,72 18.807,05 23.408,99 III. First stage of secondary education 17.087,36 8.755,79 12.504,23 16.417,72 19.981,81 25.519,16 IV. Second stage of secondary education 20.010,93 9.501,32 12.950,19 17.616,54 24.012,95 33.135,4 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 19.978,5 6.862,13 10.734,68 17.021,4 25.662,91 35.798,76 VI. University graduates and the like 30.020,82 13.694,53 19.329,84 30.012,03 38.113,09 45.605,56 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 37.095,02 11.570,86 19.879,12 33.886,66 48.719,63 67.858,86 Females All studies 19.051,01 7.177,57 11.424,44 16.098,78 22.623,86 34.625,44 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 13.061,17 5.010,14 8.988,08 12.564,63 17.248,13 20.153,49 III. First stage of secondary education 15.216,7 6.514,21 11.122,06 14.563,69 19.073,05 23.737,28 IV. Second stage of secondary education 17.672,85 8.580,92 11.751,04 15.674,36 21.762,21 28.959,36 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -16.298,36 -5.151,36 -7.869,79 -14.626,58 -21.590,75 -29.374,29 VI. University graduates and the like 29.407,19 13.617,44 19.934,12 29.666,63 37.380,51 43.677,77 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 33.582,92 10.421,94 18.953,3 30.530,51 43.000 63.329,49 Males All studies 22.333,63 10.886,58 14.526,99 18.307,59 25.432,94 38.435,57 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 17.344,29 9.914,99 13.578,24 16.482,17 19.821,5 24.998,64 III. First stage of secondary education 18.703,31 10.856,08 14.553,84 17.457,87 21.527,22 27.654,6 IV. Second stage of secondary education 22.251,2 10.865,78 14.312,04 19.411,91 26.659,98 36.552,14 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -24.423,16 -10.437,97 -15.160,29 -19.033,04 -31.069,67 -41.873 VI. University graduates and the like -30.974,63 -13.783,62 -18.193,7 -30.350,56 -39.909,15 -48.825,99 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 40.829,1 12.060 22.612,73 37.431,15 53.974,6 72.096,01 Cantabria Both sexes All studies 22.554,83 8.914,92 14.122,67 18.910,81 28.217,01 39.345,71 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 17.302,86 7.663,37 12.705,55 16.290,91 20.677,9 26.973,53 III. First stage of secondary education 17.834 8.377,45 12.617,71 16.814,18 21.751,37 26.231,62 IV. Second stage of secondary education 20.900,84 8.383,52 13.557,91 18.328,96 24.999,39 36.173,29 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 25.697,66 11.145,14 15.222,51 22.525,44 32.191,31 43.529 VI. University graduates and the like 27.276,41 10.692 17.358,41 28.023,25 34.965,75 41.931,79 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 34.367,06 12.941,58 19.885,16 32.244,9 42.504,99 61.000 Females All studies 19.630,01 7.500,61 12.030,68 16.163,33 24.741,46 35.985,63 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education -13.052,09 -4.246,41 -8.568,38 -13.952,58 -16.153,89 -19.155,31 III. First stage of secondary education -14.635,71 -6.668,43 -10.229,62 -14.122,67 -17.282,41 -21.802,11 IV. Second stage of secondary education 17.028,27 8.139,33 12.182,69 15.878,44 19.848,66 25.659,36 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -20.077,38 -7.659,76 -12.661 -16.638,43 -25.921,19 -34.373 VI. University graduates and the like -25.275,24 -10.692 -16.701,84 -26.338 -33.359,55 -38.865,29 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors -30.339,92 -10.459,6 -16.652,5 -29.263,68 -38.947,23 -51.562,9 Males All studies 25.349,01 11.343,11 16.547,52 21.445,24 30.843,33 43.075,58 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 19.791,35 10.409,32 14.812,65 18.421,09 22.524,98 31.175,9 III. First stage of secondary education 20.431,7 10.591,28 15.768 19.750,13 23.817,22 28.611,73 IV. Second stage of secondary education 24.516,19 9.359,62 16.461,42 21.720 30.895,86 42.140,36 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -30.131,18 -14.790,6 -19.116,73 -26.708,86 -35.182,41 -44.874,8 VI. University graduates and the like -32.374,38 -13.248 -20.142,73 -31.841,58 -39.229,04 -50.094,21 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors -39.230,75 -16.422 -25.541,86 -36.263,97 -49.804,28 -68.617,3 Castilla y León Both sexes All studies 22.034,53 8.012,56 13.819,11 19.057,88 27.778,09 38.581,85 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 17.225,47 6.211,63 10.350,56 16.365,86 20.879,16 30.524,43 III. First stage of secondary education 18.221,64 7.662,12 12.782,23 17.532,58 21.756,88 28.558,08 IV. Second stage of secondary education 19.713,52 8.292 13.263,96 18.189,33 24.817,38 32.191,67 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 24.351,13 10.974,56 16.292,06 22.476,25 30.431,46 40.850,92 VI. University graduates and the like 28.756,55 11.228,52 18.569,93 28.204,62 36.737,27 46.530,36 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 32.857,45 11.537,3 19.027,32 29.274,04 41.061,61 60.965,52 Females All studies 19.056,53 6.313,51 10.622,62 16.689,49 24.456,66 34.681 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 11.478,62 3.691,04 7.076,63 10.941,03 15.047,24 18.862,5 III. First stage of secondary education 14.867,27 5.510,44 9.163,73 14.400,46 19.321,48 23.511,33 IV. Second stage of secondary education 16.109,67 6.593,36 10.046,46 15.501,91 20.779,5 26.568,52 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -18.151,22 -8.147,38 -12.536,71 -18.374,28 -22.694,14 -27.268,03 VI. University graduates and the like 27.043,21 11.717,69 18.250 27.308,46 34.730,44 40.817,52 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 29.521,12 10.624,93 16.920,52 27.798,49 37.409,75 53.219,85 Males All studies 24.714,04 11.810,94 16.384,2 20.956,83 30.377,66 41.259,09 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 20.870,11 9.602,37 15.427,88 18.477,95 24.301,23 34.296,82 III. First stage of secondary education 20.535,65 11.785,2 15.819,24 19.014,65 23.446,47 32.093,12 IV. Second stage of secondary education 23.638,84 12.670,52 16.317,2 21.354,83 28.714,52 37.941,11 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 28.148,18 14.830,26 19.567,38 26.082,24 36.136,72 44.817,12 VI. University graduates and the like 31.668,72 10.326,87 19.357,09 29.996,72 40.202,49 55.100,11 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 37.258 14.623,43 22.539 34.771,44 47.040,82 67.863,93 Castilla - La Mancha Both sexes All studies 21.756,38 8.334,07 13.851,37 18.533,67 25.999,92 37.973,63 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 17.546,4 8.809,08 13.023,04 16.882,55 20.558,57 26.936,07 III. First stage of secondary education 17.784,26 7.636,69 12.773,28 17.529,84 21.820,65 26.287,96 IV. Second stage of secondary education 20.494,4 8.461,56 13.282,8 18.345,51 25.130,25 34.893,04 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 23.599,59 8.037,38 14.705,54 21.394,07 29.663,6 42.088,48 VI. University graduates and the like 28.772,48 9.827,76 17.831,75 29.006,79 36.398,98 44.633,82 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 36.510,63 11.137,39 18.805 32.354,85 49.818,44 68.813,61 Females All studies 19.088,87 6.305,46 10.284,05 15.751,2 23.899,6 35.091,12 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 13.293,99 6.214,24 9.422,99 13.900,53 15.969,08 20.015,2 III. First stage of secondary education 14.501,97 5.161,44 9.014,48 13.907,56 18.719,31 25.027,81 IV. Second stage of secondary education 16.206,59 6.863,96 10.007,74 15.164,99 19.739 26.573,06 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -18.632,65 -6.347,63 -11.715,23 -16.696,46 -23.859,62 -30.597,3 VI. University graduates and the like 27.638,04 8.933,43 16.769,96 28.131,96 34.645,14 42.937,91 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 31.514,93 9.263,4 15.514,44 26.712,58 44.658,58 58.448,26 Males All studies 23.960,1 11.681,72 16.593 20.042 27.415,27 40.414,21 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 19.795,94 11.247,47 15.771,72 18.335,52 22.706,57 29.171,72 III. First stage of secondary education 19.869,21 11.697,29 16.196,03 18.764 22.983,68 27.831,54 IV. Second stage of secondary education 24.910,45 12.585,45 17.490,96 21.602,88 29.611,8 40.414,21 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 28.151,32 13.423,21 18.250,18 25.510,19 34.330,75 52.732,58 VI. University graduates and the like -30.986,32 -10.506,67 -20.253,5 -30.506,31 -38.243,8 -49.088,16 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 42.399,72 16.011 24.522,24 38.176,19 57.719,55 76.784,58 Cataluña Both sexes All studies 25.552,84 8.991,48 15.043,66 22.151,28 32.128,78 45.266,62 I. Less than Primary -15.003,86 -5.292,38 -8.985,54 -14.301,13 -19.234,62 -24.437,99 II. Primary education 18.130,43 7.408,14 11.479,4 17.012,19 22.720,15 29.805,37 III. First stage of secondary education 19.929,25 7.353,3 13.032,53 18.850,18 24.911,91 32.279,31 IV. Second stage of secondary education 24.437,94 9.822,32 15.173,5 21.826,93 30.435,1 41.872,93 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 27.425,3 11.533,95 18.329,88 24.727,51 34.419,14 45.938,25 VI. University graduates and the like 31.048,3 11.603,76 20.266,74 29.077,15 38.398,57 51.809,18 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 37.803,93 13.904,84 22.999,92 33.813,04 48.700,34 65.849,11 Females All studies 22.289,9 7.558,5 12.558,47 18.929,02 28.105,79 40.191,67 I. Less than Primary -11.882,15 -3.684,15 -6.768,14 -11.514,49 -15.674,43 -20.805,99 II. Primary education 13.876,43 5.604,37 9.051,01 13.252,24 17.674,89 22.578,87 III. First stage of secondary education 15.958,52 5.892,07 10.124,02 15.205,2 20.167,98 25.421 IV. Second stage of secondary education 20.623,77 8.811,37 13.165,82 18.422,47 25.645,88 34.816,86 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 21.915,19 8.707 15.143,66 20.882,91 26.024,96 34.416,99 VI. University graduates and the like 27.789,39 9.461,78 18.583,5 26.846,7 35.227,96 43.871,89 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 33.976,92 13.292,08 21.073,14 31.163,91 42.889,34 60.516,54 Males All studies 28.640,23 11.567,66 17.919,99 24.831,22 35.465,44 50.000,02 I. Less than Primary -18.322,58 -9.069,47 -12.126,6 -16.911,71 -22.695,97 -29.673,73 II. Primary education 21.251,29 9.289,92 14.798,46 20.249,06 26.037,43 33.962,74 III. First stage of secondary education 22.902,92 11.073,67 16.291,92 21.855,39 27.579,89 35.747,42 IV. Second stage of secondary education 28.405,07 12.623,13 18.771,61 25.524,95 36.174,43 46.830,15 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 31.864,07 16.087,17 22.270,78 29.726,78 39.418,84 51.641,42 VI. University graduates and the like 36.025,61 15.623,55 23.761 32.903,16 45.000,06 59.783,47 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 42.383,11 15.941,69 26.220,02 37.468,14 55.660,94 72.100,05 Comunitat Valenciana Both sexes All studies 22.121,05 7.559,78 13.281,5 18.887,4 27.023,88 40.055,08 I. Less than Primary -13.918,19 -6.508,13 -11.179,9 -13.513,48 -17.464,84 -20.337,18 II. Primary education 17.255,14 7.185,29 11.934,9 16.619,06 20.944,8 27.453,26 III. First stage of secondary education 17.536,63 6.093,15 11.798,12 16.781,5 21.536,19 27.685,97 IV. Second stage of secondary education 21.446,57 8.673,6 13.313,25 18.857,16 27.036,95 36.791,52 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 23.815,72 9.636,07 14.956,71 20.811,09 29.673,15 41.253,92 VI. University graduates and the like 27.984,8 12.138,77 17.997,46 26.562,02 34.756,53 44.364,81 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 34.260,88 10.502,48 18.823,75 29.072,63 47.476,41 65.511,05 Females All studies 19.235,72 6.127,1 10.867,61 16.283,93 24.240 35.128,65 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 12.422,78 4.341,83 7.729,05 12.520,16 15.760,88 19.161,8 III. First stage of secondary education 14.402,07 4.574,77 8.144,28 13.922,33 18.234,02 23.738,9 IV. Second stage of secondary education 18.128,76 7.559,78 12.080,71 16.743,36 23.143,71 29.831,19 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 17.971,82 6.600 10.830,25 16.682,92 22.224,26 29.634,63 VI. University graduates and the like 25.546,06 10.026,72 16.596,27 25.133,36 32.886,62 40.822 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 31.624,24 10.583,64 17.859,96 26.349,17 41.662,44 63.000 Males All studies 24.537,07 10.473,44 15.989,12 20.581,98 29.572,64 43.590,37 I. Less than Primary -15.881,42 -10.264,52 -13.173,98 -14.946,16 -19.413,5 -21.836,95 II. Primary education 20.210,46 10.885,47 15.392,52 18.826,55 23.231,06 30.520,96 III. First stage of secondary education 19.790,82 7.816,79 14.704,34 18.820,36 23.455,17 30.855,56 IV. Second stage of secondary education 24.707,8 10.346,12 16.031,99 21.437,97 31.306,78 42.327,91 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 28.515,73 15.312,12 18.999,96 24.371,6 35.281,08 49.959,12 VI. University graduates and the like 30.949,44 13.780,52 19.905,97 28.600,98 38.191,53 50.547,69 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 37.025,39 10.310,95 21.054,77 33.025,44 51.452,43 69.619,18 Extremadura Both sexes All studies 19.947,8 6.985,47 12.047,28 17.259,71 23.888,93 34.991,67 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 14.789,92 5.751,28 9.501,12 14.948,17 18.634,56 22.484,83 III. First stage of secondary education 16.951,76 6.668,36 12.042,3 16.215,46 20.597,26 25.953,2 IV. Second stage of secondary education 17.088,78 6.845,64 10.265,2 15.731,69 22.003,21 28.110,87 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -19.675,21 -9.035,77 -12.641,07 -18.112,14 -23.275,72 -30.796,63 VI. University graduates and the like 25.777,59 9.869,64 16.350,7 25.875,64 33.093,64 40.863,81 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 34.576,31 11.783,88 18.562,72 31.131,33 45.355,14 65.865,23 Females All studies 17.972,63 5.338,05 8.781,44 15.114,77 22.977,31 34.296,8 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education -10.481,14 -2.960,96 -6.121,07 -8.398,74 -14.511,15 -19.763,03 III. First stage of secondary education 14.249,57 4.406,88 7.722 14.532 19.602,23 23.413,7 IV. Second stage of secondary education -14.180,3 -5.481,69 -8.671,98 -12.840,28 -17.844,5 -24.095,17 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -14.932,8 -6.750 -9.239,88 -13.594,12 -18.453,59 -24.633,74 VI. University graduates and the like -25.217,28 -9.208,96 -16.396,01 -25.583,98 -33.108,83 -39.021 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors -32.232,13 -11.238,75 -15.970,56 -30.624,19 -41.831,62 -61.406,77 Males All studies 21.794,57 10.655,2 14.948,17 18.579,73 24.685,45 35.403,26 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 17.639,59 11.424,72 14.218,66 16.798,58 19.702,82 23.962,5 III. First stage of secondary education 18.782,98 10.302 14.677,17 17.089,55 21.446,01 29.474,91 IV. Second stage of secondary education 21.127,26 9.975,34 15.271,8 19.575,35 24.620,28 31.770,59 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -23.557,8 -14.283,12 -16.414,54 -21.824,41 -26.155,93 -38.065,88 VI. University graduates and the like -26.925,94 -10.252,56 -15.785,2 -26.421,96 -33.084,76 -45.456,53 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors -37.156,63 -13.075,33 -20.057,87 -32.222,5 -49.062,76 -70.704,12 Galicia Both sexes All studies 22.244,59 8.568,76 13.679,88 18.600 26.946,82 37.884,89 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 16.438,14 5.531,59 11.198,39 16.144,44 19.668,7 25.838,84 III. First stage of secondary education 17.211,49 7.634,31 12.232,26 16.561,87 21.012,76 26.458,87 IV. Second stage of secondary education 21.616,11 10.260,3 14.227,01 18.708,2 26.317,74 36.408,23 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 24.028,23 11.482,7 15.707,21 20.754,08 29.169,56 39.795,6 VI. University graduates and the like 27.392,31 10.680,66 17.290,32 27.006,06 33.426,25 42.355,01 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 36.639,26 11.770,21 20.391,11 30.439,44 45.188,91 64.400,04 Females All studies 19.543,17 7.178,45 11.565,45 16.146,14 24.653,09 35.009,19 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 12.435,88 3.625 7.229,99 12.163,78 16.122,6 19.418,28 III. First stage of secondary education 14.104,15 5.681,96 9.888,48 13.946,58 17.222,06 22.006,42 IV. Second stage of secondary education 18.421,74 8.985,12 12.603,01 15.922,72 22.022,99 29.522,11 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -19.270,86 -8.989,24 -13.042,14 -17.093,8 -23.491,93 -30.006,35 VI. University graduates and the like 25.648,47 9.992,93 17.020,03 26.342,43 32.650,7 39.359,91 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 31.281,12 10.890,25 18.702,35 28.647,32 40.597,81 55.130,9 Males All studies 24.826,91 11.897,76 16.227,76 20.357,74 28.737,16 40.371,5 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 19.519,97 9.196,62 15.365,73 18.394,44 21.736,54 29.358,72 III. First stage of secondary education 19.491,86 9.752,14 15.127,26 18.364,86 23.042 29.740,38 IV. Second stage of secondary education 24.890,1 13.295,53 16.898 22.106,93 30.719,05 40.063,31 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 27.126,86 13.778 18.034,92 23.352,93 32.679,5 42.513,85 VI. University graduates and the like 31.099,53 14.822,24 18.639,4 28.003,15 35.509,74 49.707,21 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 43.824,36 13.965,12 22.550,24 32.391,64 51.564,99 71.156,98 Madrid, Comunidad de Both sexes All studies 27.010,93 9.396,89 14.732,73 21.477,88 34.273,57 51.234,14 I. Less than Primary -15.531,23 -7.668,33 -10.591,85 -14.938 -19.002,27 -22.262,19 II. Primary education 17.319,15 6.875,86 11.783,71 16.315,94 20.153,05 27.272,19 III. First stage of secondary education 19.459,75 7.483,02 12.792,15 17.148,96 23.323,52 32.473,82 IV. Second stage of secondary education 23.413,11 9.439,41 14.040,76 19.789,55 28.819,97 42.041,72 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 27.616,14 12.624,68 17.421,29 25.000,8 34.763,65 45.725,17 VI. University graduates and the like 32.926,96 12.665,35 20.212,46 29.583,37 40.782,08 55.174,39 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 42.082,04 15.274,57 25.000 37.572,13 54.127,35 72.013,61 Females All studies 23.925,99 7.876,76 12.989,48 19.044,86 30.705,13 46.068,16 I. Less than Primary -12.057,81 -7.191,1 -9.377,67 -12.149,65 -15.072,17 -16.703,9 II. Primary education 13.813,71 4.950,19 8.454,18 13.356,25 17.350,01 22.477,66 III. First stage of secondary education 16.541,92 5.623,69 10.957,08 15.344,86 19.991,61 26.986,91 IV. Second stage of secondary education 19.603,23 8.283,06 12.388,2 17.073,86 23.739,78 32.214,86 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 23.404,8 10.543,27 14.523,16 21.000 29.070,52 40.498,45 VI. University graduates and the like 28.427,53 10.212,82 17.642,54 27.807,76 36.942,01 46.074,69 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 37.457,46 14.035,82 23.150,94 33.946,63 48.828,39 65.993,68 Males All studies 29.816,34 11.538,92 16.610,58 23.682,67 37.538,84 55.442,81 I. Less than Primary -18.746,39 -10.829,51 -14.632,24 -17.885,58 -20.779,02 -29.540,26 II. Primary education 19.534,68 9.522,85 14.480,04 18.037,07 22.257,96 30.786,56 III. First stage of secondary education 21.693,68 9.698,41 14.286,4 19.080,35 26.042,34 37.078,39 IV. Second stage of secondary education 27.263,51 11.010,72 16.663,02 23.160,36 33.645,22 47.336,75 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 30.854,82 14.891,88 20.644,04 27.839,49 37.625,25 49.337,8 VI. University graduates and the like 38.817,67 17.712,92 24.828,57 33.992,7 47.027,4 65.073,74 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 47.162,85 17.883,79 28.451,72 42.189,76 59.996,69 79.159,28 Murcia, Región de Both sexes All studies 21.510,59 7.812,2 12.970,44 18.641,49 26.389,63 38.035,63 I. Less than Primary -16.159,28 -6.799,25 -10.813,16 -16.744,44 -22.025,19 -24.079,57 II. Primary education 16.714,89 6.368,99 11.649,84 15.854,69 20.807,57 27.311,26 III. First stage of secondary education 17.928,29 7.895,13 12.332,01 17.031,65 21.492,45 28.074,9 IV. Second stage of secondary education 20.498,13 7.311,49 12.594,52 18.241,02 25.826,43 35.859,33 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 22.631,09 10.320 13.872,06 19.346,06 26.608,73 41.111,11 VI. University graduates and the like 28.750,11 13.053,76 19.946,65 29.165,7 36.076,78 45.336,41 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 34.602,39 8.737,7 18.662,12 29.172,64 47.629,47 67.926,93 Females All studies 18.598,64 5.696,73 9.929,88 15.498,24 24.142,46 35.139,52 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education -11.952,68 -4.298,4 -7.289,24 -11.788,45 -15.351,85 -20.731,42 III. First stage of secondary education 13.132,67 4.858,08 8.271,17 12.371,46 16.587,58 21.053,33 IV. Second stage of secondary education 16.600,64 6.508,61 9.632,02 15.591,72 21.715,29 27.827,94 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -17.625,77 -9.339,78 -11.838,96 -16.836,15 -20.812,62 -26.550,3 VI. University graduates and the like -27.787,14 -9.794,36 -19.978,57 -28.762,37 -35.101,83 -44.545,4 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors -30.424,03 -6.136,82 -16.509,69 -28.269,48 -39.651,59 -56.590,21 Males All studies 23.670,24 11.272,43 15.211,05 20.046,05 27.982,47 40.106,06 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 19.271,52 10.962,57 13.775,81 18.290,03 23.111,43 29.732,62 III. First stage of secondary education 20.555,52 11.685,36 14.672,4 19.288,05 23.816,33 31.880,55 IV. Second stage of secondary education 23.763,65 10.232,91 15.453,61 20.745,43 29.481,37 41.084,63 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -26.270,92 -11.226,69 -15.471,71 -22.630,18 -33.951,19 -49.267,15 VI. University graduates and the like -30.348,34 -14.033,15 -19.946,65 -29.691,44 -38.169,9 -46.451,49 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 39.058,59 10.940,04 20.950,32 32.226,67 55.992,65 75.617,57 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de Both sexes All studies 26.364,75 10.548,78 17.607,97 23.602,88 33.138,77 43.695,59 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 19.918,02 7.994,96 14.011,87 20.349,7 24.457,96 31.137,36 III. First stage of secondary education 20.894,22 7.058,19 13.881,47 20.218,96 26.713,55 33.883,44 IV. Second stage of secondary education 24.962,7 11.389,64 17.421,05 23.464,56 31.699,87 39.383,04 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 28.700,16 13.077,57 19.875,64 26.751,51 36.403,52 45.816,17 VI. University graduates and the like 30.935,08 15.487,9 22.572,73 30.298,43 37.245,84 46.770,43 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 37.606,54 14.995,73 23.197,51 34.074,77 47.263 66.680,8 Females All studies 22.697,59 8.976,71 13.640,48 20.530,96 29.150,65 38.472,6 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education -15.791,16 -5.347,58 -11.019,7 -15.608,27 -20.910,7 -24.898,07 III. First stage of secondary education -16.586,3 -6.231,5 -11.353,8 -17.101,67 -20.670 -25.500,1 IV. Second stage of secondary education 19.712,44 9.577,02 13.497 19.170,36 25.612,18 32.083,94 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -20.640,54 -9.857,91 -13.779,53 -20.105,28 -25.332,43 -32.314,4 VI. University graduates and the like -28.899,59 -13.700,39 -21.402,84 -29.518,55 -35.338,45 -43.610,23 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 33.750,65 13.428,23 21.013,78 31.563,34 41.575,59 59.402,2 Males All studies 29.546,12 14.790,02 20.553,03 26.845,99 35.948,68 47.146,66 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 23.203,97 12.410,31 19.563 22.435,64 27.376,96 35.217,14 III. First stage of secondary education 24.027,13 8.303,46 18.683,97 23.044,01 30.382,52 37.497,65 IV. Second stage of secondary education 28.703,28 16.972,72 21.240,1 27.149,94 35.104,43 42.875,32 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 33.643,49 19.014,68 24.641,45 32.149,36 39.560,38 50.218,73 VI. University graduates and the like -34.825,29 -19.282,72 -24.717 -32.444,66 -40.571,97 -52.186,19 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 41.946,53 18.088,99 26.298 38.485,39 53.668,7 72.507,24 País Vasco Both sexes All studies 28.470,94 9.824,86 16.813,31 25.427,64 37.658,72 48.542 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 20.975,29 8.181,66 14.075,35 20.169 26.612,32 33.357,07 III. First stage of secondary education 22.445,11 7.957,1 15.204,75 21.112,34 28.639,32 36.752,63 IV. Second stage of secondary education 23.829,67 7.947,52 13.456,44 21.592,07 32.758,21 41.895,9 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 30.339,79 13.891,02 20.259,24 28.856,25 39.073,42 47.074,25 VI. University graduates and the like 33.522,9 14.061,41 22.074,9 33.512,31 42.159,59 51.830,83 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 41.067,71 15.293,21 25.417 39.407,86 52.031,9 70.788 Females All studies 24.757,18 7.668,76 13.331,94 20.933,65 33.683,72 45.478,59 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 16.267,28 4.819,41 10.303 14.936,42 21.163,94 25.028 III. First stage of secondary education 17.173,08 5.792,89 9.149,1 16.486,4 22.805,33 29.047,84 IV. Second stage of secondary education 18.447,56 6.148,02 10.251 16.084,95 24.064,09 33.959,75 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 23.722,09 11.429,5 15.683,17 20.832,3 30.252,04 39.809,09 VI. University graduates and the like 31.065,3 13.110,64 21.118,13 30.848,05 40.630,5 47.261,76 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 37.175,45 12.399,58 22.025,39 36.533,1 47.482 64.964,46 Males All studies 31.970,3 14.445,02 20.908 28.922,3 40.391,18 51.280 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 24.348,99 12.635 17.887,29 23.852,65 30.032,98 35.914,19 III. First stage of secondary education 26.367,94 13.040,17 19.063,73 24.908,11 32.232,54 40.728,36 IV. Second stage of secondary education 28.923,31 10.719,89 20.037,69 27.099,9 38.314,64 44.931,95 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar 34.034,82 19.028,46 25.079,9 33.217,21 42.108 50.198,88 VI. University graduates and the like 38.858,61 18.231,14 27.131,2 37.185,94 46.985,23 64.256,47 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 46.413,28 18.411,57 29.525,56 43.083,84 59.025,02 78.429,22 Rioja, La Both sexes All studies 22.641,17 8.801,47 14.275,96 19.995,84 27.740,44 38.745,96 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 17.759,51 7.527,24 12.247 16.380,97 21.665,96 28.821,2 III. First stage of secondary education 19.327,23 7.748 13.889,12 18.964,03 23.556,65 29.038,51 IV. Second stage of secondary education 20.293,25 8.628,36 13.738,66 18.257,33 24.960,18 32.571,24 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -24.642,3 -11.795,87 -16.747,56 -22.410,84 -30.567,47 -39.594,6 VI. University graduates and the like 27.851,18 12.927,83 18.039,96 26.136,33 34.788,17 43.476,51 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors 35.452,78 12.647,44 22.046,4 32.167,11 45.183,12 64.495,87 Females All studies 19.770,93 7.477,68 12.193,54 16.793,4 24.600 34.171,96 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education -13.185,85 -6.678,64 -9.515,78 -13.235,86 -15.806,76 -20.051,7 III. First stage of secondary education -16.135,57 -7.154 -11.410,28 -15.804,85 -20.121,07 -24.600 IV. Second stage of secondary education -17.500,06 -7.385,92 -12.052,31 -15.890,61 -21.876,25 -29.620,06 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -19.160,34 -8.832,34 -13.093,2 -18.708,33 -23.982,78 -28.085,88 VI. University graduates and the like -25.694,3 -11.545 -17.302,11 -25.276,45 -33.602,45 -40.035,39 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors -32.519,62 -12.115,31 -20.414,76 -29.938,8 -39.037,08 -60.107,92 Males All studies 25.593,27 12.438,61 17.679 22.332,89 30.840,3 42.443,05 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education 21.087,33 10.941,85 14.646,51 20.081,85 25.019,63 34.031,84 III. First stage of secondary education 22.314,5 12.044,6 17.980,43 21.408,57 25.313,65 32.621,25 IV. Second stage of secondary education -23.780,97 -12.438,61 -17.187,79 -21.482,72 -28.591,8 -37.988,76 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -29.072,56 -16.252,15 -19.870,82 -25.884 -34.850,86 -46.362,82 VI. University graduates and the like -33.078,94 -16.161,87 -22.203,38 -30.261,11 -38.851,46 -58.580,16 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors -38.877,75 -15.202,9 -26.543,1 -35.663 -50.312,99 -66.161,79 Ceuta y Melilla Both sexes All studies 24.803,82 8.937,8 14.303,45 20.857,85 32.062,89 45.458,11 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education -18.340,5 -5.588,11 -11.572,22 -17.666,38 -24.231,05 -31.632,99 III. First stage of secondary education -18.826,29 -9.033,48 -13.641,79 -17.955,13 -23.805,9 -29.080,56 IV. Second stage of secondary education -22.785,83 -7.818,52 -14.338,67 -21.678,36 -29.389,5 -37.445,18 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar -25.793,04 -12.184,11 -14.951,57 -23.779,69 -34.947,48 -41.964,87 VI. University graduates and the like -35.301,4 -15.096,37 -21.604 -37.525,23 -45.330,47 -54.696,31 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors -45.513,36 -18.000 -33.272,35 -45.212,28 -59.078,04 -66.931,32 Females All studies 23.523,36 8.771,92 12.813,13 19.394,69 31.893,08 44.159,42 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education .. .. .. .. .. .. III. First stage of secondary education -17.093,15 -7.387,28 -11.968,22 -16.847,01 -21.850,75 -27.087,2 IV. Second stage of secondary education -20.475,14 -7.752 -12.439,35 -20.400,91 -27.404,52 -34.337,35 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar .. .. .. .. .. .. VI. University graduates and the like -35.096,66 -17.438,43 -21.554,69 -37.738,32 -45.008,88 -53.600,34 VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors .. .. .. .. .. .. Males All studies 25.810,14 9.448,8 15.499,2 21.856,08 32.311,12 46.322,24 I. Less than Primary .. .. .. .. .. .. II. Primary education -20.197,26 -7.261 -13.358,48 -18.691,65 -26.044,18 -34.168,08 III. First stage of secondary education -20.132,39 -9.862,11 -15.248,76 -18.782,59 -24.536,66 -30.194,2 IV. Second stage of secondary education -24.651 -9.235,24 -16.014,68 -22.975,09 -30.225,19 -42.934,23 V. Higher-level vocational training courses and similar .. .. .. .. .. .. VI. University graduates and the like .. .. .. .. .. .. VII. Graduates and similar, and university doctors .. .. .. .. .. .. Notas: The data is not available when the number of sample observations is less than 100. When the box is marked with the '-' sign prior to the information, this indicates that the number of sample observations is between 100 and 500, and therefore the figure is not very trustworthy and should be interpreted with care. Fuente: