Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Sector Indicators By sector of activity Innovative companies and companies with innovative activities in the period 2020-2022 in the ICT sector by branch of activity in the ICT sector and company type. Results based on Statistical Company Units: Percentage ;% of innovative companies (product and/or business processes);% of companies with completed, ongoing, or abandoned innovative activities; 1. ICT MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES: CNAE 2611, 2612, 2620, 2630, 2640, 2680;57.51;66.29; 2. SERVICES;48.82;54.67; 2.A. ICT COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIES: CNAE 4651, 4652;.;.; 2.B.1 ICT SERVICE INDUSTRIES: SOFTWARE EDITING: CNAE 5821, 5829;68.89;78.42; 2.B.2 ICT SERVICE INDUSTRIES: TELECOMMUNICATIONS: CNAE 6110, 6120, 6130, 6190;32.32;34.97; 2.B.3 ICT SERVICE INDUSTRIES: PROGRAMMING, CONSULTING AND OTHER COMPUTER-RELATED ACTIVITIES: CNAE 6201, 6202, 6203, 6209;53.23;60.24; 2.B.4 ICT SERVICE INDUSTRIES: WEB PORTALS, DATA PROCESSING, HOSTING AND RELATED ACTIVITIES: CNAE 6311, 6312;39.87;47.47; 2.B.5 ICT SERVICE INDUSTRIES: COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT REPAIR: CNAE 9511, 9512;.;.; TOTAL ICT SECTOR;49.23;55.21; Notes: .Data protected by statistical secrecy 1) '.'=data quality does not allow publication 2) Source: Innovation in Companies Survey 3) ICT sector according to CNAE 2009: 2611, 2612, 2620, 2630, 2640, 2680, 4651, 4652, 5821, 5829, 6110, 6120, 6130, 6190, 6201, 6202, 6203, 6209, 6311, 6312, 9511, 9512 Source: National Statistics Institute