Housing conditions and energy efficiency Households according to whether they have made improvements to thermal insulation or the heating system, by Autonomous Community. Unidades: Horizontal percentages. ;Has made improvements to thermal insulation or the heating system;No improvements have been made and it is warm enough during the cold months;No improvements have been made and it is not warm enough during the cold months; Total;14,1;60,8;25,1; Andalucía;9,4;58;32,5; Aragón;18,5;63;18,4; Asturias, Principado de;19,5;60,6;19,9; Balears, Illes;15,9;57,3;26,8; Canarias;6,2;70,7;23,1; Cantabria;15,8;62,7;21,6; Castilla y León;18,9;64,5;16,6; Castilla - La Mancha;12;64,8;23,1; Cataluña;14,9;60,5;24,6; Comunitat Valenciana;11,3;59,8;28,8; Extremadura;10,4;57;32,5; Galicia;15;58,4;26,6; Madrid, Comunidad de;19,1;61;19,9; Murcia, Región de;8,9;53,9;37,2; Navarra, Comunidad Foral de;20,6;65,1;14,2; País Vasco;20,4;62,5;17,1; Rioja, La;14,7;65,9;19,4; Ceuta;5,3;59,1;35,6; Melilla;11,7;68,6;19,7; Notas: Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística