Indicator 8.5.2. Unemployment rate, by sex, age and persons with disabilities Long-term unemployment rate (people aged 16-74) by sex Unidades: Porcentaje Total; 2023;4,28; 2022;5,1; 2021;6,24; 2020;5; 2019;5,36; 2018;6,38; 2017;7,68; 2016;9,51; 2015;11,4; Hombres; 2023;3,56; 2022;4,15; 2021;5,14; 2020;4,07; 2019;4,37; 2018;5,44; 2017;6,67; 2016;8,36; 2015;10,49; Mujeres; 2023;5,08; 2022;6,17; 2021;7,48; 2020;6,06; 2019;6,49; 2018;7,45; 2017;8,84; 2016;10,84; 2015;12,46; Notas: Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística