Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Discrimination Perception of discrimination due to a disability in social relationships, free time, and trips, by gender and age. Population aged 6 and over with a disability. . Unidades: percentage ;Total;Never;Sometimes;Many times;Constantly; Total; Total;100;90,5;7,03;1,97;0,5; From 6 to 44 years;100;74,27;18,13;5,89;1,71; From 45 to 64 years;100;87,43;9,04;2,72;0,82; From 65 to 79 years;100;93,82;4,74;1,26;0,19; 80 or more years;100;96,4;3,09;0,45;0,05; Man; Total;100;88,8;8,38;2,17;0,65; From 6 to 44 years;100;73,92;18,51;5,57;2; From 45 to 64 years;100;86,71;9,76;2,58;0,95; From 65 to 79 years;100;93,51;5,03;1,35;0,1; 80 or more years;100;96;3,66;0,33;0; Woman; Total;100;91,68;6,09;1,82;0,4; From 6 to 44 years;100;74,71;17,65;6,3;1,34; From 45 to 64 years;100;88,05;8,41;2,83;0,71; From 65 to 79 years;100;94,01;4,55;1,2;0,24; 80 or more years;100;96,6;2,81;0,51;0,08; Notas: The perception of discrimination on the basis of disability refers to situations in which the person with a disability considers that he or she was not allowed to do something, was made to feel inferior or ignored, was bothered or was not given properly adapted information Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística