Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Education, schooling and ongoing studies Availability of a scholarship or study aid by gender and disability group. Population aged 6 to 15 years with a disability that is enrolled in school. Unidades: percentage ;Total;Receives a scholarship or study aid due to disability;Recibe una beca o ayuda al estudio por otro motivo;No recibe ninguna beca o ayuda al estudio; Total; Total;100;31,81;11,04;58,09; Vision;100;20,19;16,83;62,98; Hearing;100;15,45;21,99;62,56; Communication;100;43,98;9,01;48,91; Learning, knowledge application and task development;100;37,24;9,62;54,82; Mobility;100;43,57;9,87;47,52; Self-Care;100;40,05;12,52;48,95; Domestic Life;100;33,01;13,53;53,46; Interactions and Personal Relationships;100;34,22;8,26;58,12; Man; Total;100;31,52;10,35;58,78; Vision;100;26,39;0;73,61; Hearing;100;16,55;29,97;53,48; Communication;100;41,89;7,6;51,79; Learning, knowledge application and task development;100;36,31;10,04;54,81; Mobility;100;48,35;13,2;39,93; Self-Care;100;43,64;13,84;44,68; Domestic Life;100;25,43;12,4;62,17; Interactions and Personal Relationships;100;36,43;8,49;55,9; Woman; Total;100;32,38;12,44;56,71; Vision;100;10,24;43,84;45,92; Hearing;100;12,43;0;87,57; Communication;100;48,51;12,05;42,68; Learning, knowledge application and task development;100;39,18;8,77;54,85; Mobility;100;34,77;3,73;61,5; Self-Care;100;31,5;9,37;59,12; Domestic Life;100;49,66;16,04;34,3; Interactions and Personal Relationships;100;28,11;7,65;64,24; Notas: The same person can receive two types of financial aid: one for their disability and one for another reason other than their disability. 2) A person may have disabilities from more than one disability group. Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística