Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Accessibility and getting around Places with public buildings and their surroundings which present functional difficulties for those with a disability, by gender and number of disabilities. Population aged 6 and over with a disability. Unidades: thousands of persons ;Total;Within the home itself (bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, hearing the doorbell, etc.);In other areas of the building (doorway, stairs, elevator, patio, garage, etc.);In the surroundings and access areas to the building/house;No difficulty getting around the house;Not given; Total; Total;4.318,1;857,1;1.042,7;943,2;2.798;75,9; Just one disability;1.946;173,6;252,7;188,7;1.554,4;26,3; Two disabilities;829,8;149,2;195,2;168,4;532;13; Three disabilities;587,3;179,4;196,8;196,5;301,3;8,8; Four disabilities;349,5;110,5;134,1;120,2;168,4;8,1; Five to eight disabilities;605,4;244,5;263,9;269,4;241,9;19,6; Man; Total;1.770,2;289,3;357,8;313,3;1.245,6;30,3; Just one disability;880,3;65,4;98,7;70,2;730,1;10,3; Two disabilities;327,4;43,3;62;51,4;230,1;7,7; Three disabilities;216,8;61,1;63,2;61,8;120,4;4,4; Four disabilities;130,9;38,5;44,1;40,8;69,1;2,6; Five to eight disabilities;214,8;81,1;89,9;89,2;95,9;5,3; Woman; Total;2.547,8;567,8;684,9;629,9;1.552,4;45,6; Just one disability;1.065,7;108,2;154;118,5;824,3;16; Two disabilities;502,3;105,9;133,2;117;301,9;5,4; Three disabilities;370,6;118,3;133,6;134,7;180,9;4,4; Four disabilities;218,7;72;90;79,4;99,3;5,5; Five to eight disabilities;390,6;163,4;174;180,3;146,1;14,4; Notas: A person may have difficulty getting around to various places in the home * Los datos correspondientes a celdas con menos de 5 mil personas han de ser tomados con precaución, ya que pueden estar afectados de elevados errores de muestreo. Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística