Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Education, schooling and ongoing studies Availability of a scholarship or study aid by gender and number of disabilities. Population aged 6 to 15 years with a disability that is enrolled in school. Unidades: thousands of persons ;Total;Receives a scholarship or study aid due to disability;Recibe una beca o ayuda al estudio por otro motivo;No recibe ninguna beca o ayuda al estudio;Not given; Total; Total;105,6;32,7;11,4;59,8;2,7; Just one disability;46,4;9,1;5,2;31,5;0,6; Two disabilities;23,8;9,5;2,9;11,4;0,5; Three disabilities;14,1;4,5;0,8;8,5;0,2; Four disabilities;11,5;5,1;1,9;4;0,9; Five to eight disabilities;9,8;4,5;0,6;4,3;0,4; Man; Total;69,6;21,6;7,1;40,3;1; Just one disability;29;5,4;2,8;20,1;0,6; Two disabilities;16,8;6,2;1,8;8,8;0; Three disabilities;9,3;2,8;0,8;5,4;0,2; Four disabilities;8;3,7;1,1;3,4;0,2; Five to eight disabilities;6,6;3,5;0,6;2,5;0,1; Woman; Total;36;11,1;4,3;19,5;1,6; Just one disability;17,5;3,7;2,4;11,4;0; Two disabilities;7;3,3;1,1;2,6;0,5; Three disabilities;4,8;1,7;0;3,1;0; Four disabilities;3,5;1,4;0,8;0,6;0,7; Five to eight disabilities;3,2;1,1;0;1,8;0,3; Notas: The same person can receive two types of financial aid: one for their disability and one for another reason other than their disability. 2) The number of disabilities refers to the 8 disability groups: vision, hearing, communication, learning, mobility, self-care, home life and personal interactions and relationships * Los datos correspondientes a celdas con menos de 5 mil personas han de ser tomados con precaución, ya que pueden estar afectados de elevados errores de muestreo. Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística