Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Sector Indicators Series 2021 - 2022 with CNAE-2009. Results by Company Statistics Value added in the ICT sector by ICT sector branches of activity Units: Thousands of euros ,2022,2021, 1. ICT MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES: CNAE 2611, 2612, 2620, 2630, 2640, 2680,1,149,398,1,043,605, 2. SERVICES,44,469,826,39,005,705, 2.A ICT COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIES: CNAE 4651, 4652,4,832,026,4,703,731, 2.B.1 ICT SERVICE INDUSTRIES: SOFTWARE EDITING: CNAE 5821, 5829,1,071,354,874,829, 2.B.2 ICT SERVICE INDUSTRIES: TELECOMMUNICATIONS: CNAE 6110, 6120, 6130, 6190,12,170,209,11,934,620, 2.B.3 ICT SERVICE INDUSTRIES: PROGRAMMING, CONSULTING AND OTHER COMPUTER-RELATED ACTIVITIES: CNAE 6201, 6202, 6203, 6209,23,556,460,18,972,437, 2.B.4 ICT SERVICE INDUSTRIES: WEB PORTALS, DATA PROCESSING, HOSTING AND RELATED ACTIVITIES: CNAE 6311, 6312,2,262,561,1,948,802, 2.B.5 ICT SERVICE INDUSTRIES: COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT REPAIR: CNAE 9511, 9512,577,216,571,285, TOTAL ICT SECTOR,45,619,225,40,049,310, Notes: 1) Source: Structural Business Statistics: Industrial Sector and Structural Business Statistics: Services Sector (new names from the former Industrial Companies Survey and Annual Services Survey) 2) ICT sector according to CNAE 2009: 2611, 2612, 2620, 2630, 2640, 2680, 4651, 4652, 5821, 5829, 6110, 6120, 6130, 6190, 6201, 6202, 6203, 6209, 6311, 6312, 9511, 9512. Source: National Statistics Institute