Residential centres, supervised housing and hospitals. Absolute figures Supervised housing for disabled people, by ownership, number of places and residents. Units: Centres, places, residents ,Centros,,,Plazas,,,Residentes,,, ,Total,Public,Private,Total,Public,Private,Total,Public,Private, Total,905,222,683,9,235,3,282,5,953,7,903,2,592,5,311, Supervised flats or housing for people with disabilities or other type,669,64,605,5,456,904,4,552,5,058,797,4,261, Supervised flats or housing for elderly people with autonomy,236,158,78,3,779,2,378,1,401,2,845,1,795,1,050, Notes: 1) Los datos correspondientes a los Centros Residenciales, Viviendas Tuteladas y Hospitals, han sido obtenidos a partir del directorio de la encuesta. Source: National Statistics Institute