Chapter 5: Personal Autonomy Level Participating in decision-making associated to personal autonomy, by gender and age. Population with disabilities. Units: percentage ,Total,When to get up or go to bed,What clothes to wear,When to wash,What to eat and when,How to manage their money,With whom they share their bedroom,When to enter and exit the centre,Where and with whom to spend free time,Decorating their room with their own things, Total, Total,100.00,23.00,48.66,19.73,8.16,28.51,18.05,28.99,59.12,51.44, From 6 to 64 years old,100.00,28.26,57.23,26.19,10.30,26.68,15.97,24.38,61.81,52.84, From 65 to 79 years old,100.00,26.67,54.77,24.91,8.98,33.82,18.41,34.16,63.66,53.98, 80 or more years,100.00,20.65,44.79,16.63,7.42,27.30,18.42,28.47,57.10,50.33, Man, Total,100.00,28.55,51.20,24.78,9.68,34.50,20.63,33.91,64.04,51.88, From 6 to 64 years old,100.00,29.98,55.12,25.48,10.74,26.89,16.85,25.39,62.07,51.28, From 65 to 79 years old,100.00,30.90,56.09,28.70,10.66,39.73,20.41,38.48,68.31,55.39, 80 or more years,100.00,26.54,46.53,22.32,8.60,35.67,22.73,35.91,62.78,50.30, Woman, Total,100.00,20.03,47.30,17.02,7.35,25.31,16.67,26.36,56.48,51.20, From 6 to 64 years old,100.00,25.80,60.25,27.21,9.66,26.37,14.72,22.93,61.42,55.06, From 65 to 79 years old,100.00,23.14,53.68,21.75,7.57,28.88,16.73,30.56,59.78,52.79, 80 or more years,100.00,18.58,44.19,14.63,7.00,24.36,16.90,25.85,55.09,50.34, Notes: 1) The information refers to decision-making in each of the proposed activities. A person can participate in making different decisions. Source: National Statistics Institute