Chapter 7: Personal care Assessment of the assistance or personal care received by gender, disability group and age. Population with disabilities. Units: people ,Total,They consider it is sufficient and satisfies their needs,They consider it is insufficient,No reply, Total, Total,357,894,340,069,14,848,2,977, From 6 to 64 years old,53,800,50,872,2,583,345, From 65 to 79 years old,71,561,66,928,3,913,720, 80 or more years,232,533,222,269,8,352,1,912, Man, Total,124,774,116,952,6,664,1,158, From 6 to 64 years old,31,662,29,903,1,551,208, From 65 to 79 years old,32,554,29,791,2,301,462, 80 or more years,60,558,57,259,2,811,488, Woman, Total,233,121,223,118,8,185,1,819, From 6 to 64 years old,22,138,20,970,1,032,136, From 65 to 79 years old,39,008,37,138,1,612,258, 80 or more years,171,975,165,011,5,540,1,424, Notes: 1) The information refers to all the care and assistance that they receive (from the centre, relatives, known friends and contracted extra services) which meet their needs. 2) Los datos correspondientes a celdas con menos de quinientas people han de ser tomados con precaución, ya que pueden estar afectados de elevados errores de muestreo. Source: National Statistics Institute