Intergenerational transmission of poverty Adults aged between 25 and 59 years by age group according to their income quintile per unit of consumption and material deprivation when they were teenagers. Unidades: Total number of adults aged 25 to 59 years. ,Basic school needs (books and stationery) weren't covered,Did not eat at least one meat, chicken or fish (or the vegetarian equivalent) meal per day,Could not spend at least one week a year on holiday away from home, Total, Total,1.166.781,1.513.979,7.716.290, First quintile,396.271,483.592,1.818.208, Second quintile,288.289,401.730,1.854.047, Third quintile,240.836,316.039,1.743.204, Fourth quintile,146.621,189.443,1.399.540, Fifth quintile,94.764,123.174,901.291, From 25 to 44 years old, Total,495.902,681.293,3.441.486, First quintile,180.791,244.247,878.089, Second quintile,132.944,199.766,870.229, Third quintile,99.613,133.835,818.048, Fourth quintile,51.370,69.521,598.065, Fifth quintile,31.184,33.923,277.056, From 45 to 59, Total,670.879,832.686,4.274.804, First quintile,215.480,239.344,940.120, Second quintile,155.345,201.964,983.818, Third quintile,141.223,182.204,925.156, Fourth quintile,95.250,119.922,801.475, Fifth quintile,63.580,89.252,624.235, Notas: This table takes into account the current situation of adults aged 25-59 and that of their parents or household when the child was an adolescent.Income per unit of consumption is obtained, for each household, by dividing total household income by the number of units of consumption. The distribution of persons is taken.Carencia material infantil cuando era adolescente: el hogar no podía permitirse el concepto considerado. Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística