Indicator 8.5.2. Unemployment rate, by sex, age and persons with disabilities Long-term unemployment rate (people aged 16-74) by sex Unidades: Porcentaje Total, 2023,4,28, 2022,5,1, 2021,6,24, 2020,5, 2019,5,36, 2018,6,38, 2017,7,68, 2016,9,51, 2015,11,4, Hombres, 2023,3,56, 2022,4,15, 2021,5,14, 2020,4,07, 2019,4,37, 2018,5,44, 2017,6,67, 2016,8,36, 2015,10,49, Mujeres, 2023,5,08, 2022,6,17, 2021,7,48, 2020,6,06, 2019,6,49, 2018,7,45, 2017,8,84, 2016,10,84, 2015,12,46, Notas: Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística