Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Relative figures (**) Percentage of households with persons with disabilities or limitations with problems in the dwelling, according to the type of problem, by number of persons resident with disabilities Unidades: percentage ,Total,Only one person with disabilities,Two persons with disabilities,Three or more persons with disabilities, Total,100,100,100,100, Leaks, dampness on the walls, floors, ceilings or foundations, rot on floors, windowsills or doors,21,20,33,24,34,26,29, Noise,19,88,19,58,21,41,22,04, Odours,13,92,13,65,14,58,24,96, Poor quality water for consumption,27,08,26,93,27,69,29,94, Air pollution from nearby industry, dump, incinerator or other causes,9,21,8,89,10,53,15,59, Presence of animals causing a significance nuisance,7,63,7,47,8,43,9, They do not have any of these problems,45,12,45,75,42,39,39, Notas: The data corresponding to cells with fewer than 5 thousand persons must be viewed with caution, because it may be affected by large sampling errors. Fuente: National Statistics Institute