Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Discrimination Perception of discrimination due to a disability in high school or school by gender and age. Population aged 6 and over with a disability enrolled in school or undertaking studies or training courses. Unidades: percentage ,Total,Never,Sometimes,Many times,Constantly, Total, Total,100,72,55,18,34,6,64,2,46, From 6 to 15 years,100,61,06,24,65,9,83,4,46, 16 or more years,100,82,4,12,94,3,91,0,75, Man, Total,100,71,32,17,28,8,63,2,77, From 6 to 15 years,100,62,49,21,53,11,42,4,56, 16 or more years,100,80,69,12,77,5,66,0,88, Woman, Total,100,74,31,19,85,3,82,2,01, From 6 to 15 years,100,58,35,30,56,6,82,4,27, 16 or more years,100,84,32,13,13,1,95,0,6, Notas: The perception of discrimination on the basis of disability refers to situations in which the person with a disability considers that he or she was not allowed to do something, was made to feel inferior or ignored, was bothered or was not given properly adapted information Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística