Sex;Reason for not having employment;Total Total;Total;100 Total;Due to my disability;23,49 Total;Lack of experience or qualification;6,91 Total;Labour Market: Finding a job is difficult for anyone;29,39 Total;No offer: I can't find the type of job I'm looking for;12,52 Total;I've been looking for a job for only a short time;5,36 Total;Other reasons;22,33 Man;Total;100 Man;Due to my disability;23,53 Man;Lack of experience or qualification;4,06 Man;Labour Market: Finding a job is difficult for anyone;31,84 Man;No offer: I can't find the type of job I'm looking for;14,16 Man;I've been looking for a job for only a short time;5,22 Man;Other reasons;21,19 Woman;Total;100 Woman;Due to my disability;23,46 Woman;Lack of experience or qualification;9,42 Woman;Labour Market: Finding a job is difficult for anyone;27,22 Woman;No offer: I can't find the type of job I'm looking for;11,07 Woman;I've been looking for a job for only a short time;5,49 Woman;Other reasons;23,34