Product group Indicator type Total 1. Telecommunication equipment Value of production (millions of euros) 492.37 1. Telecommunication equipment % of total ICT sector 13.27 1. Telecommunication equipment % of total industrial sector 0.08 2. Computer equipment Value of production (millions of euros) 254.08 2. Computer equipment % of total ICT sector 6.85 2. Computer equipment % of total industrial sector 0.04 3. Electronic components Value of production (millions of euros) 1,252.36 3. Electronic components % of total ICT sector 33.74 3. Electronic components % of total industrial sector 0.21 4. Audio and video equipment Value of production (millions of euros) 267.40 4. Audio and video equipment % of total ICT sector 7.21 4. Audio and video equipment % of total industrial sector 0.04 5. Other ICT products Value of production (millions of euros) 1,445.04 5. Other ICT products % of total ICT sector 38.94 5. Other ICT products % of total industrial sector 0.24 TOTAL ICT SECTOR Value of production (millions of euros) 3,711.25 TOTAL ICT SECTOR % of total ICT sector 100.00 TOTAL ICT SECTOR % of total industrial sector 0.62 TOTAL Value of production (millions of euros) 600,389.85 TOTAL % of total ICT sector .. TOTAL % of total industrial sector 100.00