Sex Type of household Collaboration with NGOs Total Total Total Total 100 Total Total Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 11,48 Total Total Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 88,52 Total Hogar unipersonal Total 100 Total Hogar unipersonal Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 10,45 Total Hogar unipersonal Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 89,55 Total Father or Mother solo/a que convive con algún hijo Total 100 Total Father or Mother solo/a que convive con algún hijo Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 11,6 Total Father or Mother solo/a que convive con algún hijo Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 88,4 Total Pareja sin hijos que convivan en el hogar Total 100 Total Pareja sin hijos que convivan en el hogar Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 10,07 Total Pareja sin hijos que convivan en el hogar Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 89,93 Total Couple with children que convivan en el hogar Total 100 Total Couple with children que convivan en el hogar Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 16,18 Total Couple with children que convivan en el hogar Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 83,82 Total Other type of household Total 100 Total Other type of household Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 8,89 Total Other type of household Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 91,11 Man Total Total 100 Man Total Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 12,39 Man Total Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 87,61 Man Hogar unipersonal Total 100 Man Hogar unipersonal Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 10,34 Man Hogar unipersonal Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 89,66 Man Father or Mother solo/a que convive con algún hijo Total 100 Man Father or Mother solo/a que convive con algún hijo Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 14,97 Man Father or Mother solo/a que convive con algún hijo Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 85,03 Man Pareja sin hijos que convivan en el hogar Total 100 Man Pareja sin hijos que convivan en el hogar Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 9,83 Man Pareja sin hijos que convivan en el hogar Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 90,17 Man Couple with children que convivan en el hogar Total 100 Man Couple with children que convivan en el hogar Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 16,65 Man Couple with children que convivan en el hogar Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 83,35 Man Other type of household Total 100 Man Other type of household Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 10,38 Man Other type of household Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 89,62 Woman Total Total 100 Woman Total Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 10,86 Woman Total Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 89,14 Woman Hogar unipersonal Total 100 Woman Hogar unipersonal Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 10,5 Woman Hogar unipersonal Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 89,5 Woman Father or Mother solo/a que convive con algún hijo Total 100 Woman Father or Mother solo/a que convive con algún hijo Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 10,07 Woman Father or Mother solo/a que convive con algún hijo Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 89,93 Woman Pareja sin hijos que convivan en el hogar Total 100 Woman Pareja sin hijos que convivan en el hogar Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 10,31 Woman Pareja sin hijos que convivan en el hogar Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 89,69 Woman Couple with children que convivan en el hogar Total 100 Woman Couple with children que convivan en el hogar Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 15,68 Woman Couple with children que convivan en el hogar Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 84,32 Woman Other type of household Total 100 Woman Other type of household Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 7,97 Woman Other type of household Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 92,03