Sex Number of Disabilities Collaboration with NGOs Total Total Total Total 100 Total Total Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 11,48 Total Total Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 88,52 Total Just one disability Total 100 Total Just one disability Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 10,16 Total Just one disability Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 89,84 Total Two disabilities Total 100 Total Two disabilities Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 12,88 Total Two disabilities Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 87,12 Total Three disabilities Total 100 Total Three disabilities Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 11,41 Total Three disabilities Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 88,59 Total Four disabilities Total 100 Total Four disabilities Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 11,91 Total Four disabilities Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 88,09 Total Five to eight disabilities Total 100 Total Five to eight disabilities Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 13,6 Total Five to eight disabilities Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 86,4 Man Total Total 100 Man Total Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 12,39 Man Total Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 87,61 Man Just one disability Total 100 Man Just one disability Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 10,24 Man Just one disability Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 89,76 Man Two disabilities Total 100 Man Two disabilities Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 13,26 Man Two disabilities Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 86,74 Man Three disabilities Total 100 Man Three disabilities Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 13 Man Three disabilities Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 87 Man Four disabilities Total 100 Man Four disabilities Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 14,94 Man Four disabilities Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 85,06 Man Five to eight disabilities Total 100 Man Five to eight disabilities Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 17,55 Man Five to eight disabilities Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 82,45 Woman Total Total 100 Woman Total Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 10,86 Woman Total Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 89,14 Woman Just one disability Total 100 Woman Just one disability Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 10,09 Woman Just one disability Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 89,91 Woman Two disabilities Total 100 Woman Two disabilities Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 12,64 Woman Two disabilities Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 87,36 Woman Three disabilities Total 100 Woman Three disabilities Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 10,48 Woman Three disabilities Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 89,52 Woman Four disabilities Total 100 Woman Four disabilities Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 10,14 Woman Four disabilities Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 89,86 Woman Five to eight disabilities Total 100 Woman Five to eight disabilities Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO 11,39 Woman Five to eight disabilities Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO 88,61