Sex Age Number of Disabilities Professional change Total Total Total Total Total 100 Total Total Total Change of profession or company 2,26 Total Total Total Change of working day 1,77 Total Total Total Change of position in the same company 1,3 Total Total Total Discontinued working or early retirement 28,32 Total Total Total Had no career changes due to disability 67,86 Total Total Just one disability Total 100 Total Total Just one disability Change of profession or company 3,1 Total Total Just one disability Change of working day 2,02 Total Total Just one disability Change of position in the same company 1,84 Total Total Just one disability Discontinued working or early retirement 24,3 Total Total Just one disability Had no career changes due to disability 70,6 Total Total Two disabilities Total 100 Total Total Two disabilities Change of profession or company 1,89 Total Total Two disabilities Change of working day 2,16 Total Total Two disabilities Change of position in the same company 1,12 Total Total Two disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 34,81 Total Total Two disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 61,55 Total Total Three disabilities Total 100 Total Total Three disabilities Change of profession or company 2,14 Total Total Three disabilities Change of working day 1,54 Total Total Three disabilities Change of position in the same company 0,88 Total Total Three disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 34,44 Total Total Three disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 62,46 Total Total Four disabilities Total 100 Total Total Four disabilities Change of profession or company 0,96 Total Total Four disabilities Change of working day 1,52 Total Total Four disabilities Change of position in the same company 0,24 Total Total Four disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 29,82 Total Total Four disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 68,5 Total Total Five to eight disabilities Total 100 Total Total Five to eight disabilities Change of profession or company 0,28 Total Total Five to eight disabilities Change of working day 0,4 Total Total Five to eight disabilities Change of position in the same company 0,46 Total Total Five to eight disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 26,43 Total Total Five to eight disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 72,84 Total From 16 to 64 Total Total 100 Total From 16 to 64 Total Change of profession or company 5,78 Total From 16 to 64 Total Change of working day 4,36 Total From 16 to 64 Total Change of position in the same company 3,28 Total From 16 to 64 Total Discontinued working or early retirement 40,62 Total From 16 to 64 Total Had no career changes due to disability 49,78 Total From 16 to 64 Just one disability Total 100 Total From 16 to 64 Just one disability Change of profession or company 6,49 Total From 16 to 64 Just one disability Change of working day 4,22 Total From 16 to 64 Just one disability Change of position in the same company 3,88 Total From 16 to 64 Just one disability Discontinued working or early retirement 30,14 Total From 16 to 64 Just one disability Had no career changes due to disability 59,17 Total From 16 to 64 Two disabilities Total 100 Total From 16 to 64 Two disabilities Change of profession or company 4,48 Total From 16 to 64 Two disabilities Change of working day 4,87 Total From 16 to 64 Two disabilities Change of position in the same company 2,5 Total From 16 to 64 Two disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 51,71 Total From 16 to 64 Two disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 39,91 Total From 16 to 64 Three disabilities Total 100 Total From 16 to 64 Three disabilities Change of profession or company 6,72 Total From 16 to 64 Three disabilities Change of working day 4,4 Total From 16 to 64 Three disabilities Change of position in the same company 2,65 Total From 16 to 64 Three disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 59,3 Total From 16 to 64 Three disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 31,38 Total From 16 to 64 Four disabilities Total 100 Total From 16 to 64 Four disabilities Change of profession or company 4,25 Total From 16 to 64 Four disabilities Change of working day 5,98 Total From 16 to 64 Four disabilities Change of position in the same company 1,07 Total From 16 to 64 Four disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 53,55 Total From 16 to 64 Four disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 39,74 Total From 16 to 64 Five to eight disabilities Total 100 Total From 16 to 64 Five to eight disabilities Change of profession or company 1,74 Total From 16 to 64 Five to eight disabilities Change of working day 2,34 Total From 16 to 64 Five to eight disabilities Change of position in the same company 2,74 Total From 16 to 64 Five to eight disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 70,2 Total From 16 to 64 Five to eight disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 25,43 Total 65 or more years Total Total 100 Total 65 or more years Total Change of profession or company 0,01 Total 65 or more years Total Change of working day 0,11 Total 65 or more years Total Change of position in the same company 0,04 Total 65 or more years Total Discontinued working or early retirement 20,44 Total 65 or more years Total Had no career changes due to disability 79,44 Total 65 or more years Just one disability Total 100 Total 65 or more years Just one disability Change of profession or company 0,03 Total 65 or more years Just one disability Change of working day 0,04 Total 65 or more years Just one disability Change of position in the same company 0 Total 65 or more years Just one disability Discontinued working or early retirement 19,02 Total 65 or more years Just one disability Had no career changes due to disability 80,91 Total 65 or more years Two disabilities Total 100 Total 65 or more years Two disabilities Change of profession or company 0 Total 65 or more years Two disabilities Change of working day 0,2 Total 65 or more years Two disabilities Change of position in the same company 0,12 Total 65 or more years Two disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 22,52 Total 65 or more years Two disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 77,28 Total 65 or more years Three disabilities Total 100 Total 65 or more years Three disabilities Change of profession or company 0 Total 65 or more years Three disabilities Change of working day 0,21 Total 65 or more years Three disabilities Change of position in the same company 0,05 Total 65 or more years Three disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 22,85 Total 65 or more years Three disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 76,94 Total 65 or more years Four disabilities Total 100 Total 65 or more years Four disabilities Change of profession or company 0 Total 65 or more years Four disabilities Change of working day 0,22 Total 65 or more years Four disabilities Change of position in the same company 0 Total 65 or more years Four disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 22,89 Total 65 or more years Four disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 76,89 Total 65 or more years Five to eight disabilities Total 100 Total 65 or more years Five to eight disabilities Change of profession or company 0 Total 65 or more years Five to eight disabilities Change of working day 0,03 Total 65 or more years Five to eight disabilities Change of position in the same company 0,03 Total 65 or more years Five to eight disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 18,08 Total 65 or more years Five to eight disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 81,89 Man Total Total Total 100 Man Total Total Change of profession or company 2,38 Man Total Total Change of working day 1,43 Man Total Total Change of position in the same company 1,33 Man Total Total Discontinued working or early retirement 32,83 Man Total Total Had no career changes due to disability 63,47 Man Total Just one disability Total 100 Man Total Just one disability Change of profession or company 3,45 Man Total Just one disability Change of working day 1,84 Man Total Just one disability Change of position in the same company 2,08 Man Total Just one disability Discontinued working or early retirement 27,98 Man Total Just one disability Had no career changes due to disability 66,8 Man Total Two disabilities Total 100 Man Total Two disabilities Change of profession or company 1,92 Man Total Two disabilities Change of working day 1,8 Man Total Two disabilities Change of position in the same company 1,13 Man Total Two disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 40,96 Man Total Two disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 55,7 Man Total Three disabilities Total 100 Man Total Three disabilities Change of profession or company 1,47 Man Total Three disabilities Change of working day 0,82 Man Total Three disabilities Change of position in the same company 0,17 Man Total Three disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 42,75 Man Total Three disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 54,9 Man Total Four disabilities Total 100 Man Total Four disabilities Change of profession or company 0,12 Man Total Four disabilities Change of working day 0,12 Man Total Four disabilities Change of position in the same company 0,12 Man Total Four disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 35,62 Man Total Four disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 64,26 Man Total Five to eight disabilities Total 100 Man Total Five to eight disabilities Change of profession or company 0,32 Man Total Five to eight disabilities Change of working day 0,3 Man Total Five to eight disabilities Change of position in the same company 0 Man Total Five to eight disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 29,65 Man Total Five to eight disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 69,74 Man From 16 to 64 Total Total 100 Man From 16 to 64 Total Change of profession or company 5,85 Man From 16 to 64 Total Change of working day 3,43 Man From 16 to 64 Total Change of position in the same company 3,21 Man From 16 to 64 Total Discontinued working or early retirement 43,79 Man From 16 to 64 Total Had no career changes due to disability 47,21 Man From 16 to 64 Just one disability Total 100 Man From 16 to 64 Just one disability Change of profession or company 7,31 Man From 16 to 64 Just one disability Change of working day 3,94 Man From 16 to 64 Just one disability Change of position in the same company 4,44 Man From 16 to 64 Just one disability Discontinued working or early retirement 33,6 Man From 16 to 64 Just one disability Had no career changes due to disability 55,32 Man From 16 to 64 Two disabilities Total 100 Man From 16 to 64 Two disabilities Change of profession or company 4,21 Man From 16 to 64 Two disabilities Change of working day 3,36 Man From 16 to 64 Two disabilities Change of position in the same company 2,11 Man From 16 to 64 Two disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 54,74 Man From 16 to 64 Two disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 38,51 Man From 16 to 64 Three disabilities Total 100 Man From 16 to 64 Three disabilities Change of profession or company 4,35 Man From 16 to 64 Three disabilities Change of working day 2,43 Man From 16 to 64 Three disabilities Change of position in the same company 0,49 Man From 16 to 64 Three disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 66,69 Man From 16 to 64 Three disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 26,36 Man From 16 to 64 Four disabilities Total 100 Man From 16 to 64 Four disabilities Change of profession or company 0,5 Man From 16 to 64 Four disabilities Change of working day 0,5 Man From 16 to 64 Four disabilities Change of position in the same company 0,5 Man From 16 to 64 Four disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 49,86 Man From 16 to 64 Four disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 49,64 Man From 16 to 64 Five to eight disabilities Total 100 Man From 16 to 64 Five to eight disabilities Change of profession or company 1,88 Man From 16 to 64 Five to eight disabilities Change of working day 1,75 Man From 16 to 64 Five to eight disabilities Change of position in the same company 0 Man From 16 to 64 Five to eight disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 75,05 Man From 16 to 64 Five to eight disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 21,32 Man 65 or more years Total Total 100 Man 65 or more years Total Change of profession or company 0,03 Man 65 or more years Total Change of working day 0,08 Man 65 or more years Total Change of position in the same company 0,05 Man 65 or more years Total Discontinued working or early retirement 25,39 Man 65 or more years Total Had no career changes due to disability 74,5 Man 65 or more years Just one disability Total 100 Man 65 or more years Just one disability Change of profession or company 0,06 Man 65 or more years Just one disability Change of working day 0 Man 65 or more years Just one disability Change of position in the same company 0 Man 65 or more years Just one disability Discontinued working or early retirement 23,05 Man 65 or more years Just one disability Had no career changes due to disability 76,89 Man 65 or more years Two disabilities Total 100 Man 65 or more years Two disabilities Change of profession or company 0 Man 65 or more years Two disabilities Change of working day 0,49 Man 65 or more years Two disabilities Change of position in the same company 0,3 Man 65 or more years Two disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 29,38 Man 65 or more years Two disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 70,13 Man 65 or more years Three disabilities Total 100 Man 65 or more years Three disabilities Change of profession or company 0 Man 65 or more years Three disabilities Change of working day 0 Man 65 or more years Three disabilities Change of position in the same company 0 Man 65 or more years Three disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 30,52 Man 65 or more years Three disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 69,48 Man 65 or more years Four disabilities Total 100 Man 65 or more years Four disabilities Change of profession or company 0 Man 65 or more years Four disabilities Change of working day 0 Man 65 or more years Four disabilities Change of position in the same company 0 Man 65 or more years Four disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 30,92 Man 65 or more years Four disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 69,08 Man 65 or more years Five to eight disabilities Total 100 Man 65 or more years Five to eight disabilities Change of profession or company 0 Man 65 or more years Five to eight disabilities Change of working day 0 Man 65 or more years Five to eight disabilities Change of position in the same company 0 Man 65 or more years Five to eight disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 20,44 Man 65 or more years Five to eight disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 79,56 Woman Total Total Total 100 Woman Total Total Change of profession or company 2,16 Woman Total Total Change of working day 2,06 Woman Total Total Change of position in the same company 1,29 Woman Total Total Discontinued working or early retirement 24,46 Woman Total Total Had no career changes due to disability 71,62 Woman Total Just one disability Total 100 Woman Total Just one disability Change of profession or company 2,75 Woman Total Just one disability Change of working day 2,2 Woman Total Just one disability Change of position in the same company 1,6 Woman Total Just one disability Discontinued working or early retirement 20,68 Woman Total Just one disability Had no career changes due to disability 74,31 Woman Total Two disabilities Total 100 Woman Total Two disabilities Change of profession or company 1,86 Woman Total Two disabilities Change of working day 2,44 Woman Total Two disabilities Change of position in the same company 1,12 Woman Total Two disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 30,16 Woman Total Two disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 65,98 Woman Total Three disabilities Total 100 Woman Total Three disabilities Change of profession or company 2,63 Woman Total Three disabilities Change of working day 2,08 Woman Total Three disabilities Change of position in the same company 1,41 Woman Total Three disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 28,26 Woman Total Three disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 68,07 Woman Total Four disabilities Total 100 Woman Total Four disabilities Change of profession or company 1,6 Woman Total Four disabilities Change of working day 2,6 Woman Total Four disabilities Change of position in the same company 0,33 Woman Total Four disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 25,35 Woman Total Four disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 71,76 Woman Total Five to eight disabilities Total 100 Woman Total Five to eight disabilities Change of profession or company 0,25 Woman Total Five to eight disabilities Change of working day 0,48 Woman Total Five to eight disabilities Change of position in the same company 0,81 Woman Total Five to eight disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 24,01 Woman Total Five to eight disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 75,17 Woman From 16 to 64 Total Total 100 Woman From 16 to 64 Total Change of profession or company 5,71 Woman From 16 to 64 Total Change of working day 5,22 Woman From 16 to 64 Total Change of position in the same company 3,36 Woman From 16 to 64 Total Discontinued working or early retirement 37,73 Woman From 16 to 64 Total Had no career changes due to disability 52,13 Woman From 16 to 64 Just one disability Total 100 Woman From 16 to 64 Just one disability Change of profession or company 5,72 Woman From 16 to 64 Just one disability Change of working day 4,48 Woman From 16 to 64 Just one disability Change of position in the same company 3,33 Woman From 16 to 64 Just one disability Discontinued working or early retirement 26,86 Woman From 16 to 64 Just one disability Had no career changes due to disability 62,83 Woman From 16 to 64 Two disabilities Total 100 Woman From 16 to 64 Two disabilities Change of profession or company 4,72 Woman From 16 to 64 Two disabilities Change of working day 6,19 Woman From 16 to 64 Two disabilities Change of position in the same company 2,84 Woman From 16 to 64 Two disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 49,06 Woman From 16 to 64 Two disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 41,13 Woman From 16 to 64 Three disabilities Total 100 Woman From 16 to 64 Three disabilities Change of profession or company 8,69 Woman From 16 to 64 Three disabilities Change of working day 6,05 Woman From 16 to 64 Three disabilities Change of position in the same company 4,43 Woman From 16 to 64 Three disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 53,17 Woman From 16 to 64 Three disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 35,54 Woman From 16 to 64 Four disabilities Total 100 Woman From 16 to 64 Four disabilities Change of profession or company 7,67 Woman From 16 to 64 Four disabilities Change of working day 11 Woman From 16 to 64 Four disabilities Change of position in the same company 1,59 Woman From 16 to 64 Four disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 56,94 Woman From 16 to 64 Four disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 30,69 Woman From 16 to 64 Five to eight disabilities Total 100 Woman From 16 to 64 Five to eight disabilities Change of profession or company 1,63 Woman From 16 to 64 Five to eight disabilities Change of working day 2,82 Woman From 16 to 64 Five to eight disabilities Change of position in the same company 4,99 Woman From 16 to 64 Five to eight disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 66,2 Woman From 16 to 64 Five to eight disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 28,81 Woman 65 or more years Total Total 100 Woman 65 or more years Total Change of profession or company 0 Woman 65 or more years Total Change of working day 0,13 Woman 65 or more years Total Change of position in the same company 0,02 Woman 65 or more years Total Discontinued working or early retirement 16,36 Woman 65 or more years Total Had no career changes due to disability 83,51 Woman 65 or more years Just one disability Total 100 Woman 65 or more years Just one disability Change of profession or company 0 Woman 65 or more years Just one disability Change of working day 0,09 Woman 65 or more years Just one disability Change of position in the same company 0 Woman 65 or more years Just one disability Discontinued working or early retirement 14,97 Woman 65 or more years Just one disability Had no career changes due to disability 84,95 Woman 65 or more years Two disabilities Total 100 Woman 65 or more years Two disabilities Change of profession or company 0 Woman 65 or more years Two disabilities Change of working day 0 Woman 65 or more years Two disabilities Change of position in the same company 0 Woman 65 or more years Two disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 17,87 Woman 65 or more years Two disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 82,13 Woman 65 or more years Three disabilities Total 100 Woman 65 or more years Three disabilities Change of profession or company 0 Woman 65 or more years Three disabilities Change of working day 0,36 Woman 65 or more years Three disabilities Change of position in the same company 0,09 Woman 65 or more years Three disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 17,44 Woman 65 or more years Three disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 82,2 Woman 65 or more years Four disabilities Total 100 Woman 65 or more years Four disabilities Change of profession or company 0 Woman 65 or more years Four disabilities Change of working day 0,38 Woman 65 or more years Four disabilities Change of position in the same company 0 Woman 65 or more years Four disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 17,02 Woman 65 or more years Four disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 82,6 Woman 65 or more years Five to eight disabilities Total 100 Woman 65 or more years Five to eight disabilities Change of profession or company 0 Woman 65 or more years Five to eight disabilities Change of working day 0,05 Woman 65 or more years Five to eight disabilities Change of position in the same company 0,05 Woman 65 or more years Five to eight disabilities Discontinued working or early retirement 16,34 Woman 65 or more years Five to eight disabilities Had no career changes due to disability 83,61