AC Sex Age Means of transport Total Total Total Total Total 100 Total Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 21,39 Total Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 40,33 Total Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 11,38 Total Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 18,77 Total Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 56,24 Total Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 Total Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 11,64 Total Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 31,02 Total Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,22 Total Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 14,29 Total Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 66,3 Total Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 Total Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 13,37 Total Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 29,77 Total Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,63 Total Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 12,7 Total Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 67,55 Total Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 Total Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 19,01 Total Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 37,73 Total Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 9,86 Total Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 16,04 Total Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 59,25 Total Total 80 or more years Total 100 Total Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 34,76 Total Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 55,99 Total Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 19,14 Total Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 28,55 Total Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 39,23 Total Man Total Total 100 Total Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 18,22 Total Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 34,14 Total Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 9,58 Total Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 15,99 Total Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 62,69 Total Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 Total Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 10,47 Total Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 31,36 Total Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,45 Total Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 12,87 Total Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 66,38 Total Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 Total Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 14,06 Total Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 26,21 Total Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,35 Total Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 11,82 Total Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 70,43 Total Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 Total Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,71 Total Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 31,36 Total Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 8,63 Total Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 13,49 Total Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 65,89 Total Man 80 or more years Total 100 Total Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 31,6 Total Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 49,08 Total Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 16,85 Total Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 26,12 Total Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 46,88 Total Woman Total Total 100 Total Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 23,62 Total Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 44,68 Total Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 12,64 Total Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 20,73 Total Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 51,7 Total Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 Total Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 13,1 Total Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 30,58 Total Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,93 Total Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 16,08 Total Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 66,21 Total Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 Total Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 12,77 Total Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 32,84 Total Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,87 Total Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 13,46 Total Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 65,06 Total Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 Total Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 21,13 Total Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 41,81 Total Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,64 Total Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 17,68 Total Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 54,99 Total Woman 80 or more years Total 100 Total Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 36,31 Total Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 59,38 Total Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 20,26 Total Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 29,75 Total Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 35,46 01-Andalucía Total Total Total 100 01-Andalucía Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 28,61 01-Andalucía Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 39,78 01-Andalucía Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 16,66 01-Andalucía Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 22,62 01-Andalucía Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 56,43 01-Andalucía Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 01-Andalucía Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,95 01-Andalucía Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 32,63 01-Andalucía Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,52 01-Andalucía Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 17,91 01-Andalucía Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 65,82 01-Andalucía Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 01-Andalucía Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 17,47 01-Andalucía Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 27,48 01-Andalucía Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,72 01-Andalucía Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 15,68 01-Andalucía Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 69,3 01-Andalucía Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 01-Andalucía Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 28,61 01-Andalucía Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 38,89 01-Andalucía Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 15,95 01-Andalucía Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 20,24 01-Andalucía Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 57,26 01-Andalucía Total 80 or more years Total 100 01-Andalucía Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 48,16 01-Andalucía Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 58,44 01-Andalucía Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 27,51 01-Andalucía Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 35,65 01-Andalucía Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 35,95 01-Andalucía Man Total Total 100 01-Andalucía Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 23,26 01-Andalucía Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 33,31 01-Andalucía Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 14,22 01-Andalucía Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 18,81 01-Andalucía Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 63,3 01-Andalucía Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 01-Andalucía Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 11,64 01-Andalucía Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 32,38 01-Andalucía Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 9,31 01-Andalucía Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 13,99 01-Andalucía Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 66,04 01-Andalucía Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 01-Andalucía Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 21,3 01-Andalucía Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 29,05 01-Andalucía Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 12,31 01-Andalucía Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 18,82 01-Andalucía Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 66,64 01-Andalucía Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 01-Andalucía Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 24,66 01-Andalucía Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 32,66 01-Andalucía Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 16,18 01-Andalucía Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 17,58 01-Andalucía Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 64,9 01-Andalucía Man 80 or more years Total 100 01-Andalucía Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 36,31 01-Andalucía Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 42,53 01-Andalucía Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 19,68 01-Andalucía Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 25,31 01-Andalucía Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 52,54 01-Andalucía Woman Total Total 100 01-Andalucía Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 32,47 01-Andalucía Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 44,44 01-Andalucía Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 18,41 01-Andalucía Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 25,37 01-Andalucía Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 51,49 01-Andalucía Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 01-Andalucía Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 21,01 01-Andalucía Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 32,92 01-Andalucía Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 11,95 01-Andalucía Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 22,52 01-Andalucía Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 65,55 01-Andalucía Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 01-Andalucía Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 13,85 01-Andalucía Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 26 01-Andalucía Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 9,22 01-Andalucía Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 12,7 01-Andalucía Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 71,81 01-Andalucía Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 01-Andalucía Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 31,1 01-Andalucía Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 42,81 01-Andalucía Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 15,8 01-Andalucía Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 21,92 01-Andalucía Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 52,44 01-Andalucía Woman 80 or more years Total 100 01-Andalucía Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 53,48 01-Andalucía Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 65,58 01-Andalucía Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 31,02 01-Andalucía Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 40,28 01-Andalucía Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 28,51 02-Aragón Total Total Total 100 02-Aragón Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 22,95 02-Aragón Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 42,48 02-Aragón Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,91 02-Aragón Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 18,25 02-Aragón Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 52,24 02-Aragón Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 02-Aragón Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 10,2 02-Aragón Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 29,83 02-Aragón Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 1,67 02-Aragón Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 8,61 02-Aragón Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 65,65 02-Aragón Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 02-Aragón Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 12,81 02-Aragón Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 29,68 02-Aragón Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 3,44 02-Aragón Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 9,19 02-Aragón Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 64,78 02-Aragón Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 02-Aragón Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,83 02-Aragón Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 39,9 02-Aragón Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 4,8 02-Aragón Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 13,36 02-Aragón Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 57,79 02-Aragón Total 80 or more years Total 100 02-Aragón Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 39,05 02-Aragón Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 56,49 02-Aragón Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 15,21 02-Aragón Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 30,84 02-Aragón Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 35,75 02-Aragón Man Total Total 100 02-Aragón Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 19,73 02-Aragón Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 33,78 02-Aragón Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 4,99 02-Aragón Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 13,56 02-Aragón Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 59,86 02-Aragón Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 02-Aragón Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 7,21 02-Aragón Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 25,88 02-Aragón Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 02-Aragón Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 7,91 02-Aragón Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 69,01 02-Aragón Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 02-Aragón Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 14,3 02-Aragón Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 24,79 02-Aragón Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 02-Aragón Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 7,24 02-Aragón Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 66,55 02-Aragón Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 02-Aragón Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 6,51 02-Aragón Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 23,87 02-Aragón Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 1,82 02-Aragón Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 6,03 02-Aragón Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 72,38 02-Aragón Man 80 or more years Total 100 02-Aragón Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 44,35 02-Aragón Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 55,41 02-Aragón Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 15,15 02-Aragón Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 29,35 02-Aragón Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 36,9 02-Aragón Woman Total Total 100 02-Aragón Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 25,76 02-Aragón Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 50,07 02-Aragón Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,46 02-Aragón Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 22,34 02-Aragón Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 45,6 02-Aragón Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 02-Aragón Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,53 02-Aragón Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 36,89 02-Aragón Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 4,67 02-Aragón Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 9,87 02-Aragón Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 59,65 02-Aragón Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 02-Aragón Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 11,12 02-Aragón Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 35,27 02-Aragón Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,38 02-Aragón Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 11,41 02-Aragón Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 62,76 02-Aragón Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 02-Aragón Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 23,46 02-Aragón Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 53,04 02-Aragón Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,23 02-Aragón Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 19,37 02-Aragón Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 45,84 02-Aragón Woman 80 or more years Total 100 02-Aragón Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 35,85 02-Aragón Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 57,15 02-Aragón Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 15,25 02-Aragón Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 31,74 02-Aragón Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 35,05 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total Total Total 100 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 26,25 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 45,71 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 14,71 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 26,6 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 50,89 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 19,4 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 33,6 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 12,42 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 26,77 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 59,18 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,63 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 42,19 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,76 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 13,5 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 57,81 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 18,44 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 37,98 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,08 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 21,81 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 59,16 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total 80 or more years Total 100 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 41,92 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 58,12 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 21,92 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 39,32 03-Asturias (Principado de) Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 36,87 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man Total Total 100 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 22,56 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 39,04 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 13,43 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 24,04 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 58,67 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 24,51 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 39,79 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 13,83 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 35,76 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 49,18 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,38 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 37,53 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 11,06 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 14,01 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 62,47 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 14,22 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 31,78 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,82 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 17,64 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 68,22 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man 80 or more years Total 100 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 39,74 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 49,51 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 22,91 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 35,89 03-Asturias (Principado de) Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 48,12 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman Total Total 100 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 29,19 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 51,02 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 15,73 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 28,63 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 44,69 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 9,74 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 21,87 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 9,74 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 9,74 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 78,13 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,89 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 46,96 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,45 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 12,99 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 53,04 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 22,26 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 43,59 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 12,12 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 25,58 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 50,95 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman 80 or more years Total 100 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 42,92 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 62,06 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 21,47 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 40,89 03-Asturias (Principado de) Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 31,71 04-Baleares (Islas) Total Total Total 100 04-Baleares (Islas) Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 13,94 04-Baleares (Islas) Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 26,27 04-Baleares (Islas) Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,22 04-Baleares (Islas) Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 12,71 04-Baleares (Islas) Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 70,3 04-Baleares (Islas) Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 04-Baleares (Islas) Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 7,34 04-Baleares (Islas) Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 20,88 04-Baleares (Islas) Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 2,2 04-Baleares (Islas) Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 1,86 04-Baleares (Islas) Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 71,78 04-Baleares (Islas) Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 04-Baleares (Islas) Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 10,09 04-Baleares (Islas) Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 25,01 04-Baleares (Islas) Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 4,58 04-Baleares (Islas) Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 9,07 04-Baleares (Islas) Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 73,67 04-Baleares (Islas) Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 04-Baleares (Islas) Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 11,69 04-Baleares (Islas) Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 17,04 04-Baleares (Islas) Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,05 04-Baleares (Islas) Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 8,67 04-Baleares (Islas) Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 79,11 04-Baleares (Islas) Total 80 or more years Total 100 04-Baleares (Islas) Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 23,04 04-Baleares (Islas) Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 36,5 04-Baleares (Islas) Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,85 04-Baleares (Islas) Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 24,88 04-Baleares (Islas) Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 59,97 04-Baleares (Islas) Man Total Total 100 04-Baleares (Islas) Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 7,92 04-Baleares (Islas) Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 21,98 04-Baleares (Islas) Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,06 04-Baleares (Islas) Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 8,15 04-Baleares (Islas) Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 76,31 04-Baleares (Islas) Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 04-Baleares (Islas) Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 3,33 04-Baleares (Islas) Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 23,23 04-Baleares (Islas) Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 3,33 04-Baleares (Islas) Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 2,81 04-Baleares (Islas) Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 73,44 04-Baleares (Islas) Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 04-Baleares (Islas) Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 6,11 04-Baleares (Islas) Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 20,28 04-Baleares (Islas) Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,11 04-Baleares (Islas) Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 2,74 04-Baleares (Islas) Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 79,72 04-Baleares (Islas) Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 04-Baleares (Islas) Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 8,27 04-Baleares (Islas) Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 22,27 04-Baleares (Islas) Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 04-Baleares (Islas) Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 9,57 04-Baleares (Islas) Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 73,17 04-Baleares (Islas) Man 80 or more years Total 100 04-Baleares (Islas) Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 14,18 04-Baleares (Islas) Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 22,51 04-Baleares (Islas) Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 9,25 04-Baleares (Islas) Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 18,48 04-Baleares (Islas) Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 77,49 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman Total Total 100 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 17,96 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 29,14 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 15,76 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 66,29 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,14 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 16,31 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 0 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 68,55 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 12,23 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 27,56 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 3,75 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 12,48 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 70,41 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 13,77 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 13,86 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 8,12 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 8,12 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 82,71 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman 80 or more years Total 100 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 27,62 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 43,75 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 11,68 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 28,2 04-Baleares (Islas) Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 50,9 05-Canarias Total Total Total 100 05-Canarias Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 25,32 05-Canarias Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 39,56 05-Canarias Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 13,41 05-Canarias Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 22,66 05-Canarias Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 55,51 05-Canarias Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 05-Canarias Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 13,03 05-Canarias Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 27,65 05-Canarias Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 3,17 05-Canarias Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 18,09 05-Canarias Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 67,14 05-Canarias Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 05-Canarias Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,11 05-Canarias Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 28,84 05-Canarias Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 8,24 05-Canarias Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 14,15 05-Canarias Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 67,61 05-Canarias Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 05-Canarias Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 23,03 05-Canarias Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 42,39 05-Canarias Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 14,37 05-Canarias Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 22,7 05-Canarias Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 53,31 05-Canarias Total 80 or more years Total 100 05-Canarias Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 55,9 05-Canarias Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 65,19 05-Canarias Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 29,99 05-Canarias Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 41,25 05-Canarias Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 27,06 05-Canarias Man Total Total 100 05-Canarias Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 21,72 05-Canarias Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 36,91 05-Canarias Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 9,58 05-Canarias Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 20,97 05-Canarias Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 57,61 05-Canarias Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 05-Canarias Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 12,89 05-Canarias Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 35,46 05-Canarias Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 3,37 05-Canarias Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 21,39 05-Canarias Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 60,81 05-Canarias Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 05-Canarias Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 12,15 05-Canarias Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 19,12 05-Canarias Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 4,28 05-Canarias Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 9,35 05-Canarias Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 73,66 05-Canarias Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 05-Canarias Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 22,37 05-Canarias Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 42,25 05-Canarias Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,11 05-Canarias Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 23,83 05-Canarias Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 49,17 05-Canarias Man 80 or more years Total 100 05-Canarias Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 52,46 05-Canarias Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 69,24 05-Canarias Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 28,12 05-Canarias Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 41,13 05-Canarias Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 30,76 05-Canarias Woman Total Total 100 05-Canarias Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 28,15 05-Canarias Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 41,63 05-Canarias Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 16,4 05-Canarias Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 23,99 05-Canarias Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 53,86 05-Canarias Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 05-Canarias Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 13,2 05-Canarias Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 18,11 05-Canarias Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 2,91 05-Canarias Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 14,04 05-Canarias Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 74,85 05-Canarias Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 05-Canarias Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 17,39 05-Canarias Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 36,29 05-Canarias Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 11,27 05-Canarias Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 17,83 05-Canarias Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 62,96 05-Canarias Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 05-Canarias Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 23,54 05-Canarias Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 42,5 05-Canarias Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 17,69 05-Canarias Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 21,82 05-Canarias Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 56,53 05-Canarias Woman 80 or more years Total 100 05-Canarias Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 57,82 05-Canarias Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 62,94 05-Canarias Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 31,03 05-Canarias Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 41,32 05-Canarias Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 24,99 06-Cantabria Total Total Total 100 06-Cantabria Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 23,76 06-Cantabria Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 42,65 06-Cantabria Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,81 06-Cantabria Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 14,16 06-Cantabria Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 54,1 06-Cantabria Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 06-Cantabria Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 11,09 06-Cantabria Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 26,66 06-Cantabria Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 3,9 06-Cantabria Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 6,97 06-Cantabria Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 69,22 06-Cantabria Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 06-Cantabria Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,25 06-Cantabria Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 36,74 06-Cantabria Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 4,27 06-Cantabria Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 14,72 06-Cantabria Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 60,93 06-Cantabria Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 06-Cantabria Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 19,99 06-Cantabria Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 40,7 06-Cantabria Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,77 06-Cantabria Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 7,69 06-Cantabria Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 58,36 06-Cantabria Total 80 or more years Total 100 06-Cantabria Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 37,85 06-Cantabria Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 54,43 06-Cantabria Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 20,74 06-Cantabria Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 22,54 06-Cantabria Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 39,83 06-Cantabria Man Total Total 100 06-Cantabria Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 16,35 06-Cantabria Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 35,66 06-Cantabria Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,88 06-Cantabria Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 11,91 06-Cantabria Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 63,03 06-Cantabria Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 06-Cantabria Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 8,19 06-Cantabria Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 22,37 06-Cantabria Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 4,38 06-Cantabria Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 7,43 06-Cantabria Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 74,33 06-Cantabria Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 06-Cantabria Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 12,92 06-Cantabria Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 26,88 06-Cantabria Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 2,35 06-Cantabria Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 10,92 06-Cantabria Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 73,12 06-Cantabria Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 06-Cantabria Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 13,79 06-Cantabria Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 41,45 06-Cantabria Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,25 06-Cantabria Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 6,2 06-Cantabria Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 56,19 06-Cantabria Man 80 or more years Total 100 06-Cantabria Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 29,8 06-Cantabria Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 47,11 06-Cantabria Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 17,83 06-Cantabria Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 24,37 06-Cantabria Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 52,89 06-Cantabria Woman Total Total 100 06-Cantabria Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 28,34 06-Cantabria Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 46,96 06-Cantabria Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 12,62 06-Cantabria Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 15,55 06-Cantabria Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 48,59 06-Cantabria Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 06-Cantabria Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 14,01 06-Cantabria Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 30,98 06-Cantabria Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 3,42 06-Cantabria Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 6,52 06-Cantabria Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 64,09 06-Cantabria Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 06-Cantabria Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 17,25 06-Cantabria Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 45,19 06-Cantabria Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,92 06-Cantabria Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 17,98 06-Cantabria Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 50,48 06-Cantabria Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 06-Cantabria Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 24,12 06-Cantabria Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 40,2 06-Cantabria Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 8,11 06-Cantabria Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 8,69 06-Cantabria Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 59,8 06-Cantabria Woman 80 or more years Total 100 06-Cantabria Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 40,76 06-Cantabria Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 57,07 06-Cantabria Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 21,79 06-Cantabria Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 21,88 06-Cantabria Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 35,12 07-Castilla y León Total Total Total 100 07-Castilla y León Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 18,73 07-Castilla y León Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 34,5 07-Castilla y León Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 9,17 07-Castilla y León Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 17,66 07-Castilla y León Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 61,74 07-Castilla y León Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 07-Castilla y León Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 11,01 07-Castilla y León Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 26,71 07-Castilla y León Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,41 07-Castilla y León Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 15,13 07-Castilla y León Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 72,07 07-Castilla y León Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 07-Castilla y León Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 10,23 07-Castilla y León Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 28,63 07-Castilla y León Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,87 07-Castilla y León Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 12,01 07-Castilla y León Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 68,47 07-Castilla y León Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 07-Castilla y León Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 13,09 07-Castilla y León Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 28,69 07-Castilla y León Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,18 07-Castilla y León Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 12,51 07-Castilla y León Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 69,18 07-Castilla y León Total 80 or more years Total 100 07-Castilla y León Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 28,96 07-Castilla y León Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 43,35 07-Castilla y León Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 12,75 07-Castilla y León Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 24,83 07-Castilla y León Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 50,79 07-Castilla y León Man Total Total 100 07-Castilla y León Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,74 07-Castilla y León Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 29,9 07-Castilla y León Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 8,39 07-Castilla y León Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 15,88 07-Castilla y León Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 66,36 07-Castilla y León Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 07-Castilla y León Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 9,53 07-Castilla y León Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 25,57 07-Castilla y León Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,63 07-Castilla y León Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 12,99 07-Castilla y León Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 72,53 07-Castilla y León Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 07-Castilla y León Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 9,16 07-Castilla y León Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 30,1 07-Castilla y León Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,64 07-Castilla y León Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 12,89 07-Castilla y León Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 68,86 07-Castilla y León Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 07-Castilla y León Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 9,81 07-Castilla y León Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 26,18 07-Castilla y León Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,19 07-Castilla y León Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 10,06 07-Castilla y León Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 71,52 07-Castilla y León Man 80 or more years Total 100 07-Castilla y León Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 26,86 07-Castilla y León Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 33,99 07-Castilla y León Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 11,49 07-Castilla y León Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 23,22 07-Castilla y León Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 58,69 07-Castilla y León Woman Total Total 100 07-Castilla y León Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 21,11 07-Castilla y León Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 38,15 07-Castilla y León Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 9,79 07-Castilla y León Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 19,07 07-Castilla y León Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 58,08 07-Castilla y León Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 07-Castilla y León Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 13,7 07-Castilla y León Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 28,77 07-Castilla y León Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,01 07-Castilla y León Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 19,01 07-Castilla y León Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 71,23 07-Castilla y León Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 07-Castilla y León Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 11,21 07-Castilla y León Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 27,29 07-Castilla y León Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,18 07-Castilla y León Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 11,21 07-Castilla y León Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 68,11 07-Castilla y León Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 07-Castilla y León Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,53 07-Castilla y León Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 30,56 07-Castilla y León Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,92 07-Castilla y León Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 14,33 07-Castilla y León Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 67,44 07-Castilla y León Woman 80 or more years Total 100 07-Castilla y León Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 30,3 07-Castilla y León Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 49,29 07-Castilla y León Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 13,54 07-Castilla y León Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 25,84 07-Castilla y León Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 45,78 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total Total Total 100 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 24,44 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 38,26 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 18,38 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 17,02 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 56,83 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 17,5 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 31,73 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 11,84 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 16,49 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 65,31 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 13,27 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 29,81 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 11,65 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 13,04 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 66,91 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 26,79 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 38,57 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 20,73 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 15,11 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 54,21 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total 80 or more years Total 100 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 35,67 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 48,78 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 25,28 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 22,85 08-Castilla - La Mancha Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 46,2 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man Total Total 100 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 21,48 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 36,17 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 18,11 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 15,9 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 61,04 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,39 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 31 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 13,34 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 13,52 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 69 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 12,15 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 28,18 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,35 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 10,05 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 69,11 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 24,44 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 37,25 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 26,75 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 11,96 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 57 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man 80 or more years Total 100 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 33,67 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 48,21 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 25,9 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 29,01 08-Castilla - La Mancha Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 50,21 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman Total Total 100 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 26,81 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 39,93 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 18,6 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 17,91 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 53,47 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 20,54 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 32,78 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 9,68 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 20,77 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 59,98 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 14,28 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 31,3 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 16,46 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 15,76 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 64,91 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 28,5 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 39,53 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 16,35 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 17,4 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 52,19 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman 80 or more years Total 100 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 36,85 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 49,12 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 24,91 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 19,22 08-Castilla - La Mancha Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 43,83 09-Cataluña Total Total Total 100 09-Cataluña Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,68 09-Cataluña Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 43,26 09-Cataluña Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,43 09-Cataluña Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 18,03 09-Cataluña Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 53,6 09-Cataluña Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 09-Cataluña Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 10,37 09-Cataluña Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 31,29 09-Cataluña Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 3,29 09-Cataluña Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 13,79 09-Cataluña Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 65,41 09-Cataluña Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 09-Cataluña Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 13,72 09-Cataluña Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 32,43 09-Cataluña Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 3,15 09-Cataluña Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 12,39 09-Cataluña Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 63,75 09-Cataluña Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 09-Cataluña Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 9,74 09-Cataluña Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 36,12 09-Cataluña Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 4,69 09-Cataluña Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 11,73 09-Cataluña Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 61,62 09-Cataluña Total 80 or more years Total 100 09-Cataluña Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 24,48 09-Cataluña Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 62,7 09-Cataluña Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 11,76 09-Cataluña Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 29,73 09-Cataluña Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 33,97 09-Cataluña Man Total Total 100 09-Cataluña Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,28 09-Cataluña Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 37,8 09-Cataluña Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,82 09-Cataluña Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 13,87 09-Cataluña Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 59,24 09-Cataluña Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 09-Cataluña Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 10,35 09-Cataluña Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 34,73 09-Cataluña Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 4,26 09-Cataluña Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 10,33 09-Cataluña Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 65,27 09-Cataluña Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 09-Cataluña Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 18,24 09-Cataluña Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 28,52 09-Cataluña Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,34 09-Cataluña Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 9,53 09-Cataluña Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 66,37 09-Cataluña Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 09-Cataluña Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 4,64 09-Cataluña Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 28,66 09-Cataluña Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 1,99 09-Cataluña Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 8,27 09-Cataluña Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 69,39 09-Cataluña Man 80 or more years Total 100 09-Cataluña Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 24,95 09-Cataluña Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 57,79 09-Cataluña Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,8 09-Cataluña Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 25,7 09-Cataluña Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 38,85 09-Cataluña Woman Total Total 100 09-Cataluña Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,93 09-Cataluña Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 46,77 09-Cataluña Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,82 09-Cataluña Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 20,71 09-Cataluña Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 49,97 09-Cataluña Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 09-Cataluña Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 10,39 09-Cataluña Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 27,34 09-Cataluña Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 2,18 09-Cataluña Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 17,78 09-Cataluña Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 65,57 09-Cataluña Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 09-Cataluña Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 10,2 09-Cataluña Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 35,47 09-Cataluña Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 1,45 09-Cataluña Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 14,61 09-Cataluña Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 61,73 09-Cataluña Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 09-Cataluña Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 12,51 09-Cataluña Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 40,18 09-Cataluña Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,16 09-Cataluña Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 13,62 09-Cataluña Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 57,39 09-Cataluña Woman 80 or more years Total 100 09-Cataluña Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 24,24 09-Cataluña Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 65,2 09-Cataluña Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 12,24 09-Cataluña Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 31,78 09-Cataluña Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 31,5 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total Total Total 100 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,75 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 37,31 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,71 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 14,4 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 59,79 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 3,51 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 23,23 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 3,38 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 7,37 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 75,54 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 8,8 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 24,54 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 3,11 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 8,08 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 73,15 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,32 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 37,67 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,36 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 13,08 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 59,78 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total 80 or more years Total 100 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 27,87 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 55,34 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 16,47 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 24,86 10-Comunitat Valenciana Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 40,21 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man Total Total 100 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,76 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 32,27 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,51 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 11,63 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 64,28 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 3,54 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 28,2 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,17 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 9,07 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 70,54 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 8,39 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 20,49 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 2,62 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 5,25 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 77,27 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 17,74 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 32,38 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 2,48 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 12,29 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 64,61 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man 80 or more years Total 100 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 33,42 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 53,73 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 17,79 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 22,75 10-Comunitat Valenciana Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 38,88 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman Total Total 100 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,74 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 40,47 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 8,46 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 16,13 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 56,98 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 3,46 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 17,2 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 5,31 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 81,61 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 9,14 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 27,92 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 3,53 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 10,45 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 69,69 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 14,04 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 40,46 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,88 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 13,5 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 57,23 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman 80 or more years Total 100 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 25,55 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 56,01 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 15,92 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 25,75 10-Comunitat Valenciana Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 40,76 11-Extremadura Total Total Total 100 11-Extremadura Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 25,08 11-Extremadura Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 38,86 11-Extremadura Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 11,99 11-Extremadura Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 21,11 11-Extremadura Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 55,22 11-Extremadura Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 11-Extremadura Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 5,62 11-Extremadura Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 24,72 11-Extremadura Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,46 11-Extremadura Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 16,7 11-Extremadura Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 73 11-Extremadura Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 11-Extremadura Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,9 11-Extremadura Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 28,01 11-Extremadura Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,79 11-Extremadura Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 15,8 11-Extremadura Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 69,84 11-Extremadura Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 11-Extremadura Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 23,89 11-Extremadura Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 43 11-Extremadura Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 8,96 11-Extremadura Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 21,02 11-Extremadura Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 52,42 11-Extremadura Total 80 or more years Total 100 11-Extremadura Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 40,41 11-Extremadura Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 49,14 11-Extremadura Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 21,1 11-Extremadura Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 27,05 11-Extremadura Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 39,46 11-Extremadura Man Total Total 100 11-Extremadura Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 23,89 11-Extremadura Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 38,26 11-Extremadura Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,11 11-Extremadura Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 19,71 11-Extremadura Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 57,3 11-Extremadura Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 11-Extremadura Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 4,65 11-Extremadura Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 32,12 11-Extremadura Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,49 11-Extremadura Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 23,97 11-Extremadura Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 64,01 11-Extremadura Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 11-Extremadura Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 18,26 11-Extremadura Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 31,91 11-Extremadura Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 8,27 11-Extremadura Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 16,94 11-Extremadura Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 66,67 11-Extremadura Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 11-Extremadura Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 24,92 11-Extremadura Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 40,13 11-Extremadura Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 9,74 11-Extremadura Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 13,52 11-Extremadura Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 56,51 11-Extremadura Man 80 or more years Total 100 11-Extremadura Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 42,78 11-Extremadura Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 48,42 11-Extremadura Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 14,6 11-Extremadura Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 27,13 11-Extremadura Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 41,7 11-Extremadura Woman Total Total 100 11-Extremadura Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 25,93 11-Extremadura Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 39,29 11-Extremadura Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 13,34 11-Extremadura Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 22,11 11-Extremadura Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 53,74 11-Extremadura Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 11-Extremadura Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 7 11-Extremadura Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 14,1 11-Extremadura Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 2,55 11-Extremadura Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 6,26 11-Extremadura Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 85,9 11-Extremadura Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 11-Extremadura Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 13,64 11-Extremadura Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 24,27 11-Extremadura Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,37 11-Extremadura Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 14,72 11-Extremadura Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 72,88 11-Extremadura Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 11-Extremadura Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 23,21 11-Extremadura Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 44,91 11-Extremadura Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 8,45 11-Extremadura Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 25,99 11-Extremadura Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 49,71 11-Extremadura Woman 80 or more years Total 100 11-Extremadura Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 39,33 11-Extremadura Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 49,47 11-Extremadura Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 24,04 11-Extremadura Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 27,02 11-Extremadura Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 38,44 12-Galicia Total Total Total 100 12-Galicia Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 21,46 12-Galicia Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 41,65 12-Galicia Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,26 12-Galicia Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 18,39 12-Galicia Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 54,1 12-Galicia Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 12-Galicia Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 10,8 12-Galicia Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 31,53 12-Galicia Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 2,91 12-Galicia Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 10,02 12-Galicia Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 66,91 12-Galicia Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 12-Galicia Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 8,41 12-Galicia Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 26,34 12-Galicia Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 4,38 12-Galicia Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 12,41 12-Galicia Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 72,08 12-Galicia Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 12-Galicia Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 20,85 12-Galicia Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 35,76 12-Galicia Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 8,62 12-Galicia Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 16,39 12-Galicia Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 60,13 12-Galicia Total 80 or more years Total 100 12-Galicia Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 33,44 12-Galicia Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 59,28 12-Galicia Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 17,32 12-Galicia Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 26,03 12-Galicia Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 33,89 12-Galicia Man Total Total 100 12-Galicia Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,81 12-Galicia Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 32,01 12-Galicia Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,63 12-Galicia Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 14,95 12-Galicia Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 64,4 12-Galicia Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 12-Galicia Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 8,81 12-Galicia Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 30,32 12-Galicia Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 2,94 12-Galicia Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 11,43 12-Galicia Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 66,8 12-Galicia Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 12-Galicia Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 7,2 12-Galicia Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 23,2 12-Galicia Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 2,78 12-Galicia Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 9,5 12-Galicia Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 75,95 12-Galicia Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 12-Galicia Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 14,94 12-Galicia Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 28,84 12-Galicia Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,52 12-Galicia Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 14,4 12-Galicia Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 67,98 12-Galicia Man 80 or more years Total 100 12-Galicia Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 31,27 12-Galicia Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 48,34 12-Galicia Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 17,39 12-Galicia Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 24,32 12-Galicia Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 43,64 12-Galicia Woman Total Total 100 12-Galicia Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 25,59 12-Galicia Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 48,68 12-Galicia Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 12,19 12-Galicia Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 20,9 12-Galicia Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 46,58 12-Galicia Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 12-Galicia Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 13,12 12-Galicia Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 32,96 12-Galicia Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 2,88 12-Galicia Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 8,37 12-Galicia Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 67,04 12-Galicia Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 12-Galicia Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 9,88 12-Galicia Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 30,18 12-Galicia Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,33 12-Galicia Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 15,96 12-Galicia Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 67,35 12-Galicia Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 12-Galicia Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 25,58 12-Galicia Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 41,31 12-Galicia Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,3 12-Galicia Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 17,98 12-Galicia Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 53,84 12-Galicia Woman 80 or more years Total 100 12-Galicia Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 34,32 12-Galicia Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 63,7 12-Galicia Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 17,29 12-Galicia Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 26,72 12-Galicia Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 29,95 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total Total Total 100 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 17,54 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 44,93 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 12,12 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 17,05 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 54,16 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 6,5 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 38,25 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,62 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 12,11 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 60,72 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 13,01 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 37,86 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,74 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 11,84 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 61,06 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 14,95 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 42,31 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,75 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 17,49 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 56,61 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total 80 or more years Total 100 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 27,73 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 55,43 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 20,1 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 22,67 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 44 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man Total Total 100 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 14,3 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 34,49 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 9,54 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 14,88 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 64,42 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 4,8 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 26,15 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 3,96 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 3,96 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 71,79 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 11,46 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 25,13 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,04 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 10,11 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 72,82 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 11,15 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 30,98 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 8,35 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 13,56 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 68,22 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man 80 or more years Total 100 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 24,43 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 49,84 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 17,38 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 25,92 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 50,16 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman Total Total 100 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 19,56 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 51,42 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 13,71 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 18,39 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 47,78 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 8,23 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 50,57 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,3 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 20,42 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 49,43 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 14,02 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 46,15 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,85 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 12,97 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 53,4 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 16,91 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 48,16 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 11,98 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 19,52 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 50,61 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman 80 or more years Total 100 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 29,63 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 58,65 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 21,68 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 20,8 13-Madrid (Comunidad de) Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 40,45 14-Murcia (Región de) Total Total Total 100 14-Murcia (Región de) Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 22,16 14-Murcia (Región de) Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 38,85 14-Murcia (Región de) Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,16 14-Murcia (Región de) Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 23 14-Murcia (Región de) Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 56,89 14-Murcia (Región de) Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 14-Murcia (Región de) Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 17,14 14-Murcia (Región de) Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 29,89 14-Murcia (Región de) Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,44 14-Murcia (Región de) Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 19,13 14-Murcia (Región de) Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 64,93 14-Murcia (Región de) Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 14-Murcia (Región de) Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 16,08 14-Murcia (Región de) Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 29,85 14-Murcia (Región de) Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,19 14-Murcia (Región de) Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 17,31 14-Murcia (Región de) Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 67,37 14-Murcia (Región de) Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 14-Murcia (Región de) Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 19,31 14-Murcia (Región de) Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 40,05 14-Murcia (Región de) Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,27 14-Murcia (Región de) Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 21,85 14-Murcia (Región de) Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 57,12 14-Murcia (Región de) Total 80 or more years Total 100 14-Murcia (Región de) Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 36,73 14-Murcia (Región de) Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 54,41 14-Murcia (Región de) Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 21,98 14-Murcia (Región de) Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 34,12 14-Murcia (Región de) Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 38,26 14-Murcia (Región de) Man Total Total 100 14-Murcia (Región de) Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 18,91 14-Murcia (Región de) Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 33,57 14-Murcia (Región de) Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,68 14-Murcia (Región de) Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 18,59 14-Murcia (Región de) Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 62,07 14-Murcia (Región de) Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 14-Murcia (Región de) Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 19,02 14-Murcia (Región de) Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 33,85 14-Murcia (Región de) Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 3,09 14-Murcia (Región de) Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 14,79 14-Murcia (Región de) Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 58,81 14-Murcia (Región de) Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 14-Murcia (Región de) Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 18,18 14-Murcia (Región de) Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 30,85 14-Murcia (Región de) Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,92 14-Murcia (Región de) Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 21,24 14-Murcia (Región de) Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 64 14-Murcia (Región de) Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 14-Murcia (Región de) Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 10,58 14-Murcia (Región de) Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 26,29 14-Murcia (Región de) Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 4,56 14-Murcia (Región de) Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 13,82 14-Murcia (Región de) Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 70,83 14-Murcia (Región de) Man 80 or more years Total 100 14-Murcia (Región de) Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 33,64 14-Murcia (Región de) Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 50,27 14-Murcia (Región de) Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 13,14 14-Murcia (Región de) Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 24,89 14-Murcia (Región de) Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 47,4 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman Total Total 100 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 24,89 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 43,29 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 13,09 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 26,71 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 52,54 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,16 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 25,73 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,91 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 23,68 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 71,36 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 13,62 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 28,68 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,32 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 12,72 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 71,32 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 25,98 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 50,55 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 9,34 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 27,98 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 46,65 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman 80 or more years Total 100 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 38,38 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 56,62 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 26,71 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 39,06 14-Murcia (Región de) Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 33,37 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total Total Total 100 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 21,23 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 38,08 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,53 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 21,59 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 57,87 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 19,78 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 22,27 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,01 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 9,55 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 70,8 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 10,98 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 34,61 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 4,07 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 19,1 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 64,29 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 14,29 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 30,25 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 2,07 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 13,2 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 66,84 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total 80 or more years Total 100 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 33,51 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 52,44 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 8,68 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 34,44 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 41,9 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man Total Total 100 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 17,4 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 30,47 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,32 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 19,07 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 65,57 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 20,94 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 21,81 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,49 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 8,67 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 73,3 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 12,71 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 32,42 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 4,74 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 23,33 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 65,79 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 11,07 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 28,23 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 4,57 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 18,19 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 67,59 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man 80 or more years Total 100 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 27,52 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 37,68 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,91 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 23,38 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 56,83 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman Total Total 100 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 24,58 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 44,74 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 4,83 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 23,79 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 51,12 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 17,45 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 23,2 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 11,32 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 65,77 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 8,18 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 38,14 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 2,99 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 12,24 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 61,86 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 16,96 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 31,92 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 9,06 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 66,21 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman 80 or more years Total 100 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 36,27 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 59,23 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 9,49 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 39,53 15-Navarra (Comunidad Foral Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 35,02 16-País Vasco Total Total Total 100 16-País Vasco Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 24,87 16-País Vasco Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 41,66 16-País Vasco Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,28 16-País Vasco Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 12,89 16-País Vasco Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 55,89 16-País Vasco Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 16-País Vasco Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 12,6 16-País Vasco Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 44,13 16-País Vasco Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 6,09 16-País Vasco Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 15,87 16-País Vasco Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 54,77 16-País Vasco Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 16-País Vasco Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 12,44 16-País Vasco Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 29,81 16-País Vasco Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,43 16-País Vasco Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 8,27 16-País Vasco Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 68 16-País Vasco Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 16-País Vasco Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 21,23 16-País Vasco Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 35,79 16-País Vasco Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,04 16-País Vasco Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 8,35 16-País Vasco Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 62,81 16-País Vasco Total 80 or more years Total 100 16-País Vasco Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 39,57 16-País Vasco Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 52,7 16-País Vasco Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 17,28 16-País Vasco Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 18,3 16-País Vasco Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 43,38 16-País Vasco Man Total Total 100 16-País Vasco Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 17,38 16-País Vasco Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 34,01 16-País Vasco Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 8,6 16-País Vasco Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 14,45 16-País Vasco Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 65,13 16-País Vasco Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 16-País Vasco Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 17,93 16-País Vasco Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 42,99 16-País Vasco Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 9,53 16-País Vasco Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 23,12 16-País Vasco Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 57,01 16-País Vasco Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 16-País Vasco Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 5,12 16-País Vasco Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 20,56 16-País Vasco Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 1,54 16-País Vasco Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 3,75 16-País Vasco Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 77,9 16-País Vasco Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 16-País Vasco Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 16,33 16-País Vasco Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 29,4 16-País Vasco Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,81 16-País Vasco Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 8,77 16-País Vasco Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 70,6 16-País Vasco Man 80 or more years Total 100 16-País Vasco Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 30,44 16-País Vasco Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 46,07 16-País Vasco Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 18,39 16-País Vasco Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 25,38 16-País Vasco Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 51,96 16-País Vasco Woman Total Total 100 16-País Vasco Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 30,09 16-País Vasco Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 46,98 16-País Vasco Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 11,46 16-País Vasco Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 11,81 16-País Vasco Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 49,47 16-País Vasco Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 16-País Vasco Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 3,16 16-País Vasco Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 46,13 16-País Vasco Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 16-País Vasco Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 3,06 16-País Vasco Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 50,82 16-País Vasco Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 16-País Vasco Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 18,64 16-País Vasco Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 37,63 16-País Vasco Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 8,72 16-País Vasco Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 12,1 16-País Vasco Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 59,62 16-País Vasco Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 16-País Vasco Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 25,06 16-País Vasco Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 40,77 16-País Vasco Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 8 16-País Vasco Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 8,02 16-País Vasco Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 56,74 16-País Vasco Woman 80 or more years Total 100 16-País Vasco Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 43,11 16-País Vasco Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 55,27 16-País Vasco Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 16,85 16-País Vasco Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 15,55 16-País Vasco Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 40,06 17-Rioja (La) Total Total Total 100 17-Rioja (La) Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 21,62 17-Rioja (La) Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 44,7 17-Rioja (La) Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 17,16 17-Rioja (La) Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 27,38 17-Rioja (La) Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 52,36 17-Rioja (La) Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 17-Rioja (La) Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 16,04 17-Rioja (La) Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 28,91 17-Rioja (La) Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,64 17-Rioja (La) Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 10,2 17-Rioja (La) Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 60,44 17-Rioja (La) Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 17-Rioja (La) Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 8,14 17-Rioja (La) Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 33,64 17-Rioja (La) Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 12,06 17-Rioja (La) Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 17,29 17-Rioja (La) Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 65,32 17-Rioja (La) Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 17-Rioja (La) Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 12,69 17-Rioja (La) Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 27,77 17-Rioja (La) Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,64 17-Rioja (La) Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 19,84 17-Rioja (La) Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 68,11 17-Rioja (La) Total 80 or more years Total 100 17-Rioja (La) Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 38,95 17-Rioja (La) Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 68,52 17-Rioja (La) Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 27 17-Rioja (La) Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 43,55 17-Rioja (La) Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 29,65 17-Rioja (La) Man Total Total 100 17-Rioja (La) Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 16,77 17-Rioja (La) Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 46,75 17-Rioja (La) Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 16,05 17-Rioja (La) Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 22,32 17-Rioja (La) Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 52,59 17-Rioja (La) Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 17-Rioja (La) Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 18,13 17-Rioja (La) Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 58,5 17-Rioja (La) Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,22 17-Rioja (La) Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 20,64 17-Rioja (La) Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 34,27 17-Rioja (La) Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 17-Rioja (La) Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 10,99 17-Rioja (La) Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 32 17-Rioja (La) Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 14,99 17-Rioja (La) Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 14,2 17-Rioja (La) Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 68 17-Rioja (La) Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 17-Rioja (La) Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 9,64 17-Rioja (La) Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 30,6 17-Rioja (La) Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 12,8 17-Rioja (La) Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 23,86 17-Rioja (La) Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 69,4 17-Rioja (La) Man 80 or more years Total 100 17-Rioja (La) Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 28,55 17-Rioja (La) Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 72,23 17-Rioja (La) Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 22,89 17-Rioja (La) Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 27,48 17-Rioja (La) Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 27,77 17-Rioja (La) Woman Total Total 100 17-Rioja (La) Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 24,85 17-Rioja (La) Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 43,33 17-Rioja (La) Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 17,9 17-Rioja (La) Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 30,75 17-Rioja (La) Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 52,21 17-Rioja (La) Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 17-Rioja (La) Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 13,99 17-Rioja (La) Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 0 17-Rioja (La) Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 13,99 17-Rioja (La) Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 0 17-Rioja (La) Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 86,01 17-Rioja (La) Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 17-Rioja (La) Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 6,39 17-Rioja (La) Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 34,65 17-Rioja (La) Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 10,25 17-Rioja (La) Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 19,19 17-Rioja (La) Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 63,67 17-Rioja (La) Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 17-Rioja (La) Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,43 17-Rioja (La) Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 25,24 17-Rioja (La) Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 8,71 17-Rioja (La) Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 16,24 17-Rioja (La) Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 66,96 17-Rioja (La) Woman 80 or more years Total 100 17-Rioja (La) Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 44,28 17-Rioja (La) Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 66,61 17-Rioja (La) Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 29,11 17-Rioja (La) Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 51,8 17-Rioja (La) Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 30,62 18-Ceuta Total Total Total 100 18-Ceuta Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 11,56 18-Ceuta Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 28,62 18-Ceuta Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0,69 18-Ceuta Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 6,14 18-Ceuta Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 64,7 18-Ceuta Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 18-Ceuta Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 4,23 18-Ceuta Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 13,52 18-Ceuta Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 18-Ceuta Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 0 18-Ceuta Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 82,25 18-Ceuta Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 18-Ceuta Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 13,34 18-Ceuta Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 32,86 18-Ceuta Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 18-Ceuta Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 2,82 18-Ceuta Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 60,29 18-Ceuta Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 18-Ceuta Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 18,61 18-Ceuta Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 24,32 18-Ceuta Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 2,57 18-Ceuta Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 10,45 18-Ceuta Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 62,52 18-Ceuta Total 80 or more years Total 100 18-Ceuta Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 7,16 18-Ceuta Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 45,88 18-Ceuta Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 18-Ceuta Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 13,21 18-Ceuta Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 54,12 18-Ceuta Man Total Total 100 18-Ceuta Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 17,87 18-Ceuta Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 22,41 18-Ceuta Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 18-Ceuta Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 4,07 18-Ceuta Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 69,8 18-Ceuta Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 18-Ceuta Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 6,58 18-Ceuta Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 21,02 18-Ceuta Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 18-Ceuta Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 0 18-Ceuta Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 72,4 18-Ceuta Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 18-Ceuta Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 17,15 18-Ceuta Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 37,8 18-Ceuta Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 18-Ceuta Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 3,1 18-Ceuta Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 62,2 18-Ceuta Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 18-Ceuta Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 31,23 18-Ceuta Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 11,31 18-Ceuta Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 18-Ceuta Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 11,31 18-Ceuta Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 68,77 18-Ceuta Man 80 or more years Total 100 18-Ceuta Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 17,94 18-Ceuta Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 17,94 18-Ceuta Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 18-Ceuta Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 0 18-Ceuta Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 82,06 18-Ceuta Woman Total Total 100 18-Ceuta Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 6,37 18-Ceuta Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 33,72 18-Ceuta Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 1,25 18-Ceuta Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 7,85 18-Ceuta Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 60,5 18-Ceuta Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 18-Ceuta Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 0 18-Ceuta Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 0 18-Ceuta Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 18-Ceuta Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 0 18-Ceuta Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 100 18-Ceuta Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 18-Ceuta Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 11,03 18-Ceuta Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 29,85 18-Ceuta Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 18-Ceuta Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 2,65 18-Ceuta Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 59,12 18-Ceuta Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 18-Ceuta Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 6,9 18-Ceuta Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 36,4 18-Ceuta Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 4,96 18-Ceuta Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 9,64 18-Ceuta Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 56,71 18-Ceuta Woman 80 or more years Total 100 18-Ceuta Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 2,53 18-Ceuta Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 57,89 18-Ceuta Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 18-Ceuta Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 18,89 18-Ceuta Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 42,11 19-Melilla Total Total Total 100 19-Melilla Total Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 13,13 19-Melilla Total Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 21,51 19-Melilla Total Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 3,46 19-Melilla Total Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 11,29 19-Melilla Total Total No difficulty getting around via transport 74 19-Melilla Total From 6 to 44 years Total 100 19-Melilla Total From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 8,25 19-Melilla Total From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 11,54 19-Melilla Total From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 19-Melilla Total From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 7,69 19-Melilla Total From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 84,45 19-Melilla Total From 45 to 64 years Total 100 19-Melilla Total From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 8,59 19-Melilla Total From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 17,03 19-Melilla Total From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 19-Melilla Total From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 8,37 19-Melilla Total From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 79,19 19-Melilla Total From 65 to 79 years Total 100 19-Melilla Total From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 15,54 19-Melilla Total From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 22,27 19-Melilla Total From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,62 19-Melilla Total From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 11,16 19-Melilla Total From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 72,19 19-Melilla Total 80 or more years Total 100 19-Melilla Total 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 29,24 19-Melilla Total 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 46,01 19-Melilla Total 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 15,08 19-Melilla Total 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 23,94 19-Melilla Total 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 48,04 19-Melilla Man Total Total 100 19-Melilla Man Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 2,31 19-Melilla Man Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 6,45 19-Melilla Man Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 19-Melilla Man Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 1,97 19-Melilla Man Total No difficulty getting around via transport 89,26 19-Melilla Man From 6 to 44 years Total 100 19-Melilla Man From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 5,74 19-Melilla Man From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 5,5 19-Melilla Man From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 19-Melilla Man From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 0 19-Melilla Man From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 88,76 19-Melilla Man From 45 to 64 years Total 100 19-Melilla Man From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 0 19-Melilla Man From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 9,39 19-Melilla Man From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 19-Melilla Man From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 4,36 19-Melilla Man From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 86,25 19-Melilla Man From 65 to 79 years Total 100 19-Melilla Man From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 0 19-Melilla Man From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 0 19-Melilla Man From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 19-Melilla Man From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 0 19-Melilla Man From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 100 19-Melilla Man 80 or more years Total 100 19-Melilla Man 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 0 19-Melilla Man 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 0 19-Melilla Man 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 19-Melilla Man 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 0 19-Melilla Man 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 100 19-Melilla Woman Total Total 100 19-Melilla Woman Total Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 20,23 19-Melilla Woman Total Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 31,4 19-Melilla Woman Total Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 5,74 19-Melilla Woman Total Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 17,41 19-Melilla Woman Total No difficulty getting around via transport 63,98 19-Melilla Woman From 6 to 44 years Total 100 19-Melilla Woman From 6 to 44 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 14,09 19-Melilla Woman From 6 to 44 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 25,61 19-Melilla Woman From 6 to 44 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 19-Melilla Woman From 6 to 44 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 25,61 19-Melilla Woman From 6 to 44 years No difficulty getting around via transport 74,39 19-Melilla Woman From 45 to 64 years Total 100 19-Melilla Woman From 45 to 64 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 14,5 19-Melilla Woman From 45 to 64 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 22,29 19-Melilla Woman From 45 to 64 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 0 19-Melilla Woman From 45 to 64 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 11,12 19-Melilla Woman From 45 to 64 years No difficulty getting around via transport 74,33 19-Melilla Woman From 65 to 79 years Total 100 19-Melilla Woman From 65 to 79 years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 21,74 19-Melilla Woman From 65 to 79 years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 31,17 19-Melilla Woman From 65 to 79 years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 7,87 19-Melilla Woman From 65 to 79 years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 15,62 19-Melilla Woman From 65 to 79 years No difficulty getting around via transport 61,08 19-Melilla Woman 80 or more years Total 100 19-Melilla Woman 80 or more years Private or family vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc.) 31,23 19-Melilla Woman 80 or more years Public transport (bus, metro, tram, train, taxi, etc.) 49,14 19-Melilla Woman 80 or more years Special transport vehicles (ambulances, etc.) 16,11 19-Melilla Woman 80 or more years Other transportation vehicles (bicycles, electric rental vehicles, etc.) 25,57 19-Melilla Woman 80 or more years No difficulty getting around via transport 44,51