Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Sector Indicators By group of products Value and distribution of ICT goods production by product group Units: Specified in each indicator Value of production (millions of euros) % of total ICT sector % of total industrial sector 1. Telecommunication equipment 492.37 13.27 0.08 2. Computer equipment 254.08 6.85 0.04 3. Electronic components 1,252.36 33.74 0.21 4. Audio and video equipment 267.40 7.21 0.04 5. Other ICT products 1,445.04 38.94 0.24 TOTAL ICT SECTOR 3,711.25 100.00 0.62 TOTAL 600,389.85 .. 100.00 Notes: 1) Source: Industrial Products Survey Source: National Statistics Institute