Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Sector Indicators Information and communications technology (ICT) sector indicators. 2021 Main indicators of the use of ICT and Commerce Electronic by branches of activity of the ICT sector, type of indicator. Units: Specified in each indicator TOTAL ICT SECTOR TOTAL BUSINESS SECTOR % of companies employing ICT specialists 71.1 16.4 % of companies with female ICT specialists (2) 60.6 38.7 % of companies with Internet connection 100.0 99.0 % of companies with Internet connection and website/page (1) 95.7 78.5 % of companies using Social Media (1) 89.7 63.6 % of companies performing data analytics by their own employees (1) 58.3 33.2 % of companies using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies (1) 31.1 9.5 % of companies buying via e-commerce 60.6 41.8 % of companies selling via e-commerce 33.9 31.7 E-commerce sales volume (million euros) 21,716.6 377,057.9 Notes: 1) Source: Survey on the Use of ICT and e-Business in Enterprises 2) Reference: Year 2022 - First quarter of 2023 3) ICT sector according to CNAE 2009: 2611, 2612, 2620, 2630, 2640, 2680, 4651, 4652, 5821, 5829, 6110, 6120, 6130, 6190, 6201, 6202, 6203, 6209, 6311, 6312, 9511, 9512 4) (1) Percentage over total companies with an Internet connection. 5) (2) Percentage over total number of enterprises employing ICT specialists. Source: National Statistics Institute