Disability indicators Population rate with disabilities in centres by impairment group, gender and municipality size. Units: Rate for 100 residents TOTAL MENTAL IMPAIRMENTS VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS HEARING IMPAIRMENTS LANGUAGE, SPEECH AND VOICE IMPAIRMENTS OSTEOARTICULAR IMPAIRMENTS NERVOUS SYSTEM IMPAIRMENTS VISCERAL IMPAIRMENTS OTHER IMPAIRMENTS Total Total 94.68 52.83 18.32 19.05 1.77 25.41 7.49 5.39 16.62 Provincial capitals and municipalities with more than 100,000 inhabitants 94.80 52.86 17.28 18.39 1.95 25.19 8.64 5.54 17.12 From 50,000 to 100,000 inhabitants 95.53 58.74 19.85 19.47 2.13 27.14 7.78 7.16 15.02 From 20,000 to fewer than 50,000 inhabitants 94.67 54.36 16.93 19.05 1.75 24.27 7.66 5.27 16.14 From 10,000 to fewer than 20,000 inhabitants 94.84 55.73 17.44 19.64 1.48 24.00 6.68 5.85 14.28 Fewer than 10,000 inhabitants 94.23 49.27 20.15 19.50 1.58 26.28 6.28 4.60 17.59 Man Total 91.95 49.15 16.22 16.31 2.05 21.57 8.10 7.02 16.00 Provincial capitals and municipalities with more than 100,000 inhabitants 92.84 49.79 16.45 16.86 2.31 21.47 9.92 5.83 15.42 From 50,000 to 100,000 inhabitants 94.47 62.35 17.80 16.96 3.14 20.01 7.56 11.49 14.38 From 20,000 to fewer than 50,000 inhabitants 91.44 49.15 13.37 15.94 1.54 22.31 7.47 7.41 15.60 From 10,000 to fewer than 20,000 inhabitants 91.26 51.79 16.54 15.60 1.46 20.34 5.99 6.92 14.73 Fewer than 10,000 inhabitants 90.68 43.77 16.68 15.92 1.89 22.24 7.16 7.08 17.79 Woman Total 96.21 54.89 19.50 20.59 1.62 27.57 7.15 4.47 16.97 Provincial capitals and municipalities with more than 100,000 inhabitants 95.93 54.62 17.76 19.27 1.74 27.33 7.90 5.37 18.10 From 50,000 to 100,000 inhabitants 96.10 56.77 20.97 20.83 1.58 31.02 7.90 4.81 15.36 From 20,000 to fewer than 50,000 inhabitants 96.27 56.94 18.69 20.59 1.86 25.24 7.76 4.21 16.40 From 10,000 to fewer than 20,000 inhabitants 96.92 58.01 17.96 21.98 1.49 26.13 7.08 5.23 14.02 Fewer than 10,000 inhabitants 96.27 52.42 22.13 21.55 1.40 28.59 5.77 3.18 17.47 Notes: 1) The rate is calculated on the population residing in residential centres and supervised housing for the elderly and the disabled, and medium and long-stay hospitals 2) A person may have deficiencies originating from more than one deficiency group Source: National Statistics Institute