Chapter 4: Social relations and leisure Assessment of the frequency of contact with relatives, friends or acquaintances, by gender number of disabilities. Population with disabilities. Units: percentage Total Excessive Suitable Insufficient They have no contact with their family Does not apply because they have no relative or friend Total Total 100.00 0.87 74.27 19.40 1.71 3.75 Just one disability 100.00 0.97 73.37 19.04 3.25 3.37 Two disabilities 100.00 0.63 70.78 24.11 1.42 3.06 Three disabilities 100.00 0.73 75.78 19.38 1.51 2.60 Four disabilities 100.00 0.58 74.31 20.22 1.61 3.28 Five to eight disabilities 100.00 0.99 74.46 18.66 1.65 4.25 Man Total 100.00 0.93 69.89 21.96 2.34 4.87 Just one disability 100.00 0.94 66.94 22.39 4.30 5.42 Two disabilities 100.00 0.67 70.44 22.77 2.32 3.79 Three disabilities 100.00 0.71 69.32 24.09 2.00 3.88 Four disabilities 100.00 0.50 70.97 21.62 2.61 4.29 Five to eight disabilities 100.00 1.16 70.17 21.23 2.02 5.42 Woman Total 100.00 0.84 76.61 18.03 1.38 3.15 Just one disability 100.00 1.00 79.94 15.61 2.19 1.26 Two disabilities 100.00 0.59 71.05 25.19 0.68 2.48 Three disabilities 100.00 0.75 79.95 16.34 1.19 1.77 Four disabilities 100.00 0.63 76.22 19.41 1.03 2.71 Five to eight disabilities 100.00 0.91 76.34 17.53 1.50 3.73 Notes: 1) The number of disabilities refers to the 8 disability groups: vision, hearing, communication, learning, mobility, self-care, home life and personal interactions and relationships Source: National Statistics Institute