Chapter 6: Accessibility Difficulty due to disability in being able to use information and communication technologies, by gender and disability group. Population with disabilities. Units: people Total Has difficulty Does not have difficulty Doesnt know/No reply Total Total 357,894 234,722 97,633 25,540 Vision 84,579 60,620 19,522 4,437 Hearing 86,315 63,121 18,265 4,929 Communication 221,069 186,285 24,372 10,413 Learning, knowledge application and task development 225,512 181,179 31,768 12,564 Mobility 308,351 213,516 74,042 20,794 Self-Care 317,011 221,853 73,433 21,725 Domestic Life 311,043 219,523 71,724 19,796 Interactions and Personal Relationships 142,482 117,617 19,362 5,503 Man Total 124,774 75,607 41,150 8,016 Vision 26,250 17,762 7,500 989 Hearing 25,564 17,133 7,147 1,285 Communication 73,368 59,523 10,502 3,342 Learning, knowledge application and task development 70,992 55,558 11,969 3,465 Mobility 100,233 65,855 28,305 6,073 Self-Care 104,387 69,548 28,270 6,569 Domestic Life 103,506 68,774 28,624 6,109 Interactions and Personal Relationships 48,568 38,086 8,607 1,875 Woman Total 233,121 159,115 56,483 17,523 Vision 58,329 42,858 12,023 3,449 Hearing 60,751 45,988 11,119 3,644 Communication 147,701 126,762 13,869 7,070 Learning, knowledge application and task development 154,520 125,622 19,799 9,099 Mobility 208,118 147,661 45,737 14,720 Self-Care 212,624 152,306 45,163 15,156 Domestic Life 207,537 150,749 43,101 13,687 Interactions and Personal Relationships 93,914 79,531 10,755 3,628 Notes: 1) Difficulty in the use of information and communication technologies refers to the difficulty in the use of devices such as mobile phones, computers, ATMs, etc. 2) A person may have disabilities from more than one type of disability Source: National Statistics Institute