Intergenerational transmission of poverty Adults aged between 25 and 59 years by age group according to their own level of education and the level of education of their mother when they were teenagers. Unidades: Total number of adults aged 25 to 59 years. Total Low level (lower secondary education or less) (mother) Intermediate level (upper secondary education) (mother) High level (higher education) (mother) Not specified Not applicable: The adult lived in a private household but did not live with the mother Not applicable: The adult lived in a group home or institution Total Total 23.204.947 15.482.724 2.754.438 2.363.449 2.051.696 400.187 152.453 Primary education or lower 1.817.497 1.494.996 29.870 10.858 212.460 49.611 19.703 Lower secondary education 5.257.976 4.180.483 263.522 98.533 566.571 107.950 40.918 Upper secondary education 5.497.674 3.681.486 721.002 338.749 586.535 110.985 58.916 Higher education 10.613.793 6.123.645 1.739.502 1.914.769 671.551 131.409 32.916 Not specified 18.008 2.114 542 540 14.579 233 .. From 25 to 44 years old Total 11.882.038 6.769.039 1.970.930 1.815.046 1.061.256 199.926 65.842 Primary education or lower 777.461 641.268 20.372 7.900 76.696 19.662 11.562 Lower secondary education 2.363.595 1.740.365 211.842 81.927 256.269 52.096 21.095 Upper secondary education 2.730.494 1.564.586 511.067 248.801 320.152 64.136 21.753 Higher education 5.997.026 2.821.777 1.227.107 1.475.877 396.800 64.033 11.432 Not specified 13.462 1.041 542 540 11.339 .. .. From 45 to 59 Total 11.322.910 8.713.686 783.508 548.403 990.440 200.261 86.611 Primary education or lower 1.040.036 853.727 9.497 2.958 135.764 29.949 8.141 Lower secondary education 2.894.382 2.440.118 51.680 16.605 310.302 55.854 19.822 Upper secondary education 2.767.179 2.116.900 209.935 89.948 266.384 46.849 37.164 Higher education 4.616.767 3.301.868 512.395 438.892 274.750 67.377 21.485 Not specified 4.546 1.072 .. .. 3.241 233 .. Notas: This table takes into account the current situation of adults aged 25-59 and that of their parents or household when the child was an adolescent. Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística