Intergenerational transmission of poverty Adults aged between 25 and 59 years by age group according to their own level of education and the level of education of their father when they were teenagers. Unidades: Total number of adults aged 25 to 59 years. Total Low level (lower secondary education or less) (father) Intermediate level (upper secondary education) (father) High level (higher education) (father) Not specified Not applicable: The adult lived in a private household but did not live with the father Not applicable: The adult lived in a group home or institution Total Total 23.204.947 13.361.062 2.623.086 3.027.715 2.518.161 1.522.471 152.453 Primary education or lower 1.817.497 1.357.433 34.365 19.884 239.331 146.781 19.703 Lower secondary education 5.257.976 3.720.545 244.000 133.461 706.831 412.221 40.918 Upper secondary education 5.497.674 3.120.284 711.388 472.746 690.039 444.301 58.916 Higher education 10.613.793 5.160.142 1.632.791 2.401.085 867.924 518.935 32.916 Not specified 18.008 2.657 542 540 14.036 233 .. From 25 to 44 years old Total 11.882.038 6.028.049 1.698.550 1.935.229 1.277.640 876.728 65.842 Primary education or lower 777.461 569.744 16.342 13.612 92.870 73.330 11.562 Lower secondary education 2.363.595 1.536.728 180.408 85.251 322.507 217.605 21.095 Upper secondary education 2.730.494 1.388.159 429.645 277.872 341.883 271.182 21.753 Higher education 5.997.026 2.531.833 1.071.613 1.557.954 509.584 314.610 11.432 Not specified 13.462 1.585 542 540 10.795 .. .. From 45 to 59 Total 11.322.910 7.333.012 924.535 1.092.486 1.240.521 645.743 86.611 Primary education or lower 1.040.036 787.689 18.022 6.272 146.461 73.451 8.141 Lower secondary education 2.894.382 2.183.817 63.592 48.210 384.324 194.616 19.822 Upper secondary education 2.767.179 1.732.125 281.743 194.873 348.156 173.118 37.164 Higher education 4.616.767 2.628.309 561.178 843.131 358.340 204.325 21.485 Not specified 4.546 1.072 .. .. 3.241 233 .. Notas: This table takes into account the current situation of adults aged 25-59 and that of their parents or household when the child was an adolescent. Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística