Deaths according to Cause of Death National and Autonomous Cities and Communities results C** Standardised mortality rates by cause of death (most frequent causes), sex and level of education. 25 years old and over. Units: per hundred thousand Both genders Men Women All causes Total 1,155.23 1,491.38 905.53 Primary education or lower 1,235.96 1,641.04 990.72 Lower secondary education 1,162.64 1,535.22 862.62 Upper secondary education 1,094.12 1,379.93 807.57 University studies 966.38 1,173.57 733.65 Ischaemic heart diseases Total 73.83 113.30 43.91 Primary education or lower 76.32 120.91 48.49 Lower secondary education 72.48 111.54 40.26 Upper secondary education 73.44 107.42 39.34 University studies 63.15 92.21 31.23 Cerebrovascular diseases Total 60.99 70.23 53.58 Primary education or lower 65.70 77.22 58.38 Lower secondary education 58.73 70.37 48.99 Upper secondary education 53.50 61.11 44.95 University studies 49.78 56.61 41.92 Bronchial and lung cancer Total 62.37 103.53 29.96 Primary education or lower 55.73 108.15 23.68 Lower secondary education 70.64 117.68 30.76 Upper secondary education 69.63 97.88 39.08 University studies 57.38 76.57 34.65 Dementia Total 50.79 47.83 51.45 Primary education or lower 53.68 50.76 54.19 Lower secondary education 50.58 52.07 48.85 Upper secondary education 45.18 44.24 44.89 University studies 37.51 36.90 37.43 Heart failure Total 48.23 54.20 43.56 Primary education or lower 51.36 57.79 46.91 Lower secondary education 45.50 53.16 39.44 Upper secondary education 45.02 53.34 37.50 University studies 37.82 42.79 32.81 Chronic diseases of the lower respiratory tract Total 31.21 56.17 15.29 Primary education or lower 33.09 66.89 15.49 Lower secondary education 33.11 57.12 16.22 Upper secondary education 30.67 44.32 17.33 University studies 23.98 32.82 14.56 Alzheimer's disease Total 33.58 26.26 37.41 Primary education or lower 34.94 26.96 38.37 Lower secondary education 33.51 26.76 37.19 Upper secondary education 30.01 26.93 32.61 University studies 26.57 23.75 29.19 Colon cancer Total 29.01 40.88 20.62 Primary education or lower 28.02 40.98 21.08 Lower secondary education 31.12 43.95 21.49 Upper secondary education 30.73 41.20 19.98 University studies 26.55 33.08 18.98 Hypertensive disease Total 34.73 33.11 34.55 Primary education or lower 38.18 37.20 37.83 Lower secondary education 31.72 31.04 30.71 Upper secondary education 29.18 28.51 28.65 University studies 25.28 24.38 25.41 Diabetes mellitus Total 27.14 32.63 22.81 Primary education or lower 32.54 39.53 28.19 Lower secondary education 25.40 32.97 19.38 Upper secondary education 20.02 26.76 12.85 University studies 16.51 20.62 11.76 Pneumonia Total 21.14 30.82 15.18 Primary education or lower 23.81 35.96 17.38 Lower secondary education 20.23 29.62 13.96 Upper secondary education 20.59 26.61 15.11 University studies 19.73 26.63 12.24 Renal failure Total 19.32 24.31 16.14 Primary education or lower 21.45 26.30 18.85 Lower secondary education 18.24 26.35 13.25 Upper secondary education 16.41 22.44 10.80 University studies 15.17 19.24 10.59 Breast cancer Total 17.46 0.48 30.83 Primary education or lower 17.47 0.43 28.64 Lower secondary education 16.18 0.60 29.79 Upper secondary education 16.08 0.35 32.17 University studies 16.48 0.34 33.04 Pancreatic cancer Total 21.42 24.59 18.68 Primary education or lower 19.71 23.45 16.87 Lower secondary education 21.97 25.22 18.92 Upper secondary education 22.07 23.88 19.69 University studies 22.93 25.35 20.27 Prostate cancer Total 15.21 39.10 .. Primary education or lower 13.24 39.11 .. Lower secondary education 16.91 41.91 .. Upper secondary education 18.57 38.61 .. University studies 17.37 33.10 .. Identified Covid-19 virus Total 77.63 109.73 57.00 Primary education or lower 85.23 121.38 65.79 Lower secondary education 75.91 108.48 53.14 Upper secondary education 75.71 107.07 47.85 University studies 70.43 93.76 44.91 Notes: 1) The standardised rates allow comparisons between different levels of education, as well as temporary and sex level comparisons, by using an age structure common within the standard European population as of 2011. Category 'Upper Secondary education' includes the Higher Level Training Cycles and equivalents. C* Table published on 30/07/2024. Source: National Statistics Institute