Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Degree of disability, pension for permanent disability and dependency Population aged 16 and over with a permanent disability pension according to the number of disabilities by gender and age. Unidades: percentage Total Ninguna discapacidad Just one disability Two disabilities Three disabilities Four disabilities Five to eight disabilities Total Total 100 48,55 18,91 10,99 8 4,34 9,21 From 16 to 44 100 49,99 14,26 11,08 7,24 5,57 11,86 From 45 to 64 years 100 53,63 19,14 11,2 6,82 3,21 6 From 65 to 79 years 100 45,62 22,58 10,82 9,08 4,38 7,52 80 or more years 100 21,24 13,94 10,03 13,77 9,45 31,56 Man Total 100 51,89 19,8 9,91 6,87 4,14 7,38 From 16 to 44 100 49,9 15,35 11,83 7,34 5,83 9,76 From 45 to 64 years 100 56,14 19,83 9,82 5,64 3,16 5,41 From 65 to 79 years 100 50,49 22,21 9,14 8,23 3,97 5,97 80 or more years 100 26,11 20,94 9,08 10,96 9,15 23,76 Woman Total 100 43,99 17,69 12,47 9,54 4,6 11,7 From 16 to 44 100 50,12 12,65 9,97 7,1 5,19 14,98 From 45 to 64 years 100 49,87 18,11 13,26 8,6 3,3 6,88 From 65 to 79 years 100 39,75 23,03 12,85 10,11 4,87 9,39 80 or more years 100 16,74 7,46 10,92 16,38 9,73 38,78 Notas: The number of disabilities refers to the 8 disability groups: vision, hearing, communication, learning, mobility, self-care, home life and personal interactions and relationships 2) Las pensiones de incapacidad permanente, cuando sus beneficiarios cumplan la edad de sesenta y siete años, pasan a denominarse pensiones de jubilación, no obstante, en la publicación hemos respetado la respuesta del informante. Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística