Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Discrimination Perception of discrimination due to a disability in the company or workplace, by gender and number of disabilities. Population aged 16 and over with a disability currently working. Unidades: percentage Total Never Sometimes Many times Constantly Total Total 100 88,16 8,06 2,58 1,2 Just one disability 100 90 6,79 2 1,21 Two disabilities 100 84,25 14,13 1,62 0 Three disabilities 100 81,92 3,84 9,67 4,57 Four disabilities 100 63,12 31,65 5,24 0 Five to eight disabilities 100 90,45 0 9,55 0 Man Total 100 88,34 9,7 0,44 1,52 Just one disability 100 89,39 8,63 0,55 1,42 Two disabilities 100 80,2 19,8 0 0 Three disabilities 100 87,83 3,71 0 8,46 Four disabilities 100 96,06 3,94 0 0 Five to eight disabilities 100 100 0 0 0 Woman Total 100 88 6,56 4,54 0,9 Just one disability 100 90,59 4,99 3,42 0,99 Two disabilities 100 87,84 9,09 3,07 0 Three disabilities 100 78,35 3,91 15,51 2,23 Four disabilities 100 42,51 48,98 8,51 0 Five to eight disabilities 100 85,81 0 14,19 0 Notas: The perception of discrimination on the basis of disability refers to situations in which the person with a disability considers that he or she was not allowed to do something, was made to feel inferior or ignored, was bothered or was not given properly adapted information. 2) The number of disabilities refers to the 8 disability groups: vision, hearing, communication, learning, mobility, self-care, home life and personal interactions and relationships Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística