Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Accessibility and getting around Type of problem that hinders transport use, by sex and disability group. Population six years and over that has difficulty getting around in transportation. Unidades: percentage Total Access to stations, platforms, stops, etc. Getting in or out of the vehicle or accessing the seat Orienting yourself in stations, understanding signs, plans, itineraries, identifying the stop at which to get off Other problems Total Total 100 67,14 81,75 54,61 17,44 Vision 100 72,36 82,15 66,6 19,63 Hearing 100 68,89 83,36 59,31 18,03 Communication 100 74,84 80,82 77,55 22,49 Learning, knowledge application and task development 100 74,83 78,95 80,64 23,95 Mobility 100 71,16 88,61 52,3 16,76 Self-Care 100 75,2 89,31 62,64 19,08 Domestic Life 100 71,81 86,25 58,83 17,84 Interactions and Personal Relationships 100 72,02 76,4 77,43 26,96 Man Total 100 65,39 75,9 55,05 19,52 Vision 100 78,43 79,23 71,62 18,92 Hearing 100 65,68 78,02 56,96 21,68 Communication 100 73,13 72,38 76,52 23,71 Learning, knowledge application and task development 100 70,57 67,54 79,03 25,09 Mobility 100 70,09 87,02 50,9 17,53 Self-Care 100 72,88 85,07 59,86 18,94 Domestic Life 100 70,96 81,38 59,01 19,7 Interactions and Personal Relationships 100 66,79 66,6 73,78 28,96 Woman Total 100 68,09 84,93 54,37 16,3 Vision 100 69,32 83,61 64,09 19,98 Hearing 100 70,45 85,94 60,44 16,27 Communication 100 75,96 86,33 78,23 21,69 Learning, knowledge application and task development 100 77,54 86,24 81,68 23,22 Mobility 100 71,68 89,37 52,97 16,4 Self-Care 100 76,5 91,69 64,2 19,15 Domestic Life 100 72,25 88,76 58,73 16,88 Interactions and Personal Relationships 100 76,16 84,17 80,33 25,37 Notas: A person may have disabilities from more than one disability group. 2) A person may have several types of problems that make it difficult to use transportation. Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística