Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Leisure and free time Main activities carried out during free time by gender and age. Population aged 6 and over with a disability. Unidades: percentage Total Watch TV (or other screens or devices) Surf the Internet Use of social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) Listen to music, radio, etc. Physical exercise (walking, sports, etc.) Reading (newspapers, magazines, books, etc.) Video game Get together with friends, family Attend cultural and sporting events Travel, tourism Play Volunteering Otra actividad No realiza ninguna actividad debido a la discapacidad Does not perform any activity for a reason unrelated to the disability Total Total 100 72,24 10,05 6,43 21,06 33,34 22,58 2,04 21,16 1,59 1,7 3,65 0,46 18,79 2,68 1,07 From 6 to 44 years 100 56,06 28,15 20,48 28,8 33,44 14,17 11,73 20,6 2,85 2,78 11,09 0,92 14,73 1,3 0,42 From 45 to 64 years 100 66,2 16,16 9,4 24,53 41,86 24,56 1,53 21,05 2 2,65 1,82 0,69 19,85 1,19 0,82 From 65 to 79 years 100 75,9 6,2 4,21 18,54 36,45 26 0,53 21,42 1,64 1,58 3,22 0,45 20,79 1,82 0,97 80 or more years 100 80,22 1,46 0,54 17,42 23,45 21,12 0,08 21,25 0,71 0,59 2,69 0,12 17,69 5,21 1,63 Man Total 100 70,03 13,43 6,6 21,42 39 19,79 3,73 21,81 1,83 1,69 4,6 0,51 17,13 2,14 0,9 From 6 to 44 years 100 54,8 32,03 19,03 26,79 36,75 10,22 17,41 18,94 2,08 2,27 12,23 0,84 13,85 1,3 0,44 From 45 to 64 years 100 67,17 17 8,04 25,21 43,58 20,19 2 22,06 1,98 2,22 2,62 0,74 19,52 1,21 0,5 From 65 to 79 years 100 74,96 8,12 2,99 18,54 42,15 24,01 0,57 23,52 2,12 1,59 3,54 0,37 17,6 1,23 1,12 80 or more years 100 78,2 2,65 0,58 16,44 31,79 21,16 0,13 21,61 1,18 0,81 3,08 0,16 15,96 4,75 1,44 Woman Total 100 73,77 7,71 6,31 20,81 29,41 24,52 0,87 20,71 1,42 1,7 2,98 0,44 19,94 3,05 1,19 From 6 to 44 years 100 57,65 23,25 22,3 31,33 29,26 19,16 4,56 22,7 3,82 3,44 9,64 1,03 15,84 1,3 0,4 From 45 to 64 years 100 65,36 15,43 10,58 23,94 40,38 28,34 1,13 20,17 2,02 3,02 1,13 0,66 20,13 1,18 1,1 From 65 to 79 years 100 76,5 4,99 4,98 18,54 32,86 27,26 0,5 20,09 1,34 1,57 3,02 0,49 22,81 2,19 0,87 80 or more years 100 81,2 0,87 0,53 17,9 19,38 21,11 0,06 21,07 0,49 0,48 2,51 0,1 18,53 5,43 1,72 Notas: A person can carry out several activities frequently in their free time and for this reason they are considered main activities. Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística