Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Employment and labour force status Current professional situation by gender. Population aged 16 and over with a disability currently working. Unidades: percentage Total Public Sector Worker Employed in a Special Employment Centre Employed at a Non-profit organization Employed worker (private sector) Trabajador por cuenta propia (autónomo) sin asalariados Family Assistance Member of a cooperative or similar Entrepreneur (or self-employed worker) with employees Other type of employment Total 100 19,23 5,18 3,32 52,06 8,5 0,9 0,52 2,06 8,23 Man 100 17,52 5,72 3,47 53,62 9,3 0,31 0,3 2,32 7,43 Woman 100 20,8 4,69 3,17 50,63 7,77 1,44 0,72 1,82 8,97 Notas: Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística