Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Education, schooling and ongoing studies Availability of curricular adaptations or sufficient support for educational inclusion by gender and disability group. Population aged 16 and over with a disability that is currently undertaking some type of study or training course. Unidades: percentage Total Has received sufficient support and curricular adaptations Has received support and curricular adaptations, but not enough Has not needed support or curricular adaptations Has needed supports and/or curricular adaptations and has not received them Total Total 100 33,48 12,61 36,18 17,73 Vision 100 24,22 9,62 53,33 12,83 Hearing 100 20,64 8,16 42,43 28,77 Communication 100 56,18 14,87 14,32 14,64 Learning, knowledge application and task development 100 65,36 10,34 16,17 8,13 Mobility 100 37,32 13,57 28,16 20,95 Self-Care 100 48,42 13,31 22,13 16,14 Domestic Life 100 47,53 22,96 17,06 12,45 Interactions and Personal Relationships 100 49,14 20,15 17,85 12,86 Man Total 100 34,2 10,45 36,58 18,77 Vision 100 21,81 4,79 64,97 8,44 Hearing 100 15,92 8,46 40,07 35,55 Communication 100 59,66 11,63 6,57 22,14 Learning, knowledge application and task development 100 74,79 7,73 4,22 13,26 Mobility 100 38,14 13,73 27,16 20,97 Self-Care 100 54,37 10,22 19,73 15,68 Domestic Life 100 56,62 21,27 8,6 13,51 Interactions and Personal Relationships 100 51,93 13,39 21,44 13,24 Woman Total 100 32,66 15,09 35,72 16,53 Vision 100 26,13 13,42 44,17 16,28 Hearing 100 26,79 7,77 45,49 19,96 Communication 100 49,38 21,18 29,43 0 Learning, knowledge application and task development 100 50,42 14,48 35,1 0 Mobility 100 36,53 13,41 29,12 20,94 Self-Care 100 41,53 16,91 24,9 16,66 Domestic Life 100 38,4 24,66 25,56 11,38 Interactions and Personal Relationships 100 42,43 36,42 9,19 11,96 Notas: A person may have disabilities from more than one disability group Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística