Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Membership in NGOs and participation in elections Membership or collaboration with a disability-related NGO, by gender and disability group. Population aged 6 and over with a disability. Unidades: thousands of persons Total Yes, belongs to or collaborates with an NGO Does not belong to or collaborate with any NGO Not given Total Total 4.318,1 481,2 3.709,1 127,8 Vision 1.051,3 126,7 895,6 29 Hearing 1.230 127,8 1.067,9 34,3 Communication 947,5 135,1 790,6 21,7 Learning, knowledge application and task development 705,4 95,9 596,1 13,5 Mobility 2.403,7 255,9 2.080,9 66,9 Self-Care 1.363,5 147,9 1.176,4 39,2 Domestic Life 2.007,4 238,4 1.718 50,9 Interactions and Personal Relationships 607,7 96,7 496,9 14,1 Man Total 1.770,2 212,5 1.503 54,7 Vision 400,4 45,7 344,5 10,2 Hearing 526,1 53,3 456,8 16 Communication 408,5 70,5 328,2 9,8 Learning, knowledge application and task development 292,5 46,9 240,4 5,2 Mobility 846,9 104,3 717,6 25,1 Self-Care 499,6 66,9 422 10,7 Domestic Life 692,6 96,1 582,9 13,6 Interactions and Personal Relationships 294,2 56,8 227,7 9,7 Woman Total 2.547,8 268,6 2.206,1 73,1 Vision 650,9 81 551,1 18,8 Hearing 703,9 74,5 611,1 18,3 Communication 539 64,6 462,4 12 Learning, knowledge application and task development 412,9 48,9 355,6 8,3 Mobility 1.556,8 151,7 1.363,3 41,8 Self-Care 863,8 81 754,4 28,5 Domestic Life 1.314,8 142,4 1.135,1 37,3 Interactions and Personal Relationships 313,4 39,9 269,2 4,4 Notas: A person may have disabilities from more than one disability group * Los datos correspondientes a celdas con menos de 5 mil personas han de ser tomados con precaución, ya que pueden estar afectados de elevados errores de muestreo. Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística