Statistics on Products in the Services Sector Legal, consultancy, advertising and other services Advertising (Group 731 CNAE2009): breakdown of turnover according to services rendered and occupation sections Units: Thousand euros Total Less than 2 From 2 to 4 From 5 to 19 From 20 to 99 More than 99 years Total 17,861,062 1,359,969 1,514,393 2,882,788 4,478,005 7,625,907 Media agencies. Sale or leasing of advertising space or time services 9,958,592 359,136 269,682 900,592 2,351,305 6,077,877 Full advertising services 2,733,779 401,208 405,047 750,133 845,498 331,892 Direct marketing 1,213,480 149,286 109,289 271,713 360,295 322,897 Advertising creation and design 521,116 118,340 84,602 222,351 61,646 34,177 Other advertising services 3,007,883 282,217 596,048 651,796 756,095 721,728 Other services related to advertising 263,893 41,208 36,936 60,667 71,993 53,088 Other activities and services 162,320 8,574 12,789 25,536 31,173 84,247 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute